

Research of Present Situation and Development Countermeasures of Professional Women Soccer Club in China

【作者】 李刚

【导师】 肖东君;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 1992年6月,全国足球工作会议在北京红山口召开。中国足球也由此步入了“以体制改革与机制转换为核心,协会实体化,俱乐部制和产业开发为重点”的新历史阶段。从1997年中国女足职业化以来,职业足球俱乐部经历了十多年的考验,在最初人们的猜测、怀疑、不解的目光中,成为了中国足球和中国体育不可或缺的一部分。众所周知,中国女足在经历了1996年奥运会和1999年女足世界杯的辉煌后,逐渐步入低谷,铿锵玫瑰的身影与我们渐行渐远。第五届女足世界杯的再次失利清醒的告诉我们,中国女足昔日世界领先的优势已荡然无存,亚洲霸主地位也已岌岌可危,“重铸中国女足辉煌”势在必行。职业女足运动水平的高低,是反映一个国家女足整体水平的杠杆。本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,以参加2007年昆明海埂春训的16支职业女足俱乐部为研究对象,对其现状、存在的主要问题和影响职业女足俱乐部发展的主要因素进行调查研究,并提出相应的发展对策,以期能对制定职业女足俱乐部发展的长远规划,弥补女足工作的不足提供参考依据。1、对职业女足俱乐部的现状进行调查研究包括:俱乐部的基本形态、俱乐部资金状况以及运动队的现状三个主要部分。通过调查整理,为我国职业女足俱乐部今后发展提出相应对策提供了依据。2、中国职业女足俱乐部存在的主要问题和影响因素主要有:俱乐部体制不健全,管理、经营理念滞后;竞赛制度不完善,高质量比赛太少;经费没有保障,训练条件、待遇收入差;教练员知识结构单一,业务水平偏低;梯队建设不完善,后备力量薄弱;缺乏明星球员;联赛受关注程度低;队员退役后就业无保证;政府和体育主管部门支持力度不够;俱乐部内部管理松散。3、发展对策为:进一步完善俱乐部的组织形式,健全管理体制;切实提高教练员的整体素质和综合能力,充分发挥其主导作用;加强女足后备人才培养,重视梯队建设工作;提高运动员的运动技术水平,增强职业联赛的观赏性;关心和重视退役运动员就业安置;加强优秀女足人才的引进和流动;提高经营观念,树立品牌意识。

【Abstract】 In the June of 1992, the workshop conference of national soccer was convened in the Red Mountain Pass of Beijing which represents that the Chinese soccer has also marched into the new historical stage: considering the system reform and the mechanism transformation as the core, and the club system and the industrial development as the key point. Since the professionalism of Chinese women’s football in 1997, the professional soccer club has experienced more than ten years test, with the process of the initial people’s guess, the suspicion and the relentless vision, it has been an indispensable part for the Chinese soccer and a Chinese sport.As we all know, after experienced the glory of the 1996 Olympic Games and the 1999 Women’s World Cup for Chinese women’s football, they have entered the doldrums gradually. The defeat sober again in the Fifth Women’s World Cup tells us that the leading edge for Chinese Women Soccer in the world has been disappeared and their Asia dominant position has been precarious. Thus, it is imperative to rebuild the glory of Chinese women’s football.The high-level sports of Professional Women’s soccer are a reflection of a country’s overall level of Women’s soccer. The paper considers the 16 vocational Women Soccer Clubs, which participated in the 2007 spring training at Haigeng in Kunming, as the subjects and researches the present situation, the major problems and main factors affecting the development of vocational Women Soccer Club by the means of literature data, the survey, expert interviews, mathematical statistics and logical analysis, and other research methods. At the same time, it also offers some corresponding development countermeasures to give some references for formulating the long-term plan of Women Soccer Club professional development and making up the inadequate provision of the work for the Women Soccer.1. The investigations and studies for Women Soccer Club of occupational status include three main parts: the basic form of the club, the club funds, as well as the status of sports teams. Through investigation and collation, it provides a basis for the future career development of Women Soccer Club.2. The main problems and main influencing factors for China Professional Women Soccer Club: the club system is not perfect; the management and business philosophy lag behind; the competition system is imperfect and the high-quality competitions are too fewer; the funding can not be guaranteed and the treatments of income are poor; the structure of coaches’knowledge is single, so the level of business is low; the echelon building is imperfect, and the reserving forces is weak; the lack of star players; the concerning of league level is low; the team members have no employment guarantee after they retire; the government departments in charge of sports do not sufficiently support; the loose internal management of the club3. Development Strategies are: further improvement of the club’s organizational forms and strengthening management system; effectively improving the overall quality and the capability of coaches to fully playing their leading roles; strengthening reserving personnel training of women soccer and paying more attention to their echelon building; improving the sports athletes’techniques to enhance viewing of the professional league; caring about and valuing the job placement for retired athletes; strengthening the introduction the outstanding women soccer players and keeping them flow; improving the operational concepts, and establishing brand awareness.

【关键词】 女足俱乐部现状发展对策
【Key words】 women soccerclubpresent situationdevelopment countermeasures
  • 【分类号】G843
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】304