

The Investigation and Analysis of the Use of Chemistry Classroom Teaching Time in Junior School

【作者】 刘迪

【导师】 王秀红;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 新课程改革明确规定了初中化学教学目标不再是培养只会背诵化学概念和原理,解答化学问题模仿化学实验的应试型学生,而是要面向全体学生,培养具有一定的科学素养,具有一定的适应能力和创新能力的人才,这就要求教师要倍加珍惜、合理利用有限的课堂教学时间,防止课堂时间浪费,发挥课堂教学时间的最大效益,通过提高课堂教学效率来增强教学效果。本研究以新课程理念为指导,以前人对教育时间学理论的研究为依托,通过听课、调查、访谈等方式,对黑龙江省佳木斯市近10所初中的化学老师进行调查和分析,通过调查发现,目前佳木斯市的初中化学教师在课堂教学时间的使用方面普遍存在一些问题,导致课堂时间浪费或使用不当,出现部分课堂耗时、低效的现象。笔者通过调查分析得出一些建议及思考:教师应通过提高自身专业素质,调节课堂教学节奏,有效管理课堂时间来减少时间浪费,强化教学的主体,提高课堂教学时间利用率,同时要对学生进行珍惜时间的教育。希望通过本研究,能为初中化学教师提高课堂教学时间的利用率提供一定的理论依据和实践材料。

【Abstract】 The new curriculum reform has clearly defined that the goals of Junior Chemistry Teaching is to raise the students of scientific literacy, adaptability and innovation capability, but no longer to make students recite chemical concepts and principles, solve chemical problems and imitate experiments. So, the teachers need to enhance the effectiveness of classroom teaching, use the limited classroom teaching time rationally, prevent the waste of classroom teaching time, and play the maximum effectiveness by improving the efficiency of classroom teaching.This study has investigated chemistry teachers from nearly 10 junior high schools of the city of Jiamusi in Heilongjiang province with the idea of new curriculum and researches of predecessors for effective teaching time theory. The survey reflected that something is wrong with the use of classroom teaching time and the effectiveness is low in some classrooms.Through the investigation and analysis, the author offered some suggestions: Teachers should improve their professional quality, regulate the rhythm of classroom teaching, manage the classroom time effectively, reduce wasted time, improve the use of classroom teaching time and make students cherish the time.At last, we hope we can provide some theoretical basis and practical material of improving the use of classroom teaching time for the chemistry teachers in junior school.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】386