

Police Community Relations in the New Era

【作者】 董万存

【导师】 刘彤;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 政治学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以马克思主义历史唯物主义和辩证唯物主义为基础,以政治学、公共关系学、管理学、公安学原理和近年来中央关于科学发展、社会和谐、关注民生等一系列重大理论成果为指导,结合新中国50年警民关系发展实践,首先对警民关系结构进行探讨和分析,包括属性分析、要素分析、定位分析、功能分析等,力求对警民关系本身有个全面清楚的了解和把握。其次对我国警民关系发展历程进行回顾,大体按照“新中国成立前后——改革开放时期——当前”的顺序,力争对各个时期警民关系作出客观准确的描述和评价。第三是对当前影响警民关系的因素进行深层次分析,包括从宏观上的分析、从警民关系主体上分析、从警民关系客体的分析,力求找准影响警民关系的症结。第四尝试提出建设新时期警民关系的途径和措施,认为作为警民关系主体的公安机关,应首先实现指导思想重大转变,树立一些全新的思想原则,如以人为本思想、警民关系如何“在警不在民”思想、警民关系好最大受益者是公安的思想等等;其次应全方施策,调动和激活一切积极因素,建立健全长效机制,强化包括政府公关、事件公关、品牌公关、媒体公关、危机公关等系列公关活动,实现警民良性互动,真正走出一条新时期警民关系建设之路。

【Abstract】 On the basis of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, guided by the science of police, public relations, management, public security and a series of important theoretical results of the scientific development, social harmony, and the people’s livelihood under the central tenets in recent years, in light of the development of the Police Community Relations of the new China over the past 50 years, this aritcle analyzes the structure of public relations first. The relation includes analysis of attributtion, factor , positioning, function, the public relations itself,which is to have a clear understanding and comprehensive grasp.Then the aritcle reviewed the development of China’s public relations, which generally in accordance with the new China’s foundation - reform and opening up - the current sequence, striving for various periods there is a public relations objective accurate description and evaluation.Third, the aritle discussed factors of affecting the current public relations in-depth , which included macroeconomic analysis, analysis from the main subject to the object of public relations, to point out the critical factor of affecting police community relations.Fourth,it tries to propose police community relations inthenew period to thin that the public security office should be the first major to change to achieve the guiding ideology, and establish some new ideological principles, such as people-oriented ideology, idea of good relations between the people and public security gets "in the police but not in the people". Secondly, we should develop strategy to mobilize all positive factors and activation, establish and improve long-term mechanism, strengthen the government public relations, public relations events, brand public relations, media relations, crisis public relations campaign series, to realize benign interaction between the police and the public, and construct a new way of buiding a new police community relations.

  • 【分类号】D631.1
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】854