

Funeral of China’s Legislature on the Way with the Funeral of Environmental Protection

【作者】 曾涛

【导师】 段燕华;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 大气、森林、土地是人类生存和发展的基础。但在现实生活中,土葬、火葬造成的土地资源巨大浪费、大气严重污染以及森林资源被毁等问题并没有得到解决。现行殡葬方式在给生活环境带来威胁的同时,也对经济和社会的可持续发展产生了消极影响。在目前诸多规范殡葬以保护环境的措施中,法律(这种具有权威性、强制性、规范性等特点的手段)本应是最有效的一道防线,然而现实中这道“防线”的力量总显得柔弱无力,具体表现为:无论在殡葬立法还是殡葬法律制度中都存在大量问题。1997年国家颁布的《殡葬管理条例》曾在深化殡葬改革、促进殡葬发展过程中发挥过举足轻重的作用,但随着我国经济的进一步发展以及人们对可持续发展战略认识的深化,殡葬实践中存在的问题尤其是环境被破坏日益受到人们的关注。本文认为,传统殡葬方式弊端突出,如果不能尽快变革这种殡葬方式,就不能有效遏制我国大气、森林、土地等自然资源持续遭到破坏的势头。因此,改革传统殡葬方式,倡导环保殡葬并积极推进殡葬立法,让法律真正能够承载在实践中推动环保殡葬、保护环境以及实现可持续发展的重任,是当前一项十分紧迫的任务。本文从梳理我国殡葬法律法规入手,分析了现行《殡葬管理条例》存在的种种问题,同时在借鉴其它国家殡葬立法及殡葬法律制度体系构建方面成功经验的基础上,着重探讨构建科学合理、符合我国国情的《中华人民共和国殡葬法》的迫切性。在研究中,作者试图避免多数学者“基于社会学、宗教学而思考”的传统思路,努力尝试在法律的视野下,从多视角考察现行殡葬法律法规出现问题的根源,希望实现“为了法律而思考”。在研究过程中,作者尽力将微观分析与宏观思考相结合,把本土化经验与国际化视野相结合,既考虑现有制度的缺陷,又重视全新制度的建构。本文尝试在研究中运用跨学科的方法(如:定性研究方法)和多学科的工具(如:社会学理论),以开阔研究的视野。作者对我国殡葬立法框架的思考是以往学者在研究中很少触及的。希望本研究能为我国殡葬立法及殡葬法律制度的完善提供基本思路。

【Abstract】 The atmosphere, forests, land of human survival and development. But in real life, burial, cremation of the tremendous waste of land resources, air pollution and serious issues such as the destruction of forest resources has not been resolved. Funeral in the existing way of life to environmental threats, but also to the sustainable economic and social development has had a negative impact. In the current norms funeral many of the measures to protect the environment, the law (such authoritative, mandatory, standardized, and other characteristics of the means) to be the most effective line of defense, but in reality, this barrier of the forces is weak weakness, for specific performance: both in legislation or funeral funeral legal system there are a variety of issues.In 1997 the state has promulgated the "Regulations burial" funeral in deepening reform, promoting development of the funeral played a pivotal role, but as China’s further economic development and people’s sustainable development strategy of deepening understanding, in the practice of funeral In particular, the problem of environmental destruction is increasing people’s concern. This article, the traditional burial methods highlighted shortcomings, if not change this funeral as soon as possible, will not be able to effectively curb China’s atmosphere, forests, land and other natural resources sustained the momentum of the destruction. Therefore, the reform of the traditional funeral, burial advocate of environmental protection legislation and actively promote the funeral, so that the law really can carry in practice to promote environmental protection funeral, the protection of the environment and achieve sustainable development mission, is currently a very urgent task.This article from the funeral of China’s laws and regulations carding start of the current "management of the funeral," the existence of various problems, and learn from other countries in the funeral and burial legislative building in the legal systems on the basis of successful experiences, focused on building a scientific and rational, in line with China National conditions "of the People’s Republic of funeral" matter of urgency. In the study, the author tried to avoid the majority of scholars "on sociology, religion and thought" the traditional ideas, try the legal perspective, from a perspective more than the current inspection funeral laws and regulations in the root of the problem, hoping for "To the law Thinking." In the course of the study, the authors try to micro-and macro-thinking analysis of the integration of the localization of international experience and vision of combining both the existing system deficiencies, but also to the construction of the new system.This paper attempts to study the use of interdisciplinary approach (such as: qualitative research methods) and multidisciplinary tools (such as: Sociological Theory), a broad study of vision. The author of the legislative framework for the funeral of China’s thinking is the past few scholars in the study of touch. Hope that this study is the funeral of China’s legislative and legal systems improve the funeral to provide basic ideas.

  • 【分类号】D922.182.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】695