

The Physical Quality Training Research of Physical Education’s Development in Ordinary University

【作者】 杨勇

【导师】 邱爱华;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在全面推进素质教育的形势下,深化教学改革,全面提高学生的身体素质和心理素质水平、发展学生的学习能力、培养学生的创新精神、为学生的终身体育打下基础,已成为目前高校体育教学的主要任务。那么怎么样才能实现这样的一个任务呢?需要通过那些教学手段和方法?完成这一任务我们所面临的问题是什么?都必将成为我们所研究的。带着这些疑问和问题,查阅了多方面的资料,资料显示,目前高校体育教学现状是这样的,大学生的体育态度普遍不够积极,急需激发,高校大学生的体质出现下降现象,这些问题给目前高校体育教学带来了很多的难题。面对当前体育教学的任务和目的及面临的问题,本文从实验出发,从体育课教学着手,通过在体育课上开设身体素质训练,改变体育课教学上一些常规练习内容的练习强度和密度,同时加强课堂要求和监督。并通过结合学生的体育态度进行教育和培养,通过实验来观察学生体育素质达标情况和学生体育锻炼热情和态度的改善情况,力求寻找一种最佳的办法来改善目前一部分大学普遍身体素质比较差,以及体育态度不够积极的现状。以一种三维循环关联的角度来改进教学、提高身体素质、改善学生的体育态度。为“终身体育”和“快乐体育”奠定基础。本文在查阅大量资料的基础上,在指导老师的帮助下,以本人在湖北交通职业技术学院所教的2个班级为研究对象,采用问卷调查、比较分析和数理统计等办法。研究体育课开设身体素质训练对学生体质的影响以及对学生体育态度的影响。通过研究,本文得出如下几个方面结论:1.通过体质指标关于身体形态、身体素质、身体机能数据实验前后配对样本分析得出,实验组与对照组比,身体素质训练进步更明显。而身体机能、身体形态一些需要长期影响才能改变的指标没有发生明显改善。2.通过对学生体育态度问卷前后的独立样本检验,本文得出,在体育课上开始身体素质训练的实验组,学生体育态度改善明显。3.实验结论显示,以一种加强监督体育课堂教学内容的强度和密度要求,并潜移默化的影响学生的体育态度是可以取得效果的。这表明这种教学实验是有一定的价值。

【Abstract】 In the pushes of the element education comprehensively under the shape, the deepening teaches to reform, enhances the fresh body tissue and the psychological element level, exhibition fresh ability comprehensively, cultivates fresh new energetic, the fresh body sports to overcome the base, has become the present university sports to teach no matter what mainly. How then can? Needs to pass these to teach the method and the method? The one who completes my surface is what? Must become me to study.Is having these questions and the question, consulted various material, the material had demonstrated that at present the university sports teaching present situation was this, university student’s sports manner owed the stimulation, university student’s physique presents the drop phenomenon, these questions have brought many difficult problems for the present university sports teaching.The question which and face facing the current sports teaching’s duty and the goal, this article embarks from the experiment, begins by the physical education teaching, through opens the physical quality training in the physical education, in the change physical education teaching some conventional practice content practice intensity and the density, and through unifies student’s sports manner to carry on the education and the raise, observes the student sports quality standards situation and the student physical training enthusiasm and the manner improvement situation through the experiment, makes every effort to seek for one best means to improve the present part of university universal physical quality to be quite bad, as well as sports manner insufficiently positive present situation. Improves the teaching by one kind of three dimensional circulation connection’s angle, to improve the physical quality, to improve student’s sports manner. And“the joyful sports”lays the foundation for“the lifelong physical culture”.This article in the consult massive material’s foundation, in instructs under teacher’s help, take myself 2 classes and gradees which teaches in the Hubei transportation professional technology institute as the object of study, uses means and so on questionnaire survey, comparative analysis and mathematical statistic. Research physical education start physical quality training to student physique influence as well as to student sports manner influence. Through the research, this article draws the following several aspect conclusion: 1. through the physique target about the bodily shape, the physical quality, around the bodily function data experiment pairs the analysis of sample to obtain, the experimental group and the control group compared to, the physical quality training progress are more obvious. But the bodily function, bodily shape some need the target which the long-term influence can change not to have the distinct improvement. 2. through to around the student sports manner questionnaire’s independent sample examination, this article obtains, starts the physical quality training experimental group in the physical education, the student sports manner improvement is obvious. the 3. experiment conclusion demonstrated that strengthens, the surveillance sports classroom instruction content intensity and the density request by one kind, and influences subtly the influence student’s sports manner is may make the progress. This indicated that this kind of teaching experiment has certain value

  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】420