

An Investigation of Non-English Majors’ Out-of-Class Reading

【作者】 石丽坤

【导师】 王启燕;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文旨在研究非英语专业学生是否经常进行大量课外阅读,课外阅读尤为重要,而这一点似乎在某些环境中,受到某种程度上的忽视,相对而言,阅读策略和策略的培训,以及与阅读相关的其它话题和活动等受到重视,并有许多这方面的讨论与探讨。然而,如果没有大量阅读,就没有阅读策略的运用与发展的可能性,因此,首要提出的问题应是学习者们是否在大量阅读,而影响大量自主阅读的因素是什么。本论文试图发现问题的答案,并希望能够警示语言教师及研究者们,大量阅读这一似乎陈旧的话题在被摒弃,或者说,大量阅读是学生课外阅读中的一个缺省现象。论文首先综述阅读的本质,由此引申出为什么课外阅读尤为必要,第一点是界定关于阅读和阅读理解的概念等,其意图是全面地、总结式地概述阅读的本质,然后,论文则继续探讨课外学习在阅读提高中的作用,文献综述的第三点是关于影响课外阅读诸多因素的研究。文献综述之后,论文则探讨关键的问题,那就是对学习者课外阅读的调查,研究对象是东北师范大学的非英语专业学生和教师,调查问题如下: -非英语专业学生的课外阅读是多少? -他们如何进行课外阅读? -阻碍课外阅读的原因是什么? -教师如何促进学习者的课外阅读?调查工具是问卷与访谈,研究的性质是观察而非实验,问卷数据得以收集,整理,分析,并运用Excel技术,以统计数字方式陈述问卷数据结果,而对访谈数据则运用描述性语言进行陈述。调查结果令本文作者吃惊,虽然事先认为东北师范大学非英语专业的学生们课外阅读不多,但他们的阅读量如此之少(164人中72%的学生每周平均阅读时间为半小时)却是始料不及的。其它数据的结果旨在为教师和研究学者们提供信息,使他们对非英语专业学生的课外阅读以及为何阅读少等有一个总的了解。讨论部分研究的是学生课外阅读行为弱的原因,对此既从学生角度,也从教师角度,由主观到客观地进行讨论,由此,提出解决问题的原则与措施,其宗旨是教师应平衡两者之间的关系,那就是既让学生自主学习,又同时实行教师权威以确保学生进行课外阅读。本论文的结论是非英语专业的学生们没有进行大量课外阅读,他们最需要的是经常阅读,大量阅读,没有这一点为基础,阅读策略与培训也失去了发挥的空间,成为纸上谈兵。学生们能够坚持大量自主阅读应该是英语阅读教学与学习的根本目标,但在向这个目标努力的过程中,教师应行使他们的权威去约束学生,督促学生,使他们能够令人满意地进行大量课外阅读。

【Abstract】 The paper aims to study whether non-native English learners are doing regular and massive reading out of class, which is important but seems to be neglected to some degree in some contexts. What is emphasized and discussed a lot is reading strategies, training of such strategies, other topics and activities related to reading. There is, however, no possibility of reading strategy development if reading a lot is not conducted. Therefore, the first questions that should be addressed are whether learners are doing a lot of reading and what affects their autonomous reading in large amounts. The paper tries to find answers to the questions and hopes to alert language teachers and researchers that massive reading seems to be an old notion but is actually discarded or a missing component in learners’out-of-class reading improvement.What is presented first is a literature review on the nature of reading which leads to why out-of-class reading is of great necessity. First, reading definition and reading comprehension are addressed with an attempt to cover and summarize comprehensively the nature of reading. Then, the paper goes on to talk about the roles of out-of-class reading in reading development. The third in the literature review is about what affects learners’out-of-class reading.After literature review, the paper moves to its focal point, i.e. investigation of learners’out-of-class reading. The research subjects are non-English majors and teachers in the context of Northeast Normal University, concerning the following questions: - How much do non-English major students read after class? - How do they deal with their out-of-class reading? - What prohibits their out-of-class reading? - What can teachers do to facilitate learners’out-of-class reading?Investigative tools are questionnaire and interview since the nature of the research is observation instead of experiment. Questionnaire data were collected to be sorted, analyzed and presented in statistical figures using Excel technique. Interview data are presented in descriptive words.The result of the investigation is surprising to the author of the paper. Although it was thought that non-English majors at Northeast Normal University did not do much reading after class, it is out of expectation that non-English majors do so little reading (72% of the total 164 only read half an hour every week). The other data results tell us other aspects of out-of-class reading for teachers and researchers to have a general look at non-English majors’out-of class reading performance and why they read so little.Discussion is conducted to study the reasons for learners’poor performance in out-of-class reading, which are both subjective and objective from learners’perspective and also from teachers’perspective. Some principles and measures are suggested to help with students’out-of-class reading, of which the key sense is teachers need to make a balance between leaving students’to do autonomous reading and executing authoritative role to make sure that students do reading after class.It is concluded that non-English majors do not do much reading after class and that what they need most is to read regularly and in large amounts. Reading strategies and training of such strategies are important, but they may not be well developed if students do not conduct large massive of reading in a regular manner. In other words, it is an ultimate goal in English teaching and learning of reading that learners are enabled to do autonomous reading consistently, but in the process of their reaching the goal, teachers should exercise their authoritative power to discipline, supervise and encourage students to perform satisfactorily in their out-of-class reading.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】2
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