

Development and City Image of Hangzhou in the Period of the Republic of China (1912~1937)

【作者】 马珊珊

【导师】 刘景岚;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 每个城市的物质和精神文化积淀都经历了一个复杂的过程,对这一过程的研究有助于复原城市记忆的完整性,塑造具有特色历史内涵的城市意象,并对现今城市的发展提供参考和借鉴。就杭州而言,作为中国的六大古都之一,由古到今的变化可谓历经沧海桑田。尤其在民国时期,杭州城市建设和旅游服务业快速发展,在上海具有强大吸附力、杭州对周边腹地经济资源聚集能力减弱的情况下,明确自身在长江三角洲城市体系中的定位,利用自身风景优美、休闲舒适的环境和深厚的历史文化底蕴等优势,提升了城市旅游职能,并使城市布局和功能分区更趋合理,形成了别具一格的城市意象,一定程度上奠定了其“天堂”魅力的基础。对民国时期杭州城市的发展,目前鲜有深入的、城市史专业领域的探讨,更乏不俗之论著问世,多为介绍性的通俗读物,且注重的是历史文化的回味。因此,笔者通过进一步挖掘史料,尤其是档案、地方志资料,并运用相应的城市规划与建设理论分析,探讨民国时期杭州城市发展与其休闲、旅游功能的构建。笔者认为,民国时期是其城市意象在传统基础上融合现代因素进一步构建的重要时期,正是这一时期城市的规划与建设的实施及服务行业的发展奠定了杭州城市性格和旅游功能的初步基础。本文所探讨的内容及所得出的启示、结论可为今天杭州城市的发展挖掘更多的历史记忆,提供市政建设的参考与借鉴。本文选择的视角和研究方法对研究中国近代城市变迁亦有一定参考价值。

【Abstract】 Every city has gone through a complicated process of material and spiritual accumulation. Research on this process helps to restore the integrity of city memory and shape the city image with special historical meaning, and also can make reference for present city development. As for Hangzhou, one of the six ancient capitals of China, she has experienced tremendous changes down the ages. Especially during the republican period, the city construction and tourism service had been growing rapidly. At that time, Shanghai had strong absorption while the backland around Hangzhou became less capable of absorbing economic resources, however, Hangzhou made good use of the advantages of herself and made clear her position among the city system of Chang Chiang Delta. With beautiful scenery, comfortable environment and profound cultural deposits, Hangzhou improved her tourism function, and made the city layout and function distribution more reasonable. Her unique city image had taken form and laid a foundation for the charm of heaven to some extent.There is only a few intensive study of Hangzhou city development in the republican period from the field of city history, let alone the lack of prominent works. Most of them are introductory popular readings which lay emphasis on the aftertaste of history and culture. Thus the author investigates into the development of Hangzhou city and the construction of tourism function through further survey on historical material, especially files and chorography, and through relevant theoretical analysis of city planning and construction. The author thinks the republican period is an important period of further construction of Hangzhou city image with modern elements on traditional basis. It was at that time the implement of city planning and construction and the development of service industry laid a primary foundation for city character and tourism function. What this thesis discusses and what it reveals and concludes can dig out more historical memory for present development of Hangzhou, and make reference for municipal construction. The perspective and research method of this thesis also have a certain reference value for research on city change of modern China.

  • 【分类号】K262.9;F299.29
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】397