

The Usage of Discovery Learning in the Physical Teaching in Secondary Schools

【作者】 高士华

【导师】 赵立竹;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着教育教学改革的不断深入,发现式探究学习日渐得到广大教育教学工作者的青睐。我国2003年颁布的《普通高中物理课程标准(实验)》[1]中指出了课程基本理念,在课程实施上“应促进学生自主学习,让学生积极参与、乐于探究、勇于实验、勤于思考。通过多样化的教学方式,帮助学生学习物理知识与技能,培养其科学探究能力,使其逐步形成科学态度与科学精神。”物理学作为一门基础自然科学,发现式探究学习是必不可少的教学方法之一。要取得教学和教育上的成功,教学就必须既符合人类认识的规律性,又符合教学的规律性,使教学方法建立在现代科学和实验的基础之上。发现式探究学习既有悠久的理论基础,又有现代社会提倡的素质教育的强大支持,从前人的理论研究中汲取精华,结合当前的物理教学,形成适合自己学生的一套学习理论,并将之推荐给其他物理教师。在教学中应用发现式探究方法对物理课程进行尝试,并进行科学的评价,促进学生综合素质的提高,为研究提供真实有力的实践证据。进而从实际出发,采用文献综述法、问卷调查法、对比实验法等,在实验班中验证发现式探究方法的有效度,从而总结出有效的发现式探究方式;对自己实践中出现的问题进行剖析,归纳总结发现式探究中易出现的问题,为其他的相关研究提供有益的帮助;总结教师在发现式探究中的作用,针对目前对教师的新课程培训提出建议,促进教师的综合素质的提高。

【Abstract】 With the development of the educational reform, problem-based learning is gradually popular among the educational staff. The Ordinary High School Physics Course Standard has put forward the basic idea that teachers should set the inspiration on the students for the learning, to motivate them to take active part in the participation, research, and experiment in the physics. Methods to be richer for teaching do favor to the students to learn physical knowledge and skill, to absorb them into researching with the scientific attitude and spirit. As a basic course, problem-based learning is necessary in class. In order to improve your education, methods should ensure the realization of the target language and accord with the regular teaching to base the teaching skills upon the modern science and experiment. The problem-based learning is used in the class, and valued by them, which could set the true foundation into the reaching to improve the students’comprehensive quality. Based on the facts. By the method of the reviews, questionnaire and paralleled-experiments, the effectiveness of all ways is tested in experimental classes, which could draw the most effective one. We should analyze problem and summarize them, then give some tips to some other correlated research. Knowing the importance as guidance and aiming at obtaining some advice on the teachers’new course training, the comprehensive quality will be improved.

  • 【分类号】G633.7
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