

Study on the Defect of Administrative Hearing System in China

【作者】 宁静

【导师】 尹奎杰;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 听证,目前已成为各国行政程序法一项共同的且颇具重要意义的制度。行政听证是行政机关为获得某些信息而采取的一种听取相关人陈述的活动。行政听证的价值既指行政听证制度在具体运转过程中所要实现的公正与效率的价值目标,又指人们用是否实现公正与效率的价值目标来评价和判断行政听证制度是否正当合理的价值标准。作为现代民主社会政府行使公共权力的重要程序设计,行政听证将会对整个社会的民主政治建设产生十分重要的影响。行政听证制度体系的建构和实施将最终实现行政听证的价值,而行政听证价值的实现程度如何则与行政听证制度体系是否合理紧密相关。建构合理的行政听证制度、实现行政听证目标。与西方相比,我国的行政听证制度的确立较晚,尚存在不少问题。推动我国行政听证的制度建构,将行政听证的价值追求转化为现实价值的实现,应从内外两个方面努力:一方面,要营造一个良好的民主政治氛围,为行政听证的制度建构创造良好的外部环境,这是建构和实施行政听证制度、实现行政听证价值的外在条件;另一方面,要建构一套合理的行政听证制度体系,这是实现行政听证价值的关键。本文运用规范分析法、文献分析法等相关理论手段,从听证制度产生的必然性和合理性入手,分析我国现行听证制度存在的问题和产生的原因,探讨健全和完善我国听证制度的路径和对策。本文按照“提出问题、分析问题、解决问题”的思路,分为四个部分,文章着重提出了我国听证制度的几个方面的局限性并且探讨了完善我国听证制度的路径与措施,具体包括进一步扩大听证的适用范围;进一步扩大听证参与人的范围;建立健全听证主持人制度;确认听证笔录的效力;赋予听证会实际的决策效力;完善信息公开制度,保障听证权利的实现;健全相关的救济制度,等等。

【Abstract】 The hearing has already become a common system of having much important meaning of administrative procedure laws of various countries at present. Administrative hearing is a process which administration department admits people to put forward their opinions and discuss about the special items before they work out decisions. The valuation of administrative hearing is not only the aim of justness and efficiency, but also the standard that people value the rationality of the administrative hearing. Administrative hearing is an important design that government exerts public rights in modern democratic sociality and will bring about tremendous changes in the democracy of the whole society. To design the rational administrative hearing system and realize the value of the administrative hearing, we must manage the contradiction of the justness and efficiency and take the fine combination of the justness and efficiency as the essential aim. Some effective measures must be adopted to improve the build of the rational administrative hearing system and realize the aim of the administrative hearing. On one hand, it should be a good democratic atmosphere that is the outside condition .On the other hand the design of the rational administrative hearing system is the key of realizing the value of the administrative hearing.This text is standardized by analytic approach, document analytic approach ,etc. relevant theory means start with from hearing certainty and rationality that system produce to use, analyze current situation and reason of production of question these, attempt to analyze and solve breach and countermeasure of problem of these to find to analyze. This text, according to the thinking of "proposing the problem, analyzing the problem, solving the problem", is divided into four parts. The article has proposed the limitation of several respects of the system of hearing of our country emphatically. The fourth part of the article and the third part are key contents of the full text in the lump, to several question that previous part appear, this text direct against every kind of question, put forward corresponding countermeasure think, including expand the scope of application of the hearing further one by one; Range expanding the hearing and participating in people further; Establish and improve system of hearing host; Confirm the effect put down in hearing; Give the decision effect with real hearing; Perfect the open information system, ensure the realization of the hearing right; Perfect relevant relief systems, etc.

【关键词】 行政听证听证制度缺陷
【Key words】 AdministrationHearingHearing systemDefect
  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】381