

Correlation between Achievement Motivation and Personality of Mongolian Junior College Students

【作者】 胡宝泉

【导师】 包呼格吉乐图;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 成就动机和人格是心理学研究中的两个重要领域。通过对成就动机的研究,我们可以对个体的未来做出大体的说明;通过人格研究,我们则可以对个体的特性有一个全面的了解。大学生是我国受教育水平较高的一个群体,是促进我国经济发展、社会进步、国家富强的中坚力量,加大素质教育力度,提高大学生综合素质已成为高教界的普遍共识,对大学生群体方方面面的研究也全面展开。本研究采用问卷调查法,结合文献法、访谈法,对蒙语授课大专学生的成就动机和人格特质进行差异研究和相关研究,这对了解蒙古族大学生群体、培养和激发他们的成就动机,鞭策他们不断开拓进取具有现实意义。本研究在分析、研究已有文献资料的基础上,采用《成就动机量表》(The Achievement Motive Scale.简称AMS)和《艾森克人格问卷》(Eysenck Personality Questionnaire,简称EPQ)两个问卷对大学生的成就动机水平和人格特点进行了调查,通过对数据的处理和分析,主要得出以下一些结论:1.避免失败的动机和掩饰倾向方面在专业上并不存在显著差异,但是追求成功动机、合成动机、内外向、神经质、精神质等方面在专业上都存在显著差异,并且理科学生的追求成功动机和合成动机都高于文科学生。2.男生在神经质方面显著的高于女生,其他六个变量上面男生与女生并不存在显著差异。3.内外向、精神质和追求成功动机等方面不存在年级间的显著差异,在避免失败动机方面,一年级显著地低于三年级,二年级与其他年级不存在显著差异;在合成动机方面,一年级显著地高于三年级,二年级与其他不存在显著差异;在神经质维度上,二年级显著高于一年级、三年级;在掩饰倾向方面二年级显著高于一年级。4.在人格特质四个维度和追求成功动机方面,不同民族之间不存在显著差异;在避免失败动机方面,蒙古族显著地高于汉族、其他民族;在合成动机方面,汉族显著地高于蒙古族。5.在生源地因子上面人格特质内外向存在显著差异,来自农村的学生显著地高于来自城市的学生。6.追求成功动机与避免失败动机、合成成就动机、内外向、精神质等因子之间均存在显著性相关;避免失败动机与合成成就动机、人格四个因子之间均存在显著性相关;合成成就动机与内外向、神经质、掩饰倾向等因子之间也存在显著性相关;内外向因子与神经质、精神质之间存在显著性相关;掩饰倾向与神经质、精神质之间均存在显著性相关。7.内外向和精神质两个因子能够非常显著地预测追求成功的动机。内外向和神经质两个因子能够显著地预测避免失败的动机。内外向和神经质两个因子也能够显著地预测合成成就动机。

【Abstract】 Achievement motivation and personality are the two important fields in psychological research. Through the studied of achievement motivation, we can give a general description of the individual’s future. Through the studies of personality, we can have a comprehensive understanding about the individual’s characteristics. In china, college students are a group of people who receive better education and play a significant role in enhancing economic development, promoting social progression, and building a more prosperous China. Therefore, reinforcing Quality Education and improving the comprehensive quality of college students have become a unanimous agreement in the world of college education. Meanwhile, a large variety of researches concerning college students have been conducted. This project intended to carry on questionnaire,literature and interviews in regard to study achievement motivation and personality of college students, in the hope of getting significant results and giving effective solutions . This project can help us understanding the junior college students of Inner Mongolia and ultimately providing help both in theory and practice.In this research ,The Achievement Motive Scale( AMS) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire(EPQ) was administered, By analyzing the contents of the achievement motivation level and the personality trait ,The following findings were got :1. There was not a significant difference between avoiding failure and Lie tendency in major; but there was a significant difference among pursing success, synthetic achievement, extroversion-introversion, neuroticism and Psychoticism in major .The motivation of avoiding failure and synthetic achievement among students in science was higher than students in art.2. Boy was higher than girls in neuroticism. There was not a significant difference among another six variants in sex. 3. There was not a significant difference among extroversion-introversion, Psychoticism and pursing success in grades. The freshman was significant lower than the third grade in avoiding failure ,the second grades has no significant difference. The freshman was significant higher than the third grade in synthetic achievement , the second grades has no significant difference. the second grades was significant higher than the other two grades in neuroticism . the second grades was significant higher than the freshman in Lie tendency.4 .There was not a significant difference of different nation in personality trait and pursing success. The score of avoiding failure in Mongolian students was higher than the students of Han and another nationality, the students of Han was higher than The students of Mongolian in synthetic achievement .5. There was a significant difference of different areas in extroversion- introversion of personality trait The country student’s score was higher than the urban student’s .6. There was a significant correlation among pursing success, avoiding failure synthetic achievement, extroversion-introversion, neuroticism . there was a significant correlation among avoiding failure. synthetic achievement and personality trait. there was a significant correlation among synthetic achievement ,extroversion-introversion, neuroticism and Lie tendency.. there was a significant correlation among extroversion-introversion, neuroticism and Psychoticism. there was a significant correlation among Lie tendency, neuroticism and Psychoticism.7. Extroversion-introversion and Psychoticism can significant forecast pursing success, extroversion-introversion and neuroticism can significant forecast avoiding failure, introversion and extroversion and neuroticism can significant forecast synthetic achievement too.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】2
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