

Self-made Thermopile Heat Flow Meter in Detection of Construction Thermal Performance

【作者】 李斌

【导师】 李安桂;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 建筑能耗占全社会总能耗的比例不断增大,世界性的建筑节能事业已经全面展开。建筑热工检测作为一项重要的节能工作受到日益广泛的重视,相应的热流检测技术和仪器也得到了较大发展和普遍应用。本文针对建筑节能检测的需要,做了以下几方面工作:首先,基于热电堆原理,采用电镀方式自制出了平板绕线式热流计。其次,采用双热流计式导热仪所制热流计测头进行标定,计算得到其测头系数,并对其温差.输出热电势关系进行了线性拟合,获得了比较满意的结果;另外,分析了热流测头标定过程中可能产生的误差,其综合水平误差在5%左右,为热流计在工程实际中的应用提供了依据。最后,为了检验自制热流计测头的可应用性,应用红外热像技术直观图像与热流计法量化分析对建筑墙体进行了现场检测。根据实测数据计算出墙体平均传热系数,与理论值比较,结果表明自制的热电堆型热流计检测精度不高,还有待于进一步改进。分析了房间外界因素如空调送风对检测数据的影响,讨论了对自制热流计检测数据造成影响的误差来源。

【Abstract】 The scale of energy consumption for construction in the whole energy consumption occupies increases year by year, the work of construction energy conservation all over the world already has been in full swing. Being an important energy conservation work, the detection of the construction thermal performance has been received the more and more widely value, the corresponding heat flow detection technology and the instrument also has been obtained the great development and the universal application. In view of the construction energy conservation detection, this article concerns the following aspects:Firstly, based on the thermopile principle, a wound rotor plate type heat flow meter was made by the electroplating method.Secondly, a heat conduction meter with the double heat flow meters is selected to calibrate the self-made heat flow meter probe, whose coefficient is calculated and its temperature difference-output thermoelectric force curve is fit as linear to equation, whose result was quite satisfactory. Moreover, the comprehensive errors in the process of calibrating the heat flow meter probe are analyzed about 5%, to provide an evidence for application in engineering practice.Finally, in order to test the utility of the self-made heat flow meter probe, the heat flow meter method with quantitative analysis combining the infrared thermal image technology has been carried on the scene detection to the construction wall. The average heat transfer coefficient of the wall was calculated according to the measured data, and then contrasted with the corresponding theoretical value. The result indicated that detecting accuracy of the self-made the thermopile heat flow meter is lower, so it must be improved further. The influences of exterior factors like the supplying air of the air-conditioning in the house to detecting data were analyzed; the errors influencing the results were discussed.

  • 【分类号】TH81
  • 【被引频次】3
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