

Study on the Reasonable Scale of Brand Extension

【作者】 盛张付

【导师】 孙习祥;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 著名营销专家劳瑞·莱特(Larry Light)曾经指出:“未来的营销是品牌的战争—品牌互争长短的竞争,商界与投资者将认清品牌才是公司最宝贵的资产,拥有市场比拥有工厂重要得多,唯一拥有市场的途径就是具备市场优势的品牌。”随着经济全球化的到来,市场竞争越来越激烈,采用多元化经营战略成为不少企业最现实的选择。对于拥有品牌资源的企业来说,在实施多元化战略中,将品牌进行适当的延伸就可以达到很好的效果。但如果品牌过度地延伸,延伸的规模超出了可以承受的范围,可能落入品牌延伸的“陷阱”,对原品牌还会造成巨大的伤害。在实践中,品牌延伸成功或失败的案例不胜枚举,因此通过论文的研究,提炼出系统的理论来指导企业品牌延伸的实践活动,从而规避品牌延伸中的“陷阱”,具有重大的理论意义和实践意义。本文的研究是结合了生态学中诸多原理和品牌延伸相关理论进行的,是一次较新的研究尝试。一方面希望能够为企业提供品牌延伸决策的部分参考依据,另一方面希望能够为品牌延伸方面的研究提供新的视角和思路。论文应用文献法全面分析了国内外10多年来品牌延伸理论的研究现状,发现对品牌延伸的合理规模问题还很少有学者涉足,从而明确了本论文的研究方向。论文对品牌、品牌生态管理、品牌资产、品牌延伸、品牌延伸规模的内涵进行了界定。以品牌生态学和行为生态学作为理论基础,借用行为生态学的关联指数模型,来构建品牌延伸规模的关联指数模型,从中得出了品牌延伸规模的三个决定因素:品牌种群的关联性、品牌资产、品牌延伸成本。采用AHP法分析了这三个因素对品牌延伸规模的影响程度。论文结合案例,应用综合评价法的理论,建立了品牌延伸规模的评估模型,结合专家的评分,对海尔和飞利浦的品牌延伸规模进行了对比评估。从二者的对比分析中,得出海尔品牌延伸规模相对于飞利浦是不合理,并对海尔品牌延伸的规模如何调节来使其规模更加合理提出了一些对策和建议。最后论文对全文进行总结,归纳了具有创新意义的工作,并对进一步的研究提出了展望。

【Abstract】 Larry Light, a famous expert in marketing, pointed out that "The marketing in future is competition of brand—brand competition in the market share. So it is much more important to hold the market than to own the factory, but the only way to hold the market is to have the competitive and preponderant brand."With the upcoming of globalization of the world economy, the competition in market is becoming more and more fierce. Diversification strategy has been chosen by many companies as a realistic decision. As for the company which own a huge brand resource if its brand is extended to other fields, it will be much easier to get a good result than the one doesn’t own brand resource during the carrying out of diversification strategy. Meanwhile, if brand is extended excessively and the scale of brand extension is out of endurable scope, it will fall into the trap of brand extension and bring a huge damage to the original brand. The cases of success or failure in brand extension are too many to illustrate during the practice. Thus, it has significant meaning in both theory and practice to study the theory of brand extension to help enterprises avoid risk during the process of brand extension.The research in this thesis combines some principles of ecology and theory of brand extension, which is a new attempt. On the one hand, it is hoped that the research can facilitate the decision making when the company is decided to tap new product into the market using the way of brand extension. On the other hand, it is hoped that the research can provide a new vision and thought in the study of brand extension.Literature method is adopted in the thesis to analyze the development situation of brand extension based on both foreign and domestic research in the recent ten years. It is discovered that few scholar has been engaged in the study of the scale of brand extension. So I get the direction of following research. The thesis gives the clear definition of brand, brand equity, brand ecological management brand extension, and brand extension scale. The theory of brand ecology and behavior ecology are applied as the basic basis. The correlation index model of animal community from behavior ecology is adopted to make a correlation index model in brand community. Based on the study of correlation index model in brand community, it is found that three main factors affect the brand extension scale: correlation in brand community、brand equity、cost in brand extension. AHP method is used to analyze the impact extent of the three main factors for the brand extension scale. The thesis applies comprehensive evaluation to make an evaluation model of brand extension scale in a case. Then we have evaluated and compared the brand extension scale between the case of Haier and Philip via graded approach used by some experts. From the analysis of the two cases’ comparison, a result is discovered that the brand extension scale of Haier is unreasonable compared with Philip. Some countermeasures and proposals have been put forward to adjust the brand extension scale to a more reasonable extent. Finally, an overall conclusion has been made in the thesis to sum up some innovative work and bring forward prospect for further study in the future.

  • 【分类号】F273.2
  • 【被引频次】1
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