

Senior Physics "Feelings, Attitudes and Values" Academic Evaluation Index System Construct a Preliminary Study

【作者】 吴士蕾

【导师】 于海波;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,“情感、态度与价值观”维度的学业评价已成为教育研究的重点与难点,虽然在理论与实践方面已取得一些成果,但是存在的问题仍很突出,特别是高中物理学科,至今尚未有科学、可操作的学业评价体系,广大高中物理教师对“情感、态度与价值观”的理解只停留在笼统、模糊的认识上,评价更是无据可依。基于高中物理“情感、态度与价值观”维度学业评价的重要性与困难,笔者试图在理论分析与实践探索的基础上,为高中物理教师建构一个有具有一定指导意义、针对性强、可操作的“情感、态度与价值观”学业评价指标体系。本文在文献研究与实践探索的基础上,对高中物理教师进行了有一定针对性的学业评价现状问卷调查,通过调查可以确信,“情感、态度与价值观”学业评价指标体系研究的缺失是制约评价落实的重要因素。鉴于评价中存在的实际问题,笔者从学业评价的理论分析,情感、态度、价值观发展层级界定,评价指标体系的建构及运用几个方面进行了系统的研究与说明,并在研究中竭力追求理论分析的典型性与透彻性,层级界定的科学性与合理性,评价指标的针对性、指导性与可操作性,指标运用说明的简约性与代表性,以便于高中物理教师对评价指标的理解与运用,期望此研究能对高中物理“情感、态度与价值观”学业评价的落实起到一定的促进作用。

【Abstract】 In recent years, "feelings, attitudes and values" dimension of the academic evaluation of education has become the focus of and difficulties the study, although in theory and practice have achieved some results, but the problems are still outstanding, especially the high school physical science, so far there is no scientific, operational, academic evaluation system, the majority of high school physics teachers on "feelings, attitudes and values" of understanding only stay in general and vague understanding, the evaluation is has no basis. Based on high school physics "feelings, attitudes and values" dimension of academic evaluation of the importance and difficulty, the author tried to explore practical and theoretical analysis on the basis so that a high school physics teachers have a significant, targeted, actionable "Feelings, attitudes and values" academic evaluation index system.Based on the study and practice of literature on the basis of high school physics teachers were targeted to a certain extent academic evaluation of the status quo survey, through surveys it is sure that, "emotions, attitudes and values" academic evaluation index system of evaluation of the constraints is missing the implementation of the important factors. Given the actual problems of the evaluation, the author carried out a systematic study and description by academic evaluation of the theoretical analysis, feelings, attitudes, values defined level of development, the establishment of evaluation index systerm and use. and tried to pursue research in the theory and a thorough analysis of the typical, to define the level of science and rationality, the evaluation of specific targets, guidance and operational, indicators that the use of simple and representative, so in high school physics teacher can understand and use of the evaluation indicators, it hopes that high school physics "feelings, attitudes and values" academic evaluation of the implementation play a facilitating role.

  • 【分类号】G633.7
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】504