

A Study on the Life Cycle Assessment for Building’s Water Supply and Drainage Systems

【作者】 杨飞

【导师】 王晓昌;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 市政工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 建筑给水排水系统管材的选用对于建筑节能具有十分重要的现实意义,传统的建筑给水排水系统设计中管材的选用主要考虑管材的使用性能和一次性成本,忽视了不同的管材在其整个生命周期过程中能耗的差异。随着城市建设的迅速发展,管材的大量使用,在确定管材的时候必须全面地衡量不同管材产品在其生命周期各个阶段的资源消耗、能耗和环境影响大小。生命周期评价(Life CycleAssessment,简称LCA)方法是一种新型的环境影响评价技术和方法体系,能很好的对各类建筑给水排水系统进行综合评价。运用生命周期评价方法可以有效地比较分析建筑给水排水管材在其生命周期各个阶段的能耗,为建筑给水排水系统节能设计提供一种全面而有效的方法。本文在全面综述生命周期评价的技术演变及研究现状的基础上提出建筑给水排水系统LCA模型,从工程实际出发选择了两种在建筑给水排水领域应用最普遍的管材(硬聚氯乙烯管、镀锌钢管)进行了生命周期分析评价比较,通过计算模型的建立、清单分析和影响评价等构建起建筑给水排水系统生命周期评价方法体系。根据研究目标与所界定范围及数据的可获得性及真实性将建筑给水排水系统生命周期过程分为施工建设阶段、运行维护阶段和报废拆除阶段三方面进行分析。在环境影响评价中建立了全球变暖、大气酸化、水体富营养化和水生物毒性四类环境影响体系。通过各方面数据的收集处理、清单分析,最终得出系统范围内每个阶段对不同环境影响类型的环境影响潜力和总的环境影响水平,并识别对于同一种环境影响类型不同阶段的环境影响贡献大小。基于对建筑给水排水系统生命周期评价方法研究及分析结果,结合中国的能源资源基本情况和可持续性,从降低资源、能源消耗的目的出发,论文提出在满足建筑给水排水系统使用功能的前提下,可以适当对系统进行优化,为相关工作人员作出决策时提供依据。

【Abstract】 The choosen of building’s water supply and drainage pipes is of great practical significance to building energy conservation. It was usually focused on functional performance, nonrecurring cost of pipes, and ignored the energy consumption difference on different pipes during the whole life cycle process. With the development of country, pipes have been used in large amounts. We should have to consider the energy consumption, resource consumption and environment impact of different building’s water supply and drainage pipes at each stage of life cycle process. As a new environment impact assessment technique and method system, Life Cycle Assessment can be well applide to many kinds of building’s water supply and drainage systems. The method of LCA can effectively analysis and compare the energy consumption of building’s water supply and drainage pipes at each stage of their life cycle processes, and it is useful to biulding energy conservation design.The paper put forword a LCA model of building’s water supply and drainage systems based on the technique transit and study status quo. The life cycle energy consumption of the two kinds of pipes (galvanized steer pipe, PVC-U pipe) which is usually used in buildings is calculated in an engineering case of residential building, and conceived the LCA system of building’s water supply and drainage systems based on the model, inventory analysis, impact assessment, etc.On the grounding of study goal and scoping, the attainability and reality of datas, the paper put the life cycle of building’s water supply and drainage systems to three stages, including construct, performance and backout. In the environment impact assessment, the paper established four systems of global warming, acidificed atmosphere, eutrophication and hydrophily toxicity. We can get the environment impact potencial of different types and the whole level by data processing, inventory analysis. Meantime identify the contribution of one environment impact type in different stage.Moreover, on the basis of the analysis result forward, the characteristic of energy and resources in China, For the purpose of reducing energy consumption, the paper thinks that we can optimize the building structure, and give suggestions to professional people in order to make decisions in the same condition which meets the building’s water supply.

  • 【分类号】TU82
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】592