

Clinical Analysis on 166 Cases of ARDSp & ARDSexp

【作者】 胡杰妤

【导师】 赵晓琴;

【作者基本信息】 广西医科大学 , 急诊医学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目的比较肺部原因诱发的急性呼吸窘迫综合征(acute respiratorydistress yndrome of pulmonary origin,ARDSp)和肺外原因诱发的ARDS(ARDS of extra-pulmonary origin,ARDSexp)临床特征差异性。方法收集我院重症加强治疗病房(ICU)2003—2008年确诊的166例ARDS患者的临床资料,比较肺内外诱因所致ARDS患者各项临床特征及预后的差异。结果166例患者中,肺内组99例,男67例,女32例,平均年龄47.19±17.22岁;肺外组67例,男38例,女29例,平均年龄45.79±17.91岁;两组患者年龄、性别、急性生理学与慢性健康状况评分系统Ⅲ(APACHEⅢ)、接受机械通气治疗时间、住ICU时间、肺内分流比值(QS/QT)等的差异无显著性(P>0.05)。两组病人在诊断ARDS时氧和指数(PaO2/FiO2)无差异性,但是机械通气48小时后肺外组患者的PaO2/FiO2要明显高于肺内组。肺内外组自身对照48小时前后的PaO2/FiO2差异有显著性。肺内、肺外组病死率分别为79.8%和64.2%,两者差异具有显著性(P<0.05)。ARDSp以重症肺炎多见,占91.9%;ARDSexp多见于脓毒症、急性重症胰腺炎,分别占31.3%和26.9%;ARDSp常见死因为多器官功能障碍综合征(MODS)(60.8%),呼吸衰竭(13.9%),感染性休克(11.4%)。ARDSexp常见的死因为MODS(81.4%),感染性休克(11.6%).两组患者使用糖皮质激素的情况具有差异性,激素不能降低ARDS病死率。肺外组MODS发生率要高于肺内组,MODS是影响ARDS预后的重要因素。结论ARDS病死率高,ARDSp和ARDSexp在机械通气治疗、病死率、MODS发生率等方面有差异;MODS是影响ARDS预后的重要因素;使用糖皮质激素对降低ARDS的病死率无益处。

【Abstract】 Objective to compare the clinical differences between ARDSp & ARDSexp.Methods Clinical data of patients with ARDS in intensive care units in our hospital from February 2003 to February 2008 were collected, and they were divided into pulmonary (ARDSp) and extra-pulmonary (ARDSexp) groups according to the inducing factors.Results there were 99 cases with ARDSp and 67 cases with ARDSexp including male/female 67/32 and 38/29,age (47.19±17.22) and (45.79±17.91) years old, respectively .There were no significant differences between the two groups on the following items as age,gender ,APACHE (acute physiology and chronic health evaluation) III score, Q_S/Q_T,time of ventilation support,time of treatment in ICU (P > 0.05). The oxygenation of ARDSexp was improved more significant than ARDSp by ventilation support. The mortality rate was higher in ARDSp group than that in ARDSexp (P=0.025) .Major primary disease for ARDSp was severe pneumonia,for ARDSexp were sepsis, severe acute pancreatitis.The incidence rate of MODS (multiple organ dysfunction syndrome) was higher in ARDSexp than that in ARDSp.MODS was the major lethal cause. The use of Corticosteroids was not helpful to reduce the mortality rate of ARDS.Conclusion The mortality rate of ARDS is high. There are differences between ARDSp and ARDSexp in mechanical ventilation effect and mortality rate; MODS is the major lethal cause; The use of Corticosteroids is not helpful to reduce the mortality rate of ARDS.

  • 【分类号】R563.8
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