

The Classroom Teaching Design and Practical Research on Senior Middle School Physics Based on Individual Difference of Students

【作者】 马春秀

【导师】 吉日嘎拉;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 学生的个性差异,认知差异,基础差异,兴趣差异等个体之间的差异是普遍存在的。根据多元智力理论实施差异教学,对每位学生提供适合其需求的教学,促进有差异的学生的个性发展,是当前新课程改革的一个基本要求。本文在物理课程标准的理论指导下,结合我国物理课程改革的新理念,提出了高中物理课堂教学设计中照顾学生个体差异的必要性和可行性。本文主要运用了问卷调查法和理论分析法,并通过了物理课堂教学实践对该问题进行了初步探讨。论文共分为六部分,前言以物理课程的选修制,学分制与物理教材内容的设置为研究背景,介绍了基于个体差异的高中物理课堂教学设计的理论意义和研究目的,并阐述了国内在该研究领域的研究状况。第一章主要从物理学习论,心理学,物理课程论等等角度进行了详细的理论阐述。每个学生的物理学习能力不同,表现在物理学习能力类型的差异、物理学习能力水平的差异、物理学习能力发展时间和发展速度的差异。多元智能理论指出,每一个学生的智能是由多种智能组成的,学生的智能无高低之分,只有智能倾向的不同和结构的差别,应承认学生间的差异,而物理的学习涉及了人的多种智能,如“空间智能”、“语言智能”、“自然观察智能”、“逻辑—数学智能”等,这是由物理学科本身的复杂性所决定的。性别的个体差异分别从感知觉、记忆力、注意力、思维力的品质、操作实验能力、物理学习兴趣等方面进行了阐述。第二章主要对“普通高中物理学习情况”的调查问卷进行了分析,得出学生升入高中时物理基础有较大差异;学生对物理学习的兴趣、物理课运用多媒体课件的兴趣、物理实验的兴趣各有不同;处理实验结果中出现误差时、物理课没听懂时、完成物理作业遇到困难时等等情况学生选择的方式是多种多样的,并指出了可能的解决方法。在此理论基础上,第三章提出了基于个体差异的高中物理课堂教学设计的三个原则。在所提出的教学设计原则的指导下,第四章首先设计了基于个体差异的高中物理课堂教学设计的流程,即教学内容分析—多维的教学目标;教学目标分析—差异性的教学目标;学生不同的学习思路—多样性的教学思路—设计不同的教学过程—差异性的教学效果评价。依据流程进而设计了三个典型的教学案例。第五章对单摆这堂课的教学设计实施了真实有效的教学,教学过程中提供了较多的学习情景,从教学目标、教学内容、教学过程、教学方法、教学组织形式、教学评估等方面全方位的关注了学生的学习内容需要,兴趣需要,特长需要,面向全体,有效照顾了学生的差异,使每个学生的个性潜能在班集体活动中都尽量充分发挥出来,使学生的知识获得、积累与能力个性发展始终处于一种良性循环状态,得到了良好的教学效果。

【Abstract】 It is very common to find that there are so many differences among students, such as personality differences, cognitive differences, level differences and interest differences. It is a basic requirement of new curriculum reform to provide appropriate teaching to every student to develop his or her personality according to the Multiple Intelligence Theory.Under the guidance of physics curriculum standard theory, concerned with the concepts of the curriculum reform, this thesis proposes the necessity and feasibility of concerning individual difference in classroom teaching design of physics in senior middle school. Adopted the practice of physics classroom teaching, the author discusses this problem in this thesis by a survey method and a theoretical analysis.Thesis is divided into six parts. Based on the elective courses in physics system, credit system and the physical settings for the content of materials, the first chapter introduces the theoretic significance and research purpose of classroom teaching design of physics in senior middle school based on individual difference and expounds the research status in this field.From different angles of the study of physics, psychology, and physics curriculum etc., the first chapter interprets this theory in detail. Different student has different ability to study physics, and this can be classified as difference in learning ability type, difference in learning ability level, difference in learning development of pace and time. The Multiple Intelligence Theory pointed out that every student’s intelligence is composed of different kinds of intelligence. There is no distinction between high and low, only different intelligence orientation and structure, so we should adopt the individual difference among the students. The study of physics involves different kinds of intelligence, such as space intelligence, language intelligence, nature observation intelligence and logic-math intelligence etc, which depend on the complexity of physics. And the gender difference can be divided into memory, attention, quality of the thinking, experimental operation capacity, and physical interest.Chapter 2 classifies the survey of the physics study in ordinary senior middle school and finds that when the students enter high school, there are so many differences appear: different level in physics, different interest in physics study, different interest in multiple courseware, different interest in experiment. Finally the author gives the possible solutions for the various students’options of handling errors in the experiment results, not understanding physics lesson, encountering difficulties while completing physical operating conditions.Based on the previews theory, the thesis proposes the three principles of senior middle school physics classroom design based on the individual difference.Under the direction of these teaching principles, chapter 4 designed a flowchart of senior middle school physics classroom design based on the individual difference.In chapter 5, a real and effective classroom teaching is made to the study of pendulum. In teaching process more learning scenarios are provided, the students’need of content, need of interest and specialty needs are all satisfied from all aspects of t teaching objectives, teaching contents, teaching process, teaching methods, teaching organizational forms, and the individual differences are concerned so that the potential of each student’s personality in class activities can fully play and student’s knowledge of acquisition, accumulation and personality development capability will always be in a virtuous circle of state to get a good teaching results.

  • 【分类号】G633.7
  • 【被引频次】2
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