

The Research about the Relations between the Personality Type of Music Specialized University Students and Their Psychologically Healthy

【作者】 冯云

【导师】 张明;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 以长春市部分高校音乐专业大学生为被试,采用EPQ和UPI两种量表施测,从性别、年级、不同成长环境和家庭经济收入等几个方面对音乐专业大学生的人格与心理健康关系进行了分析,并得出结论:1.与其他专业大学生相比,音乐专业大学生更加外向、热情、交际能力强,擅长与人沟通。其中女大学生比其它专业女大学生适应性更强,耐受力克制力更高,呈外向稳定型性格。同时结果显示音乐专业大学生总体上情绪易失控,不够踏实。2.不同性别的音乐专业大学生人格特征表现不同,但心理问题检出率没有明显差异,心理健康程度相似。3.不同年级的音乐专业大学生人格差异显著,随着年级的增加,在精神质维度上的得分越来越高,反映出随着年级的增高,音乐专业大学生表现得越来越冷漠、不关心别人,自我保护意识明显提高。高年级大学生中的情绪不稳定因素多于低年级学生。音乐专业大学生UPI总分数随年级的增加而增加,大四学生的平均得分已经达到并超过应关注心理健康人群的底线,这说明音乐专业低年级学生心理健康状况整体尚可,而高年级,尤其是毕业班的大学生心理健康状况有待进一步加强。4.不同成长环境(城乡)的音乐专业大学生在人格上无显著差异。但城镇学生的UPI总分显著高于城市和农村学生,已经达到并超过了应关注心理健康人群的底线。5.不同家庭经济状况的音乐专业大学生在P(精神质)维度和E(内外向)维度得分存在差异,家庭收入5000元以下的大学生得分显著高于来自中高收入家庭的大学生,说明低收入家庭大学生的情绪易有不稳定表现,更敏感;家庭收入5000-50000元(中等收入)的音乐专业大学生心理健康程度最高。6.从整体来看,音乐专业大学生各分量表得分中内外向维度和掩饰性维度与UPI总分呈显著负相关;精神质和情绪性维度与UPI总分呈显著正相关。说明音乐专业大学生中,外向型人格的大学生和社会性强的大学生心理健康水平较高,个性孤辟、情绪不稳定的大学生心理健康水平相对较低。

【Abstract】 Samples are taken from musical specialty students in several universities in Changchun city. Measurements are taken by means of EPQ and UPI. The personality–psycho health relationship analysis upon musical specialty students was conducted from the following aspects: gender, grade, growing-up environment and family annual income; and the following conclusion reached:1. Compared with students from different specialty, musical students are more extroverted, enthusiastic, with higher social ability and good at communication with people. Among which female participants showed higher adaptability, endurance and continence than other specialties students. Assumes the extroverted stability mode disposition. Meanwhile study shows that generally speaking the musical students are easier to lose temper and not reliable and confident.2.Different sex music specialized university student personality characteristic performance is different, but the psychological question picks out rate does not have the obvious difference, the psychologically healthy degree seems to be similar.3.Remarkable differences observed from the personality of different grade students. The Psycho dimension scores are higher for higher grade students. This reflects the students are more and more inhospitable and careless about the others, sense of ego defense increased significantly. Among senior students, elements which lead to mood instability are more than that of lower grade schoolmates. The music specialized university student’s UPI total score increases along with the grade increase, the four grade student’s average score already achieved and surpasses the lower score which should pay attention to. Thus freshmen psycho health status generically is barely O.K, however the higher grades, graduating students’psychological health is not satisfying.4.There is no obvious difference in the scores of P (psycho), E (Extrovert-Introvert) and N (Neurological) dimensions between students grown up from different environments such as city, town or country. Therefore no personality difference recorded. However the town-students’UPI total score is obviously higher than city and/or country-students and already achieved and surpassed the agent which should pay attention to the psychologically health.5.There are some difference in P (psycho) and E (extrovert-Introvert) dimensions between students from different income level: score roars for students from lower than 5000 Yuan per annual income families, which shows the instability mood of low income family students—they are more hypersensitive. The lowest UPI score goes to students from medium income (5000-50000yuan per Ann) means they are the healthiest psychologically.6.Holistically, among the musical students psycho investigation scores, the E and L dimensions scores remarkably negatively correlated to the UPI lump sum score whereas the P dimension and N dimension scores remarkably positively correlated to the lump sum UPI score. For musical students, those extroverted and more social ones possess higher level of psycho health meanwhile those dissocial and moody students should be more concerned upon their mental health level.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
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