

Junior High School Geography Teaching Students the Main Highlight of the Practice

【作者】 苏诗卉

【导师】 娄晓黎;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在新的社会文化背景及世界性教育改革浪潮中,积极开展主体性教学,培养学生主体意识,为社会培养既具有相应的知识技能,又具有开拓进取的创新精神、实践能力,同时还具有竞争与合作精神的人才已成为我国基础教育当前紧迫的、根本的任务之一。所以加强对学生主体性的培养,培养学生的探究能力和创新精神,从而达到对学生情感、态度、价值观的最终培养。以此为目标的主体性教学的研究与实践研究是一项具有深远意义的重要工作。本文以当代教育理论—建构主义学习理论,奥苏伯尔的意义学习理论等教育学、心理学理论及人本主义的哲学理论为指导,根据初中生的认知特点,倡导主体教育理念,探究初中地理课堂教与学过程,实现主体性教学的一些具体措施及方法。本论文共分为四个部分:引言部分阐述了课题研究的背景、目的;第一章阐述了地理课堂实现以学生为主体的必要性和可行性;第二章阐述了主体性的概念、特征及与研究主体性相关的教育学、心理学理论;第三章论述了初中地理课堂主体性教学实践研究的目的、原则、策略及保证主体性教学策略实现所坚持的原则;第四章阐述了根据主体性教学措施和方法,在初二年级地理教学中实施主体性教学的实践,并对实践后的效果进行了测评,进行分析,得出结论。

【Abstract】 In the modern cultural background and world—wide education reform trend it is very important for China’s elementary education to develop the independent teaching and develop student’s independent consciousness in order to develop the talented persons who have science knowledge, creative consciousness, practical ability and competitive and cooperation spirit. That is the basic and urgent task in our country at present. In terms of developing student’s affection, attitude and value, the teaching and practice study based on the independent teaching is the important work with profound significance .The essay is based on the modern education theories--the constructivism learning theories, The Psychology of Meaningful Verbal Learning, psychology theories and the philosophy theory concerning humanism. According to the middle school student’s cognitive features, the essay promotes independent teaching studies the teaching and learning process of the geography class in the middle school and realizes some specific measures and methods of the independent teaching.The essay is made up of four parts. In troduction expounds the background and the aim of the subject. In the first chapter, it expounds the necessary and feasibility that students should play a leading role in the geography class. In the second chapter, it expounds the definition and features of the independent teaching and the pedagogy and psychology theories concerning the subject. In the second chapter, It explain the aim, the principle, The strategy of the independent teaching in the geography class of middle school. It also expounds the principle which people should stick to if they want to carry out the independent teaching in class. In the third chapter , according to the independent teaching measures and methods, the geography class should carry out the independent teaching and it is necessary to test the result of independent teaching to analyse the result and at last to come to a conclusion.

  • 【分类号】G633.55
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】431