

Investigation and Strategy on Status of Chemical Experiment Teaching in Grade Two in Senior Schools

【作者】 庞梅霞

【导师】 照日格图;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 化学是一门以实验为基础的学科,化学实验教学在化学教学中有着独特而不可替代的功能和作用。化学实验教学的状况直接影响着化学教学的质量和效果。本文从两个方面对内蒙古西部城市高中的化学实验教学的现状进行了调查。一方面是化学实验教学资源及实验完成情况,其中包括:师资状况、实验员配置及实验准备情况、专职实验室、仪器药品配备状况、演示实验完成情况、学生实验分组及完成情况;另一方面是化学实验课堂教学情况,其中包括化学教师实验教学行为、实验教学中学生的主体性发挥、实验教学评价。本文以问卷调查为基础,运用教育统计方法,对呼和浩特市、包头市、鄂尔多斯市和乌海市的17所高中的化学实验教学现状进行了调查研究。其中学生被试1753人,教师被试157人。通过对数据的统计和对被试的访谈,我们得出如下结论:(1)内蒙古西部城市高中的化学资源及化学实验完成状况得到了很大的改善。所调查的学校都有专职实验室和实验员,仪器药品的配备基本能保证教材中实验的开展;实验的教学手段也不仅仅局限于一些简单的仪器的使用上,一些现代化的教学手段如:投影仪、电视机、多媒体等得到一定程度的应用;演示实验和学生实验完成情况得到很大提高,基本杜绝了黑板上画实验、讲实验的现象。(2)现有的化学实验教学资源与新课程对化学实验教学的要求之间存在较大矛盾,不同类型学校之间化学实验教学资源上存在较大差距,因此,应加大对化学实验教学资源的资金投入,教育资金尤其要向普通高中倾斜,缩小普通高中与示范高中在化学实验教学资源配置上的差距,促进教育的均衡发展。(3)化学实验课堂教学相关调查结果表明,教师的教学行为中演示实验教学行为较好,积极引导观察,演示现象明显,但对个别现象不明显的实验处理行为、恰当运用现代化教学手段的行为和化学实验考核行为相对薄弱;学生主体性发挥总体有较大进步,学生有机会动手做实验,实验前认真预习、实验中认真操作、学生实验大部分操作能独立完成,但实验中反常现象的处理和实验动机相对较差;学生对实验教学评价整体不高,尤其是化学实验类型单一、学生实验数量少、实验编排不合理的现状与学生的期望存在较大差距。针对化学实验课堂教学中存在的主要问题,结合内蒙古西部城市高中的实际情况论文最后提出了如下的对策:更新教师培训内容,细化教师培训方式;改进课程编制,适当延长课时长度;衔接新教材,改革化学实验内容;改变化学实验教学课堂空间形式,提高对化学实验室的合理利用;探索顺应素质教育的多样化的实验教学方式;增加定量实验和微型实验的数量和比例;摸索符合地区实际情况的实验考核测试方法,以利于促进每一个学生的发展。

【Abstract】 Chemistry is a natural science based on experiment. Chemical experiment teaching has the special function and effect in the Chemical teaching. Status on Chemical experiment teaching directly affects the quality and purpose of Chemistry teaching.In this thesis, the survey was carried through from two aspects aiming at the status on Chemical experiment teaching in urban senior high schools in the western region of Inner Mongolia. One was teaching resource of Chemistry experiment and accomplishing circs of Chemistry experiment, which involved status on teachers quality, lab assistant deployment, experiment preparation, special lab, equipment apparatus, demonstrating experimental accomplishment, pupil experimental accomplishment and grouping; another was the classroom teaching circs of Chemistry experiment, which involved teaching behavior of Chemistry experiment, exertion of main body’character in experiment teaching and evaluation of Chemical experiment teaching.We used questionnaire as the base and manage statistic on education, an investigating on Chemical experiment teaching was carried out within Huhhot, Baotou, Erdos and Wuhai , four different cities in the western region of Inner Mongolia. 1753 valid surveys of students were taken back and 157 valid surveys of teachers. Based on the investigation results and the interviewee visit, the following conclusion were obtained. (1)It has been improved in the western region of Inner Mongolia that teaching resource of Chemistry experiment and accomplishing circs of Chemistry experiment in city senior high schools. The inquisitional schools also possess the special lab and laboratory assistant, apparatus equipment, which can basically meet need of Chemistry experiment in the teaching material; the experimental teaching means were not only limited to use the simple apparatus, but also use a few the modern teaching means, for example: projection instrument, TV set, multimedia and so on; there are great advance in the demo-experiments and pupil experiments and drawing as well as instructing experiments disappear on blackboard.(2)There were much contradiction between the existing teaching resource and the request of Chemical experiment teaching according to the new course reform, it existed big gap within different types, schools in Chemical experiment teaching resource, therefore, the fund should be increased to experimental teaching resource, especially the common senior high schools to reduce the gap of experimental teaching resource between demonstrating senior high schools and common schools for accelerating the balanced development of education.(3)The results indicated the demo-experiment behavior is generally good in actively inducting students to observe experiments and making demo-phenomena clear. But some experimental teaching behaviors were a little poor, for example in dealing with unclear phenomenon experiments, using modern teaching means and examining Chemistry experiments; it has made progresses in exertion of main body, character. So students have some experimenting opportunities and seriously experiment and independently accomplish experiments. However, poor ability of dealing with the abnormal experiments and experimenting motivation generally dissatisfaction with experimental teaching, especially with the singleness of Chemical experiment type, shortage of student-experiment quantity and illogicality of experiment arrangement are still main problems need to be improved.Furthermore, according to the conclusion based on the above investigation, how to reform Chemical experiment teaching was discussed in detail and come up with the strategy. The methods were emphasized that were teachers fostering, courses arrangement, experiment content, lab reasonable using, divers teaching fashions, ration experiment, experimental miniaturizing and experiment examination.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】6
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