

Talk about the Instruction of Ye ShengTao’s Composition Teaching Thoughts to the High School Writing Teaching Practices

【作者】 宋晓霞

【导师】 李剑冲;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 作文教学的多重育人功能是独一无二的,人们一直把写作水平作为衡量一个人语文水平高低的重要标准,因此,作文教学在中学语文教学中处于重要地位。但中学作文教学低效的局面由来已久。实际教学中,教师困惑,学生迷茫,我们的语文教师以及相关专家、学者做了大量的研究工作,但理论研究的火热与作文教学的低效仍然存在。叶圣陶先生是我国现代语文教育的开拓者之一,也是我国现当代语文教育界功绩最为卓著、享誉最盛的一代宗师。在叶圣陶先生的语文教育专著和论文中,写作教学的内容占有很大比重。他的作文教学思想对我国当代写作教学产生了巨大影响,发挥了积极作用。叶圣陶作文教学思想全面深刻,既有宏大的理论依据,又有极细致的实践指导,可操作性极强。先生提倡的“应需”的写作目的、“求诚”的写作态度、沟通说写的写作手段、命题批改的方法指导等主张,极具现代意识。叶圣陶作文教学思想对当代写作教学的最大启示就在于它的生活化和大众化的教学理念。叶圣陶先生认为写作是现代公民必须具备的一种生活能力,写作教学的目的就是要让学生掌握写作的技能,适应生活的需要,而不是应付考试或培养作家。今天我们在写作教学中遇到的许多问题,其实叶圣陶先生早在几十年前就已论述过并提出过解决的办法。他的作文教学思想对中学写作教学具有很强的现实指导意义,关于中学作文教学过程的方法、关于树立中学生“作文与做人统一”思想、关于培养教师写作教学科学方法都给予了具体的指导。因此,今天再次学习与研究叶圣陶先生的写作教学思想,不但具有方法论上的指导意义,而且具有实践应用的宝贵价值,对于澄清写作教学在指导思想上的误区和错误做法也将起到积极作用。

【Abstract】 No one can deny the fact that the teaching of composition in secondary schools is inefficient and the problem has existed for a long time. With the deepening of the new curriculum reform and the demands of the information era, reform in composition teaching is a must. Experts have brought up many suggestions, which have reached certain achievements. But they are applied to teaching practice, the result is far from being satisfactory.Ye Shengtao is a forerunner of modern Chinese education and the most successful and most reputed master in the field of modern and contemporary Chinese education in China, and his rich and profound thoughts on Chinese education have been, are being and are to be learned, studied and referenced by generations of Chinese educators. Among his books and papers on Chinese education, a considerable part was on writing tutoring. And his thoughts on writing tutoring cast a huge influence and play an active role in the contemporary writing tutoring in China.Out of a perspective to accommodate daily needs, Ye pointed out that writing is an indispensable skill for a citizen in the modern society, and that the writing tutoring shall nurture the students for a writing attitude of `Being honest’ and a writing habit of `for a lifetime benefit: As for tutoring methodology, he stressed on language training and sketching, and also laid detailed guidance on principles of assignments and methods for reviewing and commenting. Originating from his specific age, Ye’s philosophy on writing tutoring absorbed the advanced thoughts and culture both home and abroad, resulting in a marked national characteristic. However, it is yet limited with some shortcomings, when reviewed against the current educational situations, thoughts and practices. Thus, it shall be analyzed dialectically and inherited critically.Ye held for writing for daily life and mass population, which is still of a strong operational significance and practical value and enlightens a lot on middle school writing tutoring.Nowadays, under the extreme pressure of entrance examinations, the middle school writing tutoring has walked onto a wrong road of over-focusing on examination instead of real needs, and of over-stressing on literature instead of practical application. The writing tutoring must return to daily life needs, and writing thoughts, assignments and composition methodology must further cater for daily life. Only so, can a lifetime writing skill be developed for the students.

  • 【分类号】G633.34
  • 【被引频次】10
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