

A Test on Motor Development of Children’s School Readiness

【作者】 赵晓杰

【导师】 盖笑松;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 为适应我国儿童入学准备研究的需要,对儿童入学准备运动技能发展量表进行编制。通过儿童有关运动技能发展状况的大量调查和访谈及参考国内外同类的和相关的量表的项目等方式编写测验的维度和项目。在长春市两所幼儿园中选取5~6岁学前儿童127名,采用个别测试的方法进行测量。结果表明:1.量表包括大运动技能、精细运动技能、感觉运动技能、口语运动技能五个维度,共12个项目,采用记数和记时的3点记分,适用于我国5~6岁学龄前儿童的入学准备的运动技能发展水平测评。2.量表具有理想的区分度、较好的信效度,结构比较稳定,说明儿童入学准备运动技能发展量表具有令人满意的心理测量学特征,是一种较实用的测量儿童入学准备运动技能发展水平的工具。3.年龄和性别因素均对儿童的运动技能发展水平有影响。儿童运动技能发展存在明显的年龄发展趋势,随着儿童年龄的增长,其运动能力增强,出现了年龄作用的成熟效应。女童的运动技能发展成绩明显的好于男童。说明儿童运动技能发展存在明显的年龄作用的成熟效应和性别效应。4.根据两个年龄阶段,不同性别组,量表划分为优秀、良好、正常、不足、落后五等级评定标准,测验结果的等级划分标准及测验分数对未来学校适应状况的预测能力还需要得到进一步的检验。

【Abstract】 The objective of this study is to produce a Test on Motor Skills of Children’s School Readiness for study of Children’s School Readiness in China. Through plentiful investigation and interviews of and references of the test dimensions and items according to the same and similar norms at home and abroad, 127 children aged from 5 to 6 in two kindergartens of Changchun are tested individually.The Results demonstrate: 1.The test is made up gross motor skills, fine motor skills, sensorimotor skills, oral motor skills, functional performance. It includes 12 items, adopts 3 point score for the test, and applies to measure the development of children’s motor skill, children aged from 5 to 6 of School Readiness in China.2. The test’s reliability, validity and discriminate ability are acceptable, and can be used to measure readiness of motor development in Chinese children. 3. Along with the increase of age, the motor skills of Children’s grew continually, the motor skills of the girls knock spots off the boy’s, maturation effect and sex effect exist in the Motor development of Children’s.4. According to two ages, sex of the children, the test is divided into five degrees, excellent, fine, normal, deficiency, and fall behind. The predictive ability of five degrees is examined for school adjustment in the future.

【关键词】 入学准备运动技能信度效度
【Key words】 school readinessmotor skillsreliabilityvalidity
  • 【分类号】G623.8
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】665