

A Studying of Teaching Chinese Character Components by Gestalt Psychology in Theory

【作者】 高垚

【导师】 李瑛;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 对外汉语教学中的汉字字形教学主要有三种方法:以笔画为构形单位进行教学,以部件为构形单位进行教学,直接进行整字字形教学。大多数汉字是多笔画字形,不加分析地直接进行整字教学难度很大;通过点数笔画教学太琐碎,学生记忆负担沉重。因此,有些研究者提出采用“部件教学”的方法。部件教学符合汉字构形规律,有利于系统地记忆汉字。即使运用这种方法,留学生记忆和书写汉字还是会出现很多错误。汉字字形教学是对外汉语教学中的难点,需要加强理论研究。随着认知心理学的发展,汉字心理学这一边缘学科取得一些成果。但是大多数研究采用实验室实验法,极少对汉字教学的实际问题提出具体方法。我认为,面向外国留学生的汉字字形教学应该以部件教学为主要方式,应该从心理学角度解析汉字教学中出现的问题,发展汉字心理学,探索实施部件教学的有效途径。格式塔心理学起源于视觉领域的研究,扩展到知觉记忆等领域。格式塔心理学认为,人们自然而然观察到的事物都带有“完形”特点。由于汉字是一种由笔画构成的特殊图形,人们对汉字部件与整字字形的识别近似于图形识别行为。对图形的视知觉组织作出充分论证与解释的格式塔心理学能够对汉字字形的识别与认知研究具有根本性的指导作用。部件书写错误是留学生学习汉字时出现的普遍性错误,书写错误主要由记忆偏误引起。我对大量的现有文献资料中所记录的留学生汉字常见书写错误进行了全面的搜集、整理,依据格式塔心理学理论原则,把汉字部件记忆偏误分为四类:第一,在简单完形原则的作用下发生的部件记忆偏误,共103个;第二,在闭合原则的作用下发生的部件记忆偏误,共30个;第三,在接近连续性原则的作用下发生的部件记忆偏误,共30个;第四,在类似原则的作用下发生的部件记忆偏误,共86个。按照格式塔记忆痕迹原理,记忆材料——部件会在大脑留下痕迹,但记忆痕迹并不是分散孤立的要素,而是随时间流动而变化的有组织的系统,对部件构拟良好的组织有利于痕迹系统的形成和稳定。经过重复等操作并在态度影响下,部件痕迹系统会得到不断发展。所以,汉字部件教学应该遵循一定的顺序,前面的为后面的作铺垫,后面的要对前面的有再现。现今发表的大多数汉字部件表是将部件分为成字部件和不成字部件。由于大多数偏误出现在不表义部件的记忆和书写上,而表字义的部件可以结合意义教学,且容易记忆,所以,有必要对部件进行详细分类。成字部件在构成合体字时大多表示字义,有时候也作为不表义的构形部件出现。不成字部件中明显地分为具有表示字义作用的表义部件和无表义作用的不表义部件,还有兼类部件。兼类部件就是一个部件在有些字形中是表示字义的;在有些字形中不表示字义,只是一个构形符号。在以上具体研究工作的基础上,我提出了建立汉字部件格式塔教学理论的主张。它是首次依据格式塔理论和汉字的密切关系,以及部件对汉字教学的重要性创立的新的教学理论。我所倡导的这一理论具体包括以下内容:教识汉字贯彻整体——部分——整体的原则;部件教学细致分类,针对部件的不同特征分别运用格式塔理论设计教法;基本笔画学习之后应该学习简单整字,其中很多是成字部件;然后是表义部件的教学;不表义部件的教学应该运用四项原则分类教学;强调部件与复杂整字的联系。格式塔记忆痕迹原理对字形教学的启示贯穿于全过程。总之,汉字部件格式塔教学理论首次将西方心理学的格式塔理论与国内的汉字部件教学结合起来开展研究工作,完善了以部件为中心的汉字教学理论,发展了汉字心理学。汉字部件格式塔教学理论是迄今为止第一项系统运用格式塔心理学原理指导汉字教学的字形教学理论。它最适用于对成年人外国留学生的汉字教学,同时对其他类型的汉字教学也能提供较为系统的教学思路与部件教学材料。

【Abstract】 In teaching Chinese as a foreign language, there are three main ways in Chinese characters teaching: to stroke units for the configuration of teaching; to components units for the configuration of teaching; and directly remember the entire character shape. Most Chinese characters are shaped by more strokes, and obviously, teaching the entire character shape directly without analysis is very difficult; it also seems too complicated through counting and memorizing the strokes and will bring much burden on students. Therefore, many researchers proposed that“components teaching”should be used mainly in teaching Chinese characters.“Components teaching”is important in every teaching stage. Components teaching shapes configuration with the law and is good for Chinese characters memory. Even using this method, students will make a lot of mistakes in writing and remembering Chinese characters. Chinese characters teaching have been difficulties in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. It needs to strengthen theoretical study.With the development of cognitive psychology, Chinese characters psychology was improved a lot. But most of studies using laboratory experiments, fewer put out effective solutions on practical teaching. I think components should be as the center, and we should resolve the problems by a psychological point, improve characters psychology, and explore effective ways of teaching in line with Chinese characters.Gestalt psychology originated in the visual field of research, and after then it expanded to the perception, memory, and other fields. It considered that we have observed things naturally with Gestalt features. As Chinese characters stroke particular graphics, components and shape of the whole characters recognition acts are similar to the recognition of graphics. The“Gestalt”which fully explained and demonstrated graphic visual perception of the organization should also deal with Chinese characters on the identification and understanding of fundamental as a guiding role.The components errors writing which are caused by remembering is the most common phenomenon in foreign students’writings, after finding lots of materials about the components errors I think they could be divided into four categories based on the principle of Gestalt: 103 errors due to simple principles, 30 errors due to the closure principle, 30 errors due to close to and continuity principles, and 86 errors due to similar principles.Gestalt trace and memory theory puts out that the material——components leaving traces in the brain, but traces of memory is not isolated elements but a development of organized system over time. A good organization system is good for trace formation and stability. After repeated operations and under the influence of attitude the system of traces will be constantly developing. Therefore, the Chinese character components teaching should follow certain order, what front are following foreshadows, following must have the reappearance to front.Now,most components were divided into two groups: Components as characters and components as parts .Since most errors appeared on meaningless components, while meaningful components could be remembered easily by meaning, the whole components should be divided carefully. In the teaching of Chinese characters, components should be divided into components as characters and components as parts .Most of components as characters have meanings, but also could be as just a part of the configuration. Components as parts are divided into meaningful components, meaningless components and concurrently components which is meaningful in some characters but only as a configuration symbols in other characters.In above concrete research work’s foundation,“teaching Chinese character components by Gestalt psychology theory”which is in the light of the close relationship between Gestalt theory and Chinese characters, and the importance of components I proposed is an innovation. The theory I initiate includes following: Teaching implied a whole - part - whole principle; divide components carefully and design teaching in view of components different features using Gestalt; after basic strokes, learners can start simple characters learning which are most of components; Then, it is meaningful components; After concurrently components, meaningless components learning uses the four principles on classification study; The relations between components and complex characters. Gestalt trace and memory theory is implied throughout the teaching process.In short, on the basis of character and psychology research results, teaching Chinese character components by Gestalt psychology theory which is guided by Gestalt psychology conformed on deepening and improvement of the components teaching, and So far, it is the first system to use Gestalt guiding principle on Chinese characters teaching. It is ideal for teaching foreign adults students, while also provide other types of Chinese characters teaching a system of teaching ideas and components of teaching materials.

  • 【分类号】H195.3
  • 【被引频次】17
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