

Russian Higher Teacher Education Reforms in the Transformation Period and Its Implications for China

【作者】 吕文胜

【导师】 孙启林;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 俄罗斯联邦是前苏联最大的一个加盟共和国,同时也是一个高等教育最发达、科技实力最强的加盟共和国。俄罗斯的高等教育是世界上最具实力的高等教育体系之一。它已有百年的历史,具有良好的传统和极高的国际声誉。重视发展师范教育是俄罗斯发展国民教育的传统,培养造就一支个性品德优秀、职业思想牢固、基础知识扎实、专业技能高超的教师队伍一直是俄罗斯高等师范教育所追求的目标。顺应世界教育的总体发展趋势,俄罗斯高等师范教育也在朝着更高级的水平发展。虽然俄罗斯的政治、经济一直处于变革和起伏的状态,但其教育的改革和发展始终是围绕确定的思想和目标在进行,并且经过一些年来的探索,其发展的态势已初现轮廓,而其高等师范教育改革与发展更是呈现出鲜明的特征。我国的教育体系受苏联的影响很深,通过研究俄罗斯高等师范教育改革的特色与成就,对我国进行的高等师范教育改革应当具有较深刻的启示和借鉴意义。论文主要分为五个部分:第一部分苏联时期高等师范教育的概况。这部分从高等师范教育的体制与结构、高等师范教育课程设置、高等师范院校师资队伍的建构与管理等三个方面对苏联时期的高等师范教育状况进行了介绍。第二部分转型期俄罗斯高等师范教育的现状。这部分从转型期俄罗斯高等师范教育体系与结构、课程设置及转型期俄罗斯高等师范院校业务进修与再培训体系等三个方面阐述了俄罗斯高等师范教育的现状。第三部分转型期俄罗斯高等师范教育的改革。这部分从转型期俄罗斯高等师范教育改革的指导思想、政策上的保障体系和转型期俄罗斯高等师范教育改革的主要内容等三个方面对转型期俄罗斯高等师范教育的改革进行了论述。第四部分转型期俄罗斯高等师范教育改革的特色与问题。这部分在对转型期俄罗斯高等师范教育改革存在问题原因分析的基础上阐述了转型期俄罗斯高等师范教育改革的特色。第五部分思考与启示。这部分在对我国高等师范教育改革存在问题原因分析的基础上对我国高等师范教育改革提出建议。

【Abstract】 Russia is not only the largest union republic of the former Soviet but also the most developed union republics in higher education, science and technology. Being with 100 years history,Russian higher education ,is one of the most powerful higher education systems in the world, and has a good tradition and a high international reputation. It is the tradition for Russia to develop teacher education which is the crucial for the development of national education. It is the goal of the Russian higher teacher education to form a team which has an excellent character and professional thinking, solid foundation of knowledge and skills. With the development of education, Russian higher teacher education is also forward to the more advanced development in the process.Although Russian politics and economy is changing in a state of ups and downs, its educational reform and development make progress always toward the ideas and objectives. By studying the characteristics and achievements of Russian higher teacher education, it has profound implications the reform of higher teacher education in China because higher teacher education in China is greatly impacted by Soviet Union.The thesis mainly consists of four chapters.Chapter One“Background of higher teacher education in the period of Soviet Union”, reviews three aspects relating to the structure and system of higher teacher education, the curriculum of higher teacher education, and faculty construction and management of universities.Chapter Two“Background of Russian higher teacher education in the period of transformation”, reviews three aspects relating to the structure and system of higher teacher education, the curriculum of higher teacher education, and vocational studies and teacher development activities of universities.Chapter Three“Reform of Russian higher teacher education in the period of transformation”, states the guiding ideology, policy secure system and contents of the higher teacher education in the period of transformation.Chapter Four“Features and problems of Russian higher teacher education in the period of transformation”, states the characteristics of the reform Russian higher teacher education based on the analysis of the problemsChapter Five“Conclusion and suggestions”, it raises some suggestions for the reform and development on the basis to the analysis of the problems of higher teacher education in China.

  • 【分类号】G659.512
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】444