

Hubei Province in Ethnic Minority Areas Secondary Schools Basketball Development Status and Countermeasures

【作者】 金健

【导师】 孙义良;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在中学体育教学活动中,中学篮球课程扮演着一个重要的角色。同时,篮球运动在中国的是最为普及的运动项目之一,目前在全国的所有中小学中都不同程度的开展了篮球的教学和训练活动。但在现实的体育教学活动中,篮球的发展虽然具有众多的有利因素,但在一些少数民族地区篮球发展还步履维艰,受限于场地设施或者师资等等诸多因素,没有广泛的开展。篮球运动的学校教育在新的形势和环境下如何避免这些危机,使学校课余训练健康的发展,进一步做好参加篮球训练学生的学习、管理和训练等方面的工作,培养全面发展的体育后备人才就显得十分重要。因此,如何有效的在少数民族地区开展篮球运动的教育教学活动就变得很有价值,本文就以湖北省少数民族地区的典型带恩施土家族自治州为模型,研究少数民族地区中学篮球运动发展的现状并提出对策。全文主要分为两个部分:第一部分:主要分析了当前湖北少数民族地区篮球发展所遇到的主要问题。尽管在湖北省恩施土家族自治州,学校体育中篮球教学扮演着重要的角色。但同时存在着诸多的问题。首先就是篮球运动的认知问题,篮球的推广和普及程度不够。少数民族地区中学篮球运动发展缓慢,大多数篮球教练员都缺乏专业的体育院校篮球专项训练或者培训。中学体育教师或教练员还很少有机会到高校继续升造。这在一定程度上造成了目前中学高学历、高素质的教练员严重缺乏。篮球教练员在教学过程中的待遇存在普遍偏低的情况,待遇不尽人意,评职难、进修难等现象仍然存在。与发达地区在体育场馆及配套方面均存在较大差距,经费来源渠道较少。由于医疗保障条件的局限性,使得中学篮球教学的开展缺乏必要的保护性措施,中学篮球运动员中,身材发育状况不理想。第二部分:探讨了湖北少数民族地区篮球发展的应对策略。加强媒体的参与和传播支持,适当结合当地电视台或者体育推广机构,积极开展篮球赛事运营。加强中学篮球训练中的技能素质培养,把培养战术意识和任务纳入计划之中,注重教学训练的互动发展。对体育教师进行知识和技能的补充、更新、拓展、完善其知识结构,开展少数民族地区体育教师的继续教育工程,对体育教师队伍进行广泛培训与提高。积极有效地实施体育社会指导员制度,利用好体育社会指导员在篮球运动普及中的指导作用和示范意义。广泛开展体育市场化运作,开拓资金来源渠道,扩大体育训练及篮球发展设施的购置和经费投入。加强人才培养和教师交流等制度建设,建立扶贫援教制度,帮助少数民族地区提高体育教育水平。注重篮球运动发展资源的共享建设,实现资源的增值和资源利用的最大化。结合具体实际,实现资源、人才等方面体育教育的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Sports activities in secondary schools teaching in the secondary school curriculum basketball and plays a very important role. At the same time, China’s basketball is the most popular sport one, in all primary and secondary schools in the country have carried out different levels of basketball teaching and training activities. But in reality the physical education activities, the development of basketball despite many favorable factors, but in some ethnic minority areas basketball development also very difficult, limited facilities or teachers, and so on many factors, not widely in our country. So, how effective in minority areas of education and teaching basketball activities becomes very valuable, the paper on the ethnic minority areas in Hubei Province with the typical Enshi Tujia Autonomous Prefecture as a model to study secondary school basketball in ethnic minority areas to the current development situation and proposed countermeasures. By mainly divided into two parts:Part I: Analysis of the current major Hubei basketball development in ethnic minority areas the main problem encountered. The first is the cognitive problems of basketball, basketball promotion and popularization of insufficient. Minority areas secondary schools basketball development has been slow and most of the lack of professional basketball coaches of all sports institutions basketball special training or training. Secondary school physical education teachers or coaches are still very rare opportunity to create colleges and universities continue to rise. And the developed areas in the stadia and the supporting both larger gap between sources of funding channels for less. As conditions of the limitations of medical insurance, making secondary teaching basketball in a lack of the necessary protective measures, secondary school basketball players, is of the conditions of the poor.Part II: Hubei discussed the development of ethnic minority areas basketball coping strategies. Strengthening the engagement of the media and communications support, or appropriate combination of local television sports promotion agencies, actively carry out operations basketball tournament. Enhance secondary training in the skills of basketball quality training, tactical awareness and training tasks included in the programme, focus on the development of interactive teaching and training. PE teachers on the knowledge and skills add, update, expand and improve their knowledge structure, and physical education teachers in minority areas of continuing education projects, sports a broad contingent of teachers and improve training. Active and effective implementation of sports instructors social system, make good use of the community sports instructors at the basketball sports for the guiding role and significance of the model. Sports extensively carry out market-oriented operation, open up sources of funding channels, and expand sports training and the purchase of basketball development facilities and funds. Basketball on the sharing of resources for development, and achieving the value-added resources and the maximization of the use of resources.

  • 【分类号】G841
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】946