

Research on the Model of Historical Neighborhoods Preservation Against the Background of Urbanization of China

【作者】 姜成学

【导师】 孙力楠;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 考古及博物馆学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国的城市化进程加快。然而,城市化推进对历史建筑及历史性城市的破坏也是空前的。在城市化进程的新形势下,原有保护模式越来越难以适应当前实践发展的需要,只有寻求新的保护理念才能更有效地保护历史街区。本论文分为七章。第一章探究了城市化是现阶段我国历史发展的必然趋势。第二章全方位阐述城市化进程中历史街区保护利用存在的误区。第三章分析现阶段在我国历史街区被破坏的人为因素、制度因素以及其它方面的因素。在第四章中追溯了国际及国内历史街区保护理念的演变历程。依据比较完善的历史街区理论和丰富的实践,提出并诠释如何保护历史街区以及将来保护走势。在第五章中提出城市化与历史街区保护就是如何处理好保护与发展的关系,论文着重论述了保护、利用、发展的关系。指出城市化与历史街区的保护是不矛盾,而是和谐统一,相互促进的。在第六章中提出历史街区保护应遵循的原则。论文最后一章针对历史街区保护模式中法律法规、资金保障、产权关系的确定等方面提出一系列中肯的意见和建议。特别对历史中人为因素进行全面分析,并对其中的消极影响提出相应的解决措施以及如何建立科学合理的决策体制和保护机构,论文也有相应的涉及。

【Abstract】 Since China adopted the policy of reform at home and opening up to the outside world, the pace of urbanization has simultaneously accelerated. However, the detrimental effects of urbanization to historical buildings and ancient cities have also been unprecedented. Thus, under current circumstances of ever accelerating pace of urbanization, the old model for the protection of historical neighborhoods has failed the practical needs. Therefore, the effective preservation of historical neighborhoods could only be possible by seeking new ideals.This thesis is composed of seven chapters. Chapter One argues that the process of urbanization is the inevitable trend of current developments and progress.Chapter Two explicated the shortcomings of current neighborhood protective measures against the background of rapid urbanization from different angles.Chapter Three analyzes the factors leading to the destroying of historical neighborhoods, those including human factors, system factors and etc.Chapter Four looks back at the evolution of the models for neighborhood protection both home and abroad. In accordance with relatively round theory of neighborhood protection and colorful practice, it states and explains the direction at which the preservation of historical neighborhoods pointsChapter Five points out that dealing with neighborhood protection against the background of rapid urbanization in fact is taking the balance between preservation and developments. It goes great length at explaining the relationship of protection, exploiting as well as development. It concludes that the three should exist in harmony and mutually elevating.Chapter Six states some principles the practice of historical neighborhood preservation should adhere to.The last chapter offers a series of well-thought advice and opinions on the source of legal protection and guaranteed capital flow in the historical neighborhood protection model. It analyzes the human factors during the practice of neighborhood protection with great emphasis, at the same time it offers corresponding solutions for its negative effects. Besides that the thesis also discusses tentatively about building a sound decision-making system and institution of protection.

  • 【分类号】K872;F299.2
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】634