

Humanity Souls, Spiritual Nature

【作者】 姚晓丹

【导师】 姚雅锐;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 俄语语言文学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 维克多·彼得罗维奇·阿斯塔菲耶夫(1924-2001),苏联当代著名抒情小说作家,被俄罗斯誉为“活着的经典”,他是真正的自然之子,拥有易于感受自然之美的心灵,其长篇小说《鱼王》(1976)是俄罗斯生态文学的经典著作。1978年,《鱼王》获苏联国家奖。苏联著名评论家马卡罗夫说过:“就其本性来说,他是个道德作家,人性的诗人,他是一位善于写精神这样一种虚无缥缈、难以言传,然而又是人人都能心领神会的事物的艺术家。”阿斯塔菲耶夫是20世纪俄罗斯生态文学的著名代表作家之一,其长篇小说《鱼王》充分体现了他的生态思想:对人类导致的人与自然、人与人的不和谐进行了严厉地批判,倡导人类承担生态责任,并提出了人与自然和谐相处的生态理想。《鱼王》以西伯利亚大森林为背景,描写了森林、河流的动人景致,但更多地讲述了一系列关于偷猎者的故事,他们丧失人性、摧残自然,最终落得可悲的结局。《鱼王》从人性、道德的高度来透视人与自然的关系,贬恶扬善,它告诉人们:“无理性的人在摧毁大自然的同时,也在道德上摧毁自己。”作者在《鱼王》中提出了一个道德准则:爱护自然、保护自然是有道德、有人性的表现;破坏自然、糟蹋自然则是无道德、丧失人性的表现。在他看来,爱护自然的人,对人的态度也是友善的;而破坏自然的人,对人的态度也必是残忍的。阿斯塔菲耶夫认为,人类只有理性地善待生态环境;敬畏自然界的一切生命;承担起保护自然的责任和义务;才能真正的实现人与自然的和谐友好。本文分为三个部分来论述阿斯塔菲耶夫的《鱼王》和他的生态思想:第一部分:《鱼王》的生态思想批判内蕴。作家针对人类中心主义思想、人类文明和欲望进行严厉地批判,并指责非理性的社会决策对人民生活造成的不公和困扰。第二部分:《鱼王》的生态责任观。作家认为人类作为有理性的物种必须承担起生态责任,人类有义务对整个生态系统的和谐和平衡负责。第三部分:《鱼王》的“天人和谐”理想。虽然作家在探索人与自然和谐发展的道路上产生困惑,但还是抱有乐观的信念,他在批判人类罪行之余,也鼓励人类树立正确的观念,呼唤人类回归自然、融入自然、感悟自然,努力实现人类与自然和谐的生态理想。

【Abstract】 Viktor Petrovich Astafiyev (1924-2001) was a famous Soviet contemporary lyric fiction writer. With the soul of feeling the beauty of nature, he was the so-called“son of nature”and hailed by Russian as "the classic alive". His novel Czar Fish(1976) was the Russian ecological literature classics. Czar Fish was honoured of Soviet Union national awards in 1978. The Soviet Union well-known critic Makarov once said,“On his nature, he was a moral writer, poet of humanity. He was an artist who was good at writing such things that were hype, almost unspeakable, but everyone could understand them.”Astafiyev was one of well-known Russian ecological literature writers in the 20th century. His novel Czar Fish completely reflected his ecological thinking: Human was severely criticized of the disharmony of human and the natural world. He advocated to promote human ecological responsibility and posed the ecological ideal that man and nature should live in harmony.With the Siberian forest as the background, Astafiyev described the moving scenery of the forest and rivers in Czar Fish. But more were focused on a series of stories of the poachers, who lost their humanity, destroyed the nature, and ultimately came to the sad conclusion. To the height of the humanity and morality, Czar Fish observed the relationship between man and nature, banished evil and advocated virtue. It told people, "Irrational people made destruction of nature, they also caused the moral destruction of their own in the same time." In Czar Fish, Astafiyev proposed a code of ethics that protecting and caring for the nature was the reflection of humanity and morality, while destructing and wasting the nature displayed the lack of humanity and morality. In his opinion, who loved the nature was also friendly to other people. However, who destructed the nature was cruel to others. To realize the harmony between human and the nature, Astafiyev believed that people should care for the ecology rationally, be in awe of all lives of the nature, and assume the responsibility and obligation of protecting the nature.This paper is divided into three parts to describe Czar Fish by Astafiyev and his ecological thinking:PART 1 :The ecological criticism connotation of Czar Fish The author severely criticized ideology against human-centered thinking, human civilization and desire. Astafiyev accused the irrational decision-making on the social life of people in the injustice and distress.PART 2: The view of ecological responsibility of Czar Fish The author believed that as a rational species man must take up ecological responsibility. While people have to take the obligation of keeping the harmony and balance of the whole human ecosystem.PART 3: The ideal of“heaven-human harmony”of Czar FishAlthough the author sort of confused on the road of exploring the harmonious development of man and nature, he was optimistic about this problem. He criticized humanity crimes while also encouraged human to establish a correct concept. He called for human to regress into the nature, reunify with the nature, and feel the sentiment of the nature. Efforts should be made to achieve the ecological ideal that man and nature live in harmony.

  • 【分类号】I512.074
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