

Research and Realization of Hospital Information System Base on C/S Frame of Tri-tier

【作者】 陈飞

【导师】 潘运平;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息技术的不断发展和人们对医疗保健水平要求的不断提高,医院信息化建设已迫在眉睫。目前许多大中型医院的信息系统的建立已经颇具规模,业务功能也不断完善,但中小型医院的信息化进程发展缓慢。资金不足严重制约了中小型医院的信息化建设。加之中小型医院的业务灵活,经常需要根据实际情况进行调整。因此,信息系统的建立必须具有很高的可扩展性。本课题正是为了解决中小型医院在建立信息系统中存在着开发、维护成本高,需要很高的扩展性和极高的安全可靠性等问题而提出的。本医院信息系统是基于COM+组件的三层C/S模式结构体系实现的。将业务逻辑放在应用层,独立于客户端和数据库,提高代码重用性。同时为了实现应用层较强的扩展能力,创造性的将业务逻辑划分为多种企业对象,并用COM+组件进行封装。论文首先阐述了医院信息系统的相关基本概念,指出了研究的背景、研究的内容和意义。接着介绍了开发医院信息系统所需使用的语言开发环境、前台开发工具和后台开发工具。再结合医院信息系统的实际特点和要求,分析了基于三层分布式C/S结构的医院信息系统应具有的功能和设计原则,并在此基础上研究了医院信息系统的总体框架。然后在系统设计中,先介绍了系统数据库的设计,包括它的概念结构以及逻辑结构。再介绍了应用层的应用程序服务器的设计,该应用程序服务器包括三部分:模型的研究、逻辑关系划分以及环境的构建,采用组件方法,建立了多种企业对象模型。并在最后对系统的安全性能进行了研究。三层分布式C/S结构医院信息系统研究的关键是应用程序服务器的设计。论文采用了独具特色的多层分布式应用程序组件(Multi-tier Distributed ApplicationServices Suite,MIDAS)与COM+组件相结合的方法,实现了应用程序服务器的建立。因为采用MIDAS组件可以使系统在COM+应用程序开发时其复杂性大幅降低,同时其生产能力也得到了大幅度提高。最后,论文以门诊收费子系统和门诊药房子系统为实例介绍了基于COM+的三层分布式C/S结构医院信息系统的实现。本医院信息系统采用清晰的层次划分和相对独立的模块化实现方式,因此,具有良好的可扩展性,开发、维护成本低,适用性强等优点。系统在投入运行后使用效果良好,大大降低了医院工作人员的劳动强度、提高了工作效率,同时也规范了医院工作的程序。

【Abstract】 As the development of information technology and more and more requirement for medical care, hospital informationization became a matter of great urgency. Currently, in many large and medium-sized hospitals, Hospital Information Systems had been built and improved. On the other hand, small and medium-size hospitals were behindhand on this area. Lack of financing was the main cause of this kind of hospitals. In addition, business of these hospitals changed frequently. It was a necessary for them to adjust to the business, so it was a need for the high extensibility of the system.The purposes of this project were to meet the requirements of these small and medium-size hospitals. That was decreasing the development and maintaining cost and enhancing the extensibility. The HIS was functioned by using the C/S frame of tri-tier based on COM+ component. Business logic was stored separately on the application tier not Client or Database to realize code reusability. Meanwhile, in order to enhance the extensibility of the application tier, various Enterprise Objects were divided and packed with COM+ components.Firstly, in this paper, some basic concepts about HIS were expounded, as well as the background, the contents and the significance of this research. Next, the development environment, development tools of foreground and background were introduced. Considering the feature and actual requirement, the common function and design principle of this HIS were proposed, followed by the main frame of HIS.Secondly, in the part of system design, Database designs were firstly introduced, including its concept and logical structure. Secondly, the design of Application Server is explained. Three processes of this Application Server included research of module, compartmentalization of logic relation, and conformation of environment. Various Enterprise Objects were established based on method of component. And system security was discussed in the end.Application Server was the key issue of the development of HIS with tri-tier C/S frame. In this paper, a special technology, combination of MIDAS and COM+, was applied to realize Application Server. When MIDAS was used, complexity of development for the application system was reduced and efficiency was improved. The realization of components using MIDAS and COM+ was explained in detail in the paper. Finally, the realization of HIS with the C/S frame of tri-tier based on COM+ component was introduced in instance of Clinic charge subsystem and Clinic dispensary subsystem.Clear levels and independence modularization made HIS easy to extend, maintenance and applicability.This system was in stable operation and good function, which made the efficiency greatly raised and the intensity of labor decreased, at the same time standardized the process of hospital work.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】12
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