

Development & Practical Research on History Discipline School-based Curriculum in High School

【作者】 于海菲

【导师】 王德忠;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 普通高中教育在整个国民教育体制中有着独特的地位和价值。对高中教育阶段的课程设置进行大范围的调整和改革成为各国面临的一个共同的课题。2001年,我国启动了最新一轮的基础教育课程改革方案。在颁布的《国务院关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》中明确规定实行国家、地方、学校三级课程管理。对于校本课程的开发研究,国外一些经济发达国家开展较早,并已经取得了丰硕的成果。我国的校本课程开发研究工作开展的较晚,目前,我国校本课程的开发和实施尽管已引起各方面的重视,但大多为教育专家进行的理论研究,实践上真正开发实施的,只局限于一些设施较好、师资力量较强的小学和高中示范校。本文试图从一线教师的视角,结合工作中的实际,对高中阶段历史学科校本课程资源的开发及实施做理论上的探讨,切实解决本校历史学科校本课程资源开发与实施中出现的难题,并发挥高中示范校的辐射功能,为本地区其它学校教师进行校本课程开发提供一些有益的借鉴和启示。本文主要由以下几部分组成:一、课程改革的新理念,引发课程管理体制的重大变化。具体阐述我国于20世纪90年代初期开始的素质教育改革的探索,是以课程改革为切入点的。新课程改革明确了课程开发的三个层次:国家、地方和学校。并明晰了校本课程开发的涵义及特点。二、高中阶段校本课程资源开发的理论依据与目的价值本文认为:校本课程资源开发的主要理论依据为建构主义哲学观,包括建构主义建构主义学习观、教师观、课程观。校本课程的开发与实施可以促进学生的个性成长,培养学生形成终身学习的能力。促进教师的专业发展以及学校特色的形成。是实施素质教育的有效途径。三、历史学科校本课程资源开发及实施中需注意处理好的问题在校本课程资源的开发与实施过程中,因重构了课程内容,进而带动课程学习方式及课程评价体系等方面的巨大变化。因此需要谨慎处理好如下关系:师生关系、文本与现实的关系、知识与能力的关系、有意义的接受学习与自主、合作、探究的学习方式的关系。以确保校本课程资源的开发与实施取得良好的效果。四、丹东二中的实践通过教学一线的实践及探索,来解读校本课程开发的一般程序。尤其是有关校本课程实施评价的探索至关重要。并对校本课程资源开发与实施过程中发现的问题进行反思,提出了些应对之策,以期对本校下一阶段的工作及其它学校校本课程资源的开发与实施有所帮助。本论文采用理论和实证相结合的方式,主要包括文献检索和个案研究两个部分.才能所限,不足之处,敬请指正。

【Abstract】 The ordinary high school educates in the entire compulsory education system has the unique status and the value. Educates the stage to the high school the curriculum to carry on the wide range the adjustment and reforms a common topic which into the various countries face. in 2001, our country started the newest turn elementary education curriculum to reform the plan.”The State Council Reforms Decision in the promulgation about Elementary education which and Develops”to stipulate explicitly implements national, the place, the school three levels of curricula manages. Regarding the development research of school-based curriculum, the overseas some economical developed country development early, and has already yielded the substantial result. our country’s research work about the development school-based curriculum develop late, at present, our country school-based curriculum development and implementation although has brought to various aspects attention, but mostly for educates the fundamental research which the expert carries on, in the practice the true development and implementation, only limits to some facilities is good, the teachers strength strong elementary school and the high school demonstration school, This article attempts from a teacher’s angle of view, in the union work reality, makes the theoretically discussion to the high school stage history discipline school-based curriculum resources development and the implementation, practically solves the difficult problem which in this school history discipline school-based curriculum resources development and the implementation appears, and displays the high school demonstration school the radiation function, carries on the school-based curriculum for this local other school teacher to develop provides some beneficial models and the enlightenment.This article mainly is composed by following several parts:First, the curriculum reforms new idea, initiation curriculum management system tremendous change, Elaborated specifically our country education for all-around development reform exploration which starts in 1990s initial period, is reforms take the curriculum as the breakthrough point. The new curriculum reformed has been clear abort three levels which the curriculum developed: Country, place and school. And defined the development of school-based curriculum’s implication and characteristic.Second, the high school stage school-based curriculum resources development theory basis、goal and the value . this article thought that, The school-based curriculum resources development main theory basis for the construction principle philosophy view, discusses, the construction principle study view, the teacher including the construction principle cognition observes, the curriculum view.school-based curriculum development and the implementation may promote student’s individuality growth, trains the student to form the lifelong study ability. Promotes teacher’s career development as well as the school characteristic formation. Is implements the education for all-around development the effective way.Third, In the historical discipline school-based curriculum resources development and the implementation must pay attention to the question which processes in school-based curriculum resources development and implementation process, because has restructured the curriculum content, then the impetus curriculum studies the way and the curriculum appraises aspect and so on system huge changes. Therefore needs to deal with the good following relations discretely: The teacher and student relations, the text and the reality relations, the knowledge and ability relations, have the significance to accept the study and independent, the cooperation, the inquisition study way relations. Guarantees the collated and corrected copy curriculum resources the development and the implementation obtains the good effect.Fourth, the practices of the second senior middle school in Dandong.Through a teaching practice and the exploration, unscramble the general procedure which the school-based curriculum develops. The related school-based curriculum implements the appraisal the exploration to be very important in particular. And the question which discovered to in the school-based curriculum resources development and the implementation process carries on reconsidering, proposed should to it plan, has the help by the time to this school next stage work and other school school-based curriculum resources development and the implementation.Both theoretical method and empirical method are adopted in this study which mainly embraced two parts: literature review and case study. Can limit, the deficiency, asks respectfully to point out mistakes.

【关键词】 校本课程价值问题对策
【Key words】 school-based curriculumvalueproblemcountermeasure
  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】482