

【作者】 章东权

【导师】 王海峰;

【作者基本信息】 上海社会科学院 , 国际法, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界各国之间的逐步开放和融合,各国之间的国际贸易日益频繁,在此过程中,转基因产品作为一种新生事物,因其可能对人体产生潜在的危害而在各国之间的贸易争端中逐渐显现出来,并引起了广泛的关注和争议。因此研究国际贸易中的转基因产品法律问题,已经成为中国和世界各国用以完善本国公共安全体系,保障人类健康的重中之重,并产生了极其重要的理论和实践意义。本文通过立法与实践相结合、国际与国内相对比、促进和规制相并重的方式,对国际贸易中的转基因产品法律问题研究进行了较为全面的阐述和论证。本文由引言和正文组成,正文部分按内在的逻辑分为以下五个部分:第一章主要阐述了转基因产品的概念和历史演变,转基因产品国际贸易的现状和发展演变,转基因产品国际贸易的特征和表现形式,以及转基因产品国际贸易所遵循的基本原则。第二章分别介绍了WTO框架和非WTO框架下的转基因产品贸易法律规则,来全面了解规范转基因产品国际贸易的国际法律规则体系。第三章通过借鉴美国和欧盟的立法实践,在实践中总结美欧对转基因产品国际贸易立法体系和法律规制的成功实践经验,并对美欧的不同法律规则体系做一系统的比较。第四章通过介绍转基因产品国际贸易争端的起源和成因,来了解并分析转基因产品国际贸易争端解决机制及法律适用问题。第五章通过分析我国目前在转基因产品管理及转基因产品国际贸易方面的立法现状,了解我国目前有关转基因产品的法律体系架构,并针对我国当前有关转基因产品国际贸易法律规制体系所存在的不足之处,提出弥补这些不足之处并完善法律体系架构和实践操作的政策建议和法律建议。小结部分对转基因产品的国际贸易法律规则、立法实践及建议等作了简明扼要的归纳和总结。

【Abstract】 With the gradually openness and integration among countries, Genetically Modified Organisms, as a new-born thing, are gradually merging from trade disputes between countries due to its probably potential harm to human body and attracting more and more attention and debate. Therefore study on the legal problems of Genetically Modified Organisms in international trade is very meaningful in both theory and practice, it also has become the most important means by which China and other countries improve its public security system and guarantee the health of human being.This paper has completely argued and elaborated the legal problems of Genetically Modified Organisms in international trade through the integration of legislation and practice, the contrast between domestic and abroad, the combination of promotion and regulation.This paper is composed by introduction and text and the latter is divided into five parts based on its intrinsic logic.The first Chapter mainly expatiates the definition and historical evolvement of Genetically Modified Organisms, it also sets forth the present situation, development, characteristic and manifestation of international trade of Genetically Modified Organisms and the basic principals it has to follow.The second Chapter introduces the WTO systems and the laws and rules out of WTO systems concerning Genetically Modified Organisms trade. It gives us a complete knowledge of international legal systems and rules on international trade of Genetically Modified Organisms.The third Chapter has summarized the successful experience from the legislation and legal regulation on international trade of Genetically Modified Organisms by the USA and Europe. In addition to this, this Chapter has compared the different regulatory laws system of international trade of Genetically Modified Organisms between the USA and Europe.The fourth Chapter has realized and analyzed the dispute settlement system and applicable laws of international trade of Genetically Modified Organisms through introducing the resources and causes of international trade trouble of Genetically Modified OrganismsThe fifth Chapter sets forth the current frame of legal systems concerning the Genetically Modified Organisms through analysis of the management of Genetically Modified Organisms and present legislation thereof. It also brings out some policy and legal constructive suggestion for the improvement of legal systems and practical operation based upon the weak points in our present legal systems on international trade of Genetically Modified Organisms.The fifth part is composed of a brief summary of laws and rules, legislation practice and suggestions on international trade of Genetically Modified Organisms.

  • 【分类号】D922.29
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】318