

Elementary Students of BaiChengWalk, Run, Jump, Throw Capacity for Present Situation and Improve Research

【作者】 韩子鹏

【导师】 宫本庄;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 走、跑、跳、投是人体最基本的活动能力,同时也是各项运动的基础。在远古时代人类对生存的需要迫使他们逐渐形成了对走、跑、跳、投等基本的生活能力,随着时代的发展,这些最基本的生活技能逐渐的演变成现如今竞技体育运动的基础,提高生产劳动能力的首要条件,同时这些基本运动技能的学习也被列入了小学体育课的重要组成部分,本文主要以《国家学生体制健康标准》解读为基础,访问了东北师范大学体育学院、吉林体院、长春市部分高校的专家、学者,对论文的框架、研究思路、研究方法等问题向他们进行咨询,认真听取建议。根据《国家学生体制健康标准》和各位专家的意见制定出了测量小学生走、跑、跳、投运动能力掌握情况的评价标准,在白城市10所小学一年级、三年级、六年级的各个年级随机抽取20学名学生,为了能更好的体现小学生走、跑、跳、投运动能力掌握情况,本次调查从学生的运动技能和运动成绩两个方面进行分组、分级别的测评,得出相关数据利用EXCEL2003软件包进行数据统计处理,客观、有效的反映了各个年级的学生走、跑、跳、投运动能力的掌握情况,对一年级、三年级、六年级学生走、跑、跳、投的掌握情况进行对比分析,从中发现问题给出相关意见和结论,为今后学校体育教学的改革添砖加瓦。从本次调查的结果来看,一年级、三年级、六年级学生走、跑、跳、投掌握的情况各个年级学生之间运动能力水平并没有随着年级的提高而提高,优秀和良好数量比例所占较少,说明我们走、跑、跳、投的教学并没有系统化、科学化,缺乏对高尖技术人才的培养,从学生走、跑、跳、投基本运动能力横向对比来看,学生跑的运动能力掌握情况较好,走次之,跳和投相对较差。总体评价不是令人很满意。从微观上讲,本次调查是反映目前小学生走、跑、跳、投基本运动能力的掌握情况;从宏观上而言,反应的是整个社会群体对青少年健康的关注程度。认真贯彻《新课程标准》的指导思想,真正转变教学观念,尊重学生身心发展特点和成长规律,使学生养成坚持锻炼身体的终身思想,体现以人为本的人文理念,以学生的身心健康均衡发展为中心,全面推进素质教育。

【Abstract】 Walk, run, jump, is for the most basic human activity, but also the basis of the movement. In ancient times mankind’s survival needs of forcing them to gradually take on the form, run, jump, cast, and other basic life skills, along with the development of the times, these basic life skills gradually evolved intoacompetitive sport is now the basis for Increase production capacity of the primary labor conditions,These basic sports skills of learning were also included in the primary school physical education an important part of In this paper, "national student system and health standards," interpreted as foundation, visited the Northeast Normal University Sports Institute, the Institute of Jilin, Changchun City College of experts, academics, in the framework of the papers, research ideas, methods and other issues to them Advisory, seriously listen to recommendations. According to "national student system and health standards" and that the views of experts to develop primary and secondary school students take the measurement, run, jump, ability to control movement of the evaluation criteria, in the White City 10 first grade of primary school, third grade and sixth grade in all grades 20 students randomly selected scientific name, in order to better reflect the primary and secondary school students walk, run, jump, ability to control movement, the survey of students from the campaign skills and performance aspects of the two groups, the level of assessment, that EXCEL2003 use of the data packages for statistical data processing, objective, effective reflects the various grades of students walk, run, jump, the ability to control movement, the first grade, third grade and sixth grade students walk, run, jump, To grasp the situation comparative analysis, which found that the problem is related observations and conclusions for the future school physical education contribute to the reform. From the results of this survey, the first grade, third grade and sixth grade students walk, run, jump, to grasp the situation between the various grade students and the level of athletic ability did not improve as the grade increased, the number of outstanding and good Ratio of less that we walk, run, jump, for the teaching and not systematic, scientific, and the lack of high-sharp technical personnel training, students take, running, jumping, cross-cutting exercise capacity for basic comparison of , The students ability to run the campaign better grasp the situation and take the second, and jumped to relatively poor. Overall rating is not very satisfactory.From the micro perspective, the survey reflects the current primary school students walk, run, jump, for the ability to master the basic movements; From a macro point of view, the reaction of the whole community groups concerned about the health of young people. Conscientiously implement "the new curriculum standards," the guiding ideology, the concept of real change in teaching, respect for the students physical and mental development and growth characteristics of the law so that students develop a lifelong physical activity persist thinking of the people

【关键词】 重视基础创新
【Key words】 attentionfoundationinnovation
  • 【分类号】G807.0;G623.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】174