

The Study of Situation and Countermeasures of College Sports Associations in Zhengzhou City

【作者】 刘杰

【导师】 陈晴;

【作者基本信息】 武汉体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 高校体育社团是高校一部分具有体育特长的学生发起、自发组织的,是高校学生响应号召:“每天锻炼1小时,健康工作50年,幸福生活一辈子”,为了满足不同层次、各个方面的体育需求而建立的体育社团组织。高校学生体育社团是高校学生社团的重要组成部分,是学校体育和校园文化的产物,在校园文化建设中担当重要作用。体育社团能够协助学校体育培养学生养成终身体育锻炼的习惯,是高校实施素质教育的重要途径。因此,深入研究高校体育社团活动,加强相应的管理和引导,对校园体育文化建设,对学校体育工作开展都具有重要作用。本文以郑州市高校体育社团为研究对象,运用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析等方法,对郑州市高校学生体育社团的发展现状进行了调查分析,并针对影响高校体育社团发展的因素提出了相应对策。研究结果表明:(1)高校体育社团在发挥学生兴趣特长,提高运动技术,缓解学习紧张,扩大交际范围,提高组织、管理能力,培养学生终身体育意识,推动校园文化建设,促进学校体育工作的开展等方面有重要作用。(2)体育社团活动的主要内容包括:组织体育活动,组织比赛,参加校内活动,培训裁判,除此以外还有组织宣传、发展会员等活动。(3)体育社团开展的体育项目主要有球类、健美操、棋牌、而田径、体操、健身、时尚运动等没有开展。(4)体育社团的成员构成情况,主要由大一、大二学生组成,男生多,女生少,只有少部分项目如健美操是女生多男生少。然而正是这些给他未来发展提供了很大的空间和可能性。(5)制约郑州市高校体育社团发展的因素有:社团活动不规范,社团活动缺乏有力的指导,管理制度不健全,社团成员管理难度大,社团干部素质差异大,社团活动场地不足,社团经费缺乏保障。针对以上情况提出以下对策:明确管理目标,把好体育社团审查工作,健全和完善各种规章制度,建立激励机制,加大对体育社团的监管力度,重视对体育社团的培育和发展,提高体育社团的干部素质,学校体育部应给与重视和指导。

【Abstract】 College Sports Associations is a part of college sports talent of students launched、Voluntary organizations, College students answered the call is: "exercise one hour every day, 50 years in heath work, the happiness of a lifetime". In order to satisfy the needs of different levels and in all aspects of sports and demand the establishment of the sports community organizations. College Students Sports Associations of College Students Associations is an important component of the school’s sports and the product of the campus culture in the campus culture play an important role in the building. Sports Associations to help schools train students to develop lifelong sports physical exercise habits, the quality of college education is an important way. Therefore, in-depth study college sports club activities, strengthening the management and the corresponding guide the campus sports and cultural development, work on the school sports play an important role.In this paper some of Zhengzhou City College Sports Associations for the study, Using literature data, investigation and mathematical statistics, and logic analysis method, the college students in Zhengzhou City Sports Associations status of the development of the survey analysis, and affecting the development of university sports associations factors put forward in response.The results show that: (1) College students play sports associations interested in the characteristics and improve movement, learning ease tensions, expand the scope of communication, organizational, management ability, and cultivate students lifelong sports consciousness, and promote the building of campus culture, the promotion of school sports and other aspects of the work of a an important role. (2) the major sports club activities include: sports organizations, organizations competitions, participate in school activities, and training of referees, there are a propaganda organization, membership development and other activities. (3) Sports Associations in the main ball sports, aerobics, chess, athletics, gymnastics, fitness, fashion, such as the absence of movement. (4) The membership of the sports associations, mainly by the freshman, sophomore students, boys, girls less, only a small number of items, such as aerobics little girls more than boys. (5) constraints Zhengzhou City College Sports Associations development of the factors are: do not regulate the activities of the societies, the activities of the societies and the lack of effective guidance, management systems, and the members of the association management difficulties, differences in the quality of cadres Associations, Societies venues inadequate funding Societies lack of protection. In view of the above situation the following responses: clear management objectives, the good sports associations review, improve and perfect the various rules and regulations, establish a mechanism of motivation and intensify the supervision and management of sports associations, sports associations emphasis on the nurturing and development, and improving sports Associations of the quality of cadres, school sports should be given attention and guidance.

  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】18
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