

A Study on the Education and Training of Tax Civil Servants Based on the Network Environment

【作者】 刘敏

【导师】 韩文峰;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 计算机课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着网络技术的迅猛发展和我国税收征管体制改革的不断深入,税务公务员队伍素质偏低与形势发展需要不相适应的矛盾日益突出,并且已经成为制约我国税收事业发展的重要因素。所以,加强税务公务员教育培训工作,认真研究和解决培训工作中存在的各种问题,创新教育培训方式方法,努力提高培训质量,切实增强教育培训实效,加快提高税务公务员的综合素质,已经成为当前税务公务员教育培训工作的一个重要课题。本论文分析了当前我国税务公务员教育培训的现状,认为现行的“脱产式院校集中培训”的方式存在着受场地及时间的限制、培训成本高等弊端,不能很好地体现出与时俱进的特征,许多优秀的培训资源得不到广泛推广,学员主要依赖于教师的讲授,学员是单向接受知识的“漏斗”,而学员的学习主体地位和个性差异被忽视了,从而抑制了学员学习的自主性、主动性,弱化了学员独立思考和分析问题的能力;未能有效调动学员学习的积极性并激发其创造性,与新形势新任务对税务公务员执政能力的要求相比,这种教育模式显然很不适应。因此,在新的形势和条件下,为了适应税收信息化建设的飞速发展,需要构建税务公务员教育培训工作的新模式,并探索培训的方式方法、内容等。本论文在分析了当前税务公务员的基本组成及教育培训的特点的基础上,提出了我国税务公务员教育培训的新方案——建立网上教育培训管理系统,为全体税务公务员提供一个“面向终身学习的基于网络环境的自主学习的平台”作初步探讨。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the network technology and the continuous deepening of Chinese tax collection system reform, the increasingly obvious contradictions between the low quality of the tax civil servants and the needs of the development of the situation has become the important factor constraining the development of the Chinese tax revenue cause. So, one important subject in the current education and training of tax civil servants is to strengthen the education and training of the tax civil servants, to study conscientiously and solve the various problems in the training, to innovate the means and ways of the education and training, to strive to improve the quality of training, to enhance the efficiency of the education and training and to speed up the overall quality of the tax civil servants.This thesis analyses the situation of the education and training of the tax civil servants, arguing that in the existing "full-time training gathered in institutions " approach, there are some drawbacks:the training is constrained by time and place; the training cost is higher; the training can not reflect the characteristics of advancing with the times; many excellent training resources can not be widely promoted, the participants mainly rely on the teachers’teaching; the participants receive one-way knowledge as a "funnel"; the subject positions of the participants and the individual differences are neglected, which inhibits the autonomy and the initiative of learning and weakens the ability of thinking independently and analyzing problems; the training fails to effectively mobilize the learning enthusiasm of the participants and to stimulate their creativity, and compared with the requirements of the new situation and new tasks to the executing ability of the tax civil servants, that education mode is clearly not suitable.Therefore, in the new situation and conditions, in order to meet the rapid development of the tax information construction, a new model of the tax education and training of the civil servants needs to be built and the ways, means and the content of training need to be explored. Based on the analysis on the basic composition of the current tax civil servants and the characteristics of the education and training, this thesis proposes and preliminarily studies a new program of tax civil servants education and training ---- to establish on-line education and training management system, which can provide all tax civil servants a " self-learning platform for lifelong learning based on the network environment ".

  • 【分类号】F812.42
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】248