

Guidance of Level-varied Approach to High School Students’ Extra-curricular Reading

【作者】 马丽萍

【导师】 张涛;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 阅读在二语习得中的作用已经得到大量国内外学者的首肯(Carrel, 1987; Zuo, 2002; Harmer, 2003; Anderson. 2004; Hu,2004; Wen, 2005 ),此外,新的中学英语课程标准(NCS)对学生课外英语阅读量也提出了新的更高的要求。根据首都师范大学中学英语课外阅读项目组的调查(王小萍等,2006),越来越多的中学教师意识到他们在学生中开展课外阅读活动的紧迫性。但是,由于应试教育的压力,许多中学老师(尤其是郊区中学以及非重点中学的老师),并没有开展该项活动。而在那些己经开展课外阅读活动的学校,教师们也仅倾向于给学生布置一定的课外阅读任务,并没有根据学生的阅读水平、阅读兴趣和阅读效果给予相应的指导。这主要是因为教师没有足够的时间和精力探索一系列有效的方法来组织、指导和监控学生的课外阅读情况。鉴于这种现状,本文作者基于对包头市达茂旗百灵庙中学的英语教学现状以及学生水平分布情况的调查,介绍了一种有可能帮助一线教师更有效地组织课外阅读活动的模式,并在百灵庙中学进行了实证研究以验证该模式的有效性和可行性。作者称该模式为“分层次课外阅读指导模式”。该指导模式是基于中国传统的因材施教理念,以组间异质、组内同质的分层教学为基本框架,在广泛吸纳了西方众多现代教学理论中的相关学说基础上设计而成的。如:应用语言学(关于个性差异对二语习得的影响及输入假设和合作学习论),阅读及文学阅读理论(互动模式和读者反映论)以及认知心理学(发展心理学中的个性差异论、布鲁姆的“掌握学习论”)等。该实证研究选取了英语水平相当的两个高一班级作为研究对象,一个为实验班,一个为控制班。对实验班采用了分层次课外阅读指导,而对控制班,教师只要求学生课外阅读所提供的读物,每周给一节课的答疑时间,以解决阅读中遇到的困难,并要求他们在换新书时对前一本书的内容进行简单复述。数据收集方式包括:前测,阅读记录表,后测,调查问卷等方式。数据分析主要包括两方面,(一)两个班实验前后的水平差异; (二)学生在阅读过程中的进步情况。实验证明: 1)分层次课外阅读指导模式有助于教师了解学生在课外阅读中的表现,从而便于教师根据学生的需要给出相应的指导; 2)分层次课外阅读指导模式改善了学生的阅读能力;3)分层次课外阅读指导模式有助于学生达到新课标所提出的五个分类目标; 4)大部分学生喜欢分层次课外阅读指导模式。基于以上实验结果,作者相信分层次课外阅读指导模式可以有效可行地运用于中国中学课外阅读活动的指导当中。

【Abstract】 With the claimed importance of reading in English learning by many experts home and abroad(Carrel, 1987; Zuo, 2002; Harmer, 2003; Anderson, 2004; Hu,2004; 2005)the new requirement of English extra-curricular reading amount put forward by the Curriculum Standards for Middle School English (NCS) (2001), many English teachers, according to a survey conducted by Middle School English Extra-curricular Reading Research Group of Capital Normal University (Wang Xiaoping etc, 2006), realize it’s high time that they launched English extra-curricular reading program among students. However, many English teachers, especially those in suburban and non-key schools, don’t conduct extra-curricular reading activities among students due to the stress of the test-oriented school situation. Among those who have conducted extra-curricular activities, they tend to assign students to read some books after class and don’t provide the needed guidance based on students’ different levels and specific cases because most of the teachers are too busy or too exhausted to explore a set of effective methods to organize, guide and monitor students’ extra-curricular reading. To see if we can change this awkward situation, the author of this thesis suggested a guidance model that may assist the teachers to sequence the extra-curricular reading activities in a more effective way. Based on her survey of the English teaching situation and students’ proficiency distribution at Bailingmiao Middle School in Damao Banner in the city of Baotou and related literature from library research, the author introduced a model called Level-varied Guidance Approach to Extra-curricular Reading (LGAER) and carried out an experiment in Bailingmiao Middle School to testify its validity and feasibility.Based on the Chinese traditional belief in the principle that "Best teaching caters to students’ individual needs", this guidance model, taking Level-varied Teaching (LT that features group differences but keeps the members within one group at the same level) as its basic framework, has drawn up many concepts from western applied linguistics (including the impact of individual differences on second language acquisition Input Hypothesis and Cooperative learning), reading and literary reading theories (such as Social Constructivism, Reader Response), and cognitive psychology (including the existence of individual differences, Mastery Learning by Brume).Two classes with the same level of English proficiency were chosen as the control group and the experimental group respectively. In the experimental class, LGAER was adopted; while in the control class, students just read the reading materials the teacher suggested and attended the one-hour question session if they needed the teacher’s help. They were also required to talk about the book when they came to exchange for another after finishing reading it. Data collection included such means as pre-tests, formative assessment, post-tests, and questionnaire surveys.Data analysis focused on 1) placement differences in pre-tests and post-tests and 2) students’ performance progress during the experiment.The results shows: 1) LGAER helped the teacher track down on students’ reading performance and enabled them to adjust guidance properly to suit students’ needs; 2) LGAER improved students’ reading ability. 3) LGAER was more successful in helping students reach the five objectives put forward by NCS (2001). 4) Most students took delight in participating in LGAER, showing positive attitude to this approach to extra-curricular reading.With the positive results achieved from the experiment, the author is convinced that LGAER can be effectively and favorably applied to Chinese middle schools.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】3
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