

Researches on the High-level Jump Athlete’s Knee Injury in Partial Chinese Sport Universities

【作者】 李文明

【导师】 邹克宁;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 世界许多竞技大国,把高校作为发展竞技体育的重要基地,走学院化道路将是今后竞技体育发展的总趋势。体育院校作为培养专门性体育优秀人才的教育基地之一,它的高水平运动队建设也是普通高等学校高水平运动队建设的重要组成部分,而且,由于体育院校与普通高校相比在生源、师资力量,训练水平、场地器材等方面具有很大优势,在高校高水平运动队建设中起着领头羊的作用。所以,研究体育院校高水平运动员的损伤情况,有着很大的现实意义。在跳跃运动的高水平运动员中,膝关节比较容易出现运动损伤的情况,一旦受伤,会对运动员生理和心理产生极大的负面影响,进而破坏运动训练的系统性,最终会影响训练效果和比赛成绩。因此,为促进我国体育院校跳跃运动的健康发展,有必要对导致膝关节损伤的相关因素进行研究,为科学的训练提供一定的理论依据。本文主要运用了文献资料法、调查访问法、问卷调查法、和数理统计法等综合研究方法,对北京体育大学、上海体育大学、武汉体育学院、西安体育学院、沈阳体育学院、天津体育学院、广州体育学院、成都体育学院等八所体育院校158名跳跃项目高水平运动员膝关节损伤的现状、损伤特点及造成膝关节损伤的原因等进行全面的调查研究。研究结果如下:1、膝关节受过伤的运动员占98.10%,未受伤的运动员占1.90%。损伤人次总计413人次,平均每人为2.6次。表明我国跳跃项目高水平运动员的膝关节运动损伤的情况比较普遍。2、在损伤程度上多为轻度损伤和中度损伤;损伤情况按损伤性质分类依据比例的大小依次为急性损伤、慢性损伤、急性损伤转慢性损伤。3、训练课中膝关节损伤多发生在专项技术训练和素质练习时;在一个训练周期中,冬训、赛前大运动量集训时期也易发生损伤。4、损伤类型中,髌骨劳损和半月板损伤所占比例最大,分别为25.37%和20.90%,其次为内侧副韧带损伤,占19.40%;膝关节滑囊炎,占17.16%;十字韧带损伤,占14.18%;最小为外侧副韧带损伤,占2.99%。5、跳高的损伤类型以内侧副韧带损伤、髌骨劳损、半月板损伤为主,跳远以髌骨劳损、膝关节滑囊炎、半月板损伤为主,三级跳远的损伤以半月板损伤、髌骨劳损、膝关节滑囊炎为主。6、造成跳跃运动员膝关节损伤的主要原因有:运动负荷过大、局部负担过重、机体过度疲劳、准备活动不合理、技术要领不正确、训练不系统、注意力不集中、带伤训练比赛、膝关节周围肌肉力量不足、柔韧性差等。7、预防膝关节损伤的措施主要有加强医务监督、科学合理的安排运动负荷、合理做好准备活动、加强膝关节的力量柔韧练习等。

【Abstract】 Many sports powers take the university as important base for developing sports. Sport University is the future of the overall development trends on the way of sport. The building of high-level sports team in sport universities is an important component of high-level sports team’s buildings of all university, even in comparison with ordinary colleges has great advantages on the source, the teacher’s strength, training horizontal location equipment and so on. So the sports college is playing lead goat role in the university high-level sports team building. The research of sports college high level athlete’s injuries has the very big significance. The knee joint is playing the very vital role in the caper movement; once is injured, has the very tremendous pressure to the athlete physiology and psychology, destruct systematic of sport training characteristic, and affect the training effect. Therefore, to promote healthy development of jump the movement in China, it is necessary to conduct the research to the knee joint injuries, providing certain basis for the scientific training.This paper has mainly utilized synthetic study methods such as the literature material method, the investigation method, the questionnaire survey procedure, and the mathematical method and so on. And it makes investigation of the present situation, the injury characteristic and causes of 158 high-level jumping athlete knee joint injury in Beijing Sport University, Shanghai University of Sport, Wu han Institute of Physical Education, Xi’an Physical Education University, Shenyang Sport University, Tianjin University of Sport, Guangzhou Sport University and Chengdu Sport University. The results are as follows:1 The athletes whose knee joint has been injured account for 98.10%, the uninjured athlete 1.90%. The injured total number is 413, per capita is 2.6 times. It shows that Chinese high-level jumping athlete’s knee joint injury is quite common.2 In extent, most are mild and moderate injuries. And in nature injuries are in turn the acute damage, the chronic damage, the acute damage transferring chronic damage.3 In the training lesson the knee joint injury mainly occurs in the special technical training and the quality practice. And the injury also is easy to get in the winter training time and the great physiological load of exercise training before the game.4 In injury type, patella strain injuries account for 25.37%, meniscus injury 20.90%, medial collateral ligament injury 19.40%, knee bursitis 17.16%, cruciate ligament injury 14.18%, lateral collateral ligament injury 2.99%.5 For high jump the medial collateral ligament injury, the patella strain injury and meniscus injury are the main injuries; for long jump the patella strain injury, the knee bursitis and meniscus injury are; for triple jump meniscus injury, patella strain injury and knee bursitis.6 Many reasons would create the jump athlete knee joint injury, like too much exercise, overweight of the partial burden, organism overtired, the unreasonable warming-up exercise, the dispersion attention, etc.7 The preventing measures mainly are strengthening the medical supervision, reasonable arranging of physiological exercise load, completing reasonably the warming-up exercise, and strengthening knee joint’s power and flexibility exercises and so on.

  • 【分类号】G823
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】936