

Research of Struts Lightweight Frame and Its Implementation in Occupational Skill Authority System

【作者】 王飞

【导师】 封小钰;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着面向对象技术、Web技术的发展,软件框架技术在Web开发中得到了广泛应用。框架是预制在软件组件中的集合,可以让程序员自由使用。框架通常提供了一个好的程序模型,这对确保代码一致性,使程序员更专注于业务逻辑具有重要意义。Struts作为一个基于MVC模式的开源Web层框架,方便了代码的编写和管理;iBATIS是一个开源的对象-关系(object-to-relational)映射数据层,主要完成对JDBC的轻量级的对象封装,使得Java程序员可以随心所欲地使用面向对象的编程思维来操纵数据库。本文以职业鉴定管理系统的开发作为背景展开讨论。在对武钢职业鉴定管理OSTA(Occupational Skill Testing Authority)特点进行分析的基础上,结合武钢职业鉴定所的业务流程,设计了基于Struts和iBATIS轻量级框架的武钢职业鉴定管理系统,实现了对各类参加职业技能培训人员的有关数据快捷、高效的统计管理。本文主要研究工作如下:首先,讨论了轻量级框架及其特点,并将其与重量级框架进行比较,得出其相对于重量级框架在应用开发中的优势。在此基础上引入了两种轻量级框架Stuts框架和iBATIS框架,并对这两个框架的相关技术进行了深入的探讨,给出了一种特别适用于中小型企业的轻量级解决方案—集成开源轻量级框架Struts+iBATIS的整合框架。此轻量级解决方案基于分层的体系结构思想:在表示层使用基于MVC模式的Struts框架;在业务逻辑层采用JavaBean;数据持久层使用Java对象持久化框架iBATIS。其次,分析了武钢职业鉴定管理系统需求及其特点,使用软件工程的方法对系统进行了概要设计和详细设计。最后,应用前面给出的整合框架进行系统的开发,并以权限角色管理模块为代表,详细描述该鉴定系统的开发流程、实现过程及部署配置。在企业级Web系统开发时选用这种轻量级框架整合方案,不仅避免了传统J2EE开发的繁琐,而且可以有效地发挥各领域最优秀的技术,创建更加高效、协调的应用程序。这种轻量级框架将业务逻辑、应用程序控制和数据显示等功能模块区分开来,使得程序员可以集中精力分别开发任意模块而不用再担心耦合问题,使得整个系统的开发有条不紊、容易集成、便于维护和升级。经过试验运行,结果证明利用该方案开发的职业技能鉴定管理系统,开发快速,部署简单,各项技术性能指标均达到了设计要求。

【Abstract】 With the fast development of technologies, such as Object-Oriented, Web, software framework technology is extensively used in Web application development. Framework is collections prefabricated in software components and can be used freely by programmer. Generally, framework provide a good program model, which contribute to ensure consistency of code and then programmer can be involved in business logic. As one of the best popular open-source frameworks, Struts Framework is especially convenient to write and manage code; iBATIS is a open-source object-to-relational mapping data layer, and mainly complete encapsulation of JDBC lightweight object, which make Java programmers can use object oriented programming mothod to handle database as their wish. The thesis discussed application and research of lightweight framework with WuGang Occupational Skill Testing Athority System.The thesis analyzed the characteristic of the OSTA, and designed OSTA system based on Struts lightweight framework with combination of process of OSTA institute. This system realized fast and efficient statistical management of staff attend occupation training. The primary research work is as follows:Firstly, the lightweight framework and its characteristic were discussed with compare to heavyweight framework to got the conclusion that lightweight framework has advantages in development. Based on the frontal discussion, two lightweight framework named Struts and iBATIS were introduced, and technologies related were deeply discussed, then a lightweight solution which is especially suitable to middle-small enterprise is given-an integrated open-source lightweight framework Struts+iBATIS. This lightweight solution based on layered architecture ideological. In presentation layer, Struts framework based on MVC is used; In the business layer, JavaBean is used; In the persistent layer, Java O/R mapping tool iBATIS is used.Secondly, by analyzing the characteristic and requirement of the OSTA system, the thesis makes a high-level architecture designing and detail designing of the system with the method of software engineering.Lastly, integrated framework given in front is used to develop this system, and detailed description to the development process, the realize process, deployment and configuration is given with the privilege management module as presentative.Making use of lightweight framework to develop enterprise application based on Web can avoid complexity of traditional J2EE and build efficient and coordinate software, it can also separates function of business logic, system control logic from data render that are mostly concerned by programmer. And at last the system developed with it has characteres of loose coupling, high reusable, good explanation and extension and so on. Through running, it proves that the function of WuGang Occupational Skill Testing Authority System has reached design requirements by making use of the solution.

【关键词】 轻量级框架Struts框架iBATISMVCOSTA
【Key words】 Lightweight FrameworkStrust frameworkiBATISMVCOSTA
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】64