

Under Coal Mine System of South Manchuria Railway Company Oppression Chinese Laborers’ Revolt Struggle (1906-1945)

【作者】 范春玲

【导师】 程舒伟;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 日俄战争后,日本以战胜国姿态出现,把中国东北南部划为自己的势力范围。满铁是日本政府为推行其“经营满洲”政策,而设立的国家垄断资本主义企业,同时它又是一个殖民侵略机构。满铁利用中国廉价的劳动力对东北的煤炭资源进行野蛮开采,在此过程中,它推行法西斯式的“以人换煤”政策,完全不顾中国劳工的死活,驱使劳工们在极其恶劣的劳动环境和生活条件下,从事危险繁重的劳役。深受满铁煤矿系统剥削压迫的中国劳工,采取不同的方式进行反抗斗争。本文共分为四个部分:第一部分介绍满铁煤矿系统的基本情况。20世纪初日本就已经窥视中国东北丰富的煤炭资源,日俄战争中日本获胜,于是便开始攫取东北煤炭资源的开采权。“九·一八”事变后,随着日本在东北殖民统治的建立,满铁加紧扩占煤矿区,并实行掠夺式开采。第二部分主要是剖析满铁煤矿系统对中国劳工的统治。包括劳工招募政策和劳动管理制度。满铁煤矿系统实行就地招募的方针,并且从华北引进大批劳工,还大量使用“特殊工人”,强行征集劳动力。满铁利用封建把头统治和管理中国劳工。第三部分揭示满铁煤矿系统中国劳工的苦难生活。劳工们从事着超时、超强度的体力劳动,饱受满铁残酷的经济剥削,过着食不果腹、衣不蔽体的悲惨生活,有时还得承受严酷的刑罚,数以万计的劳工丧命,至今仍有许多残害劳工的“万人坑”留存下来。第四部分分析论述满铁煤矿系统中国劳工的反抗斗争。无论是怠工、罢工、破坏生产,还是逃跑或暴动,都鼓舞了满铁其它系统被剥削压迫的中国劳工,具有重要的历史意义。

【Abstract】 After the Japan - Russia War, Japan appeared by the victorious nation posture and divided into own sphere of influence the Northeast China south. South Manchuria Railway Company is a monopoly capitalist enterprise for carrying out its“Manages Manchu" the policy. Simultaneously it also is the colonial aggression mechanism. South Manchuria Railway Company carries on barbaric mining using the Chinese inexpensive labor force to northeast’s coal resources. It completely does not give a thought to the Chinese laborer’s safety. It urges the laborers who are engaged in the dangerous arduous service in the extremely bad work environment and under the living condition. Chinese laborers who are exploited by the coal system of South Manchuria Railway Company take the different way to wage the revolt struggle.This text is divided into four parts altogether.The first part introduces the basic instance of the coal system of South Manchuria Railway Company. Early twentieth century Japan already peeped at the rich coal resources of the Northeast China. Japan won in the Japan - Russia War. It started to grab the exploitation rights of the northeast coal resources. After the September 18th Incident, Japan established the colonial rule in the Northeast China. South Manchuria Railway Company expanded the coal mining area and implemented plundering type mining.The second part analyses the rule of South Manchuria Railway Company to Chinese laborer’s dominant policy. It includes labor recruitment policy and labor management policy. The coal mine system carries out the local recruitment policy. It recruits large quantities of laborers from North China and uses many "the special worker". South Manchuria Railway Company manages the Chinese laborers using the feudalism.The third part reveals Chinese laborer’s misery life in the coal mine system. The laborers are being engaged in overtime, the ultra intensity physical labor. They suffer the economical exploitation. They have not been able to eat full and put on warm. Sometimes the laborers must withstand the severe penalty. A large quantity of Chinese laborers died. Many "the mass grave" preserve down until now.The fourth part discusses Chinese laborer’s revolt struggle. Chinese laborers of the coal mine system strike and sabotage production. Many Chinese laborers escape and rebel. These behaviors have the important historical significance.

  • 【分类号】D412.9
  • 【被引频次】4
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