

Experimental Study and Theoretical Analysis on Load Carrying Apacity of Cold-Formed Flexural Members with Thicknesses Less Than 2mm

【作者】 孙亚楠

【导师】 何保康;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 结构工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 由于在编制规范时缺乏相关的试验资料,我国现行标准《冷弯薄壁型钢结构技术规范》GB50018—2002中缺乏相应于壁厚小于2mm构件的设计计算规定。为了扩大GB50018—2002规范适用范围,了解2mm以下冷弯薄壁型钢构件的受力性能,验证现行标准《冷弯薄壁型钢结构技术规范》GB50018—2002相关设计规定对2mm以下冷弯薄壁型钢构件承载力计算的适用性,开展壁厚小于2mm的冷弯薄壁型钢构件试验研究及理论分析是十分必要的。本文主要针对壁厚为1mm的13根冷弯卷边槽形截面简支梁的受弯性能进行了静力试验研究,研究在模拟均布荷载作用下,薄壁构件受弯时的局部屈曲、变形以及破坏特点。同时根据美国钢铁协会(AISI)的试验资料,本文对背靠背双轴对称卷边工形截面冷弯薄壁型钢试件受弯试验也进行了介绍。在试验数据基础上,按照我国规范条文计算了壁厚为1mm的冷弯卷边槽形截面试件和壁厚2mm以下背靠背双轴对称卷边工形截面冷弯薄壁型钢试件的受弯极限承载力。与试验极限承载力比较,结果表明我国规范GB50018-2002适用于计算壁厚2.0mm以下冷弯薄壁型钢受弯构件的极限承载力。利用非线性有限元软件ANSYS模拟均布荷载作用下壁厚为1.0mm冷弯卷边槽形截面受弯构件的受力性能,并将分析所得结果与试验结果进行比较,二者吻合较好。同时利用有限元程序对截面壁厚、截面腹板高度等进行了参数分析,分析结果表明用我国规范对2mm以下冷弯薄壁受弯构件是可行并偏于安全的。

【Abstract】 For lack of relative experimental data, Chinese current design code, "Technical code of cold-formed thin-walled steel structures" GB50018-2002, is deficient in relevant specifications for the cold-formed steel members whose thicknesses are less than 2mm. To widen the code’s scope of application, to understand the behavior of the cold-formed steel members with thickness less than 2mm, and to verify the suitability of the code GB50018-2002, the experimental study and theoretical analysis on the cold-formed steel members whose thicknesses are less than 2mm are very necessary.The paper primarily focuses on the static experimental study on the flexural behavior of the 13 cold-formed lipped channel members with thickness equal to 1mm. Through the test of simulating uniform load, local buckling, deformation and failure features of the members are achieved. Meanwhile, the paper also introduces the test of cold-formed double symmetric I section steel beam assembled by back-to-back two C sections taken from American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI).On the basis of the test results, the load carrying capacity of all the two sorts of test members by using effective width method of Chinese code is calculated in this paper. Comparing the calculated results with the test results, the paper verifies the suitability of the code GB50018-2002 to our research subjects.The paper also uses the nonlinear finite element software-ANSYS to analyze the bending behavior of the the cold-formed lipped channel members with thickness equal to 1mm under uniform loading. The comparision of FEM results and test results show that they are agree well with each other. At the same time, some parameters refer to sectional thickness, web heights are analysed by ANSYS. The anslysis results confirm that the process of calculating load carrying capacity of flexural member according to Chinese code GB50018-2002 is feasible.

  • 【分类号】TU392.1
  • 【被引频次】9
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