

Study on Culture of in Vitro Rooting of Almond

【作者】 张利彩

【导师】 郭春会;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 果树学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文采用几种离体生根技术对普通扁桃栽培品种“超美”、“浓美”试管苗进行生根培养试验,结果表明:1.壮苗培养能够促进茎长和茎粗,为下一步生根提供适宜的茎段,可进一步提高生根率和移栽成活率。经试验最适宜“浓美”壮苗培养的培养基是G+BA0.2mg/L+GA30.5mg/L;最适宜“超美”的壮苗培养基是G+BA0.5mg/L+IBA0.1mg/L。2.生根阶段,不同生长素种类对扁桃生根影响不同,试验表明这两个品种对生长素种类具有选择性, IBA对这两个品种的生根有促进作用,IAA对这两个品种的生根无促进作用。并且两个品种适宜生根的IBA浓度不同,适宜“浓美”生根的IBA浓度为1.0mg/L;适宜“超美”生根的IBA浓度为0.6mg/L。3.在两步生根法中,高浓度IBA预处理诱导对扁桃生根的影响,适宜“浓美”预处理诱导的高浓度IBA为100mg/L;适宜“超美”预处理诱导的高浓度IBA为120mg/L。适宜这两个品种生根的IBA处理天数是9天。4.“浓美”和“超美”最适宜的生根温度为28℃。5.适宜“浓美”和“超美”生根的基本培养基为1/2MS培养基。6.暗培养是扁桃生根所必需的前培养,两个品种的最适暗培养时间均为9d。采用试管苗基部遮光可代替暗培养,但生根率略低,优点是地上部分生长较健壮,有利于移栽成活。7.低浓度活性炭(AC)的加入对扁桃的生根率没有什么影响,但明显提高了生根数。而高浓度活性炭(AC)则抑制了扁桃的生根。8.不同蔗糖浓度对扁桃生根有影响,适合这两品种生根的蔗糖浓度是在20g/L-25g/L。9.试管苗移栽时,先在自然光下闭瓶炼苗一周,再开瓶炼苗3天,然后从三角瓶中轻轻取出,洗去根系上的琼脂,移栽于营养钵中。其关键环节是无菌条件下将试管苗移栽到营养钵中和营养液的浇灌及保持湿度。

【Abstract】 In this paper, several in vitro rooting techniques were valuated for micro propagated shoots of almond cultivars, Nong mei”and Chao mei”. The results showed that:1. Strengthen the shoots, it reveals that the strong sprout raise can promote the length and thick of stem and provide the strong sprout to taking root for the next step. The best strengthen the shoots technique of Nong Mei is cultured on G+ BA 0.2mg/L+ GA30.5 mg/L; the best strengthen the shoots technique of Chao Mei is cultured on G+ BA 0.5mg/L+ IBA 0.1 mg/L.2. The effect of the kind of growth hormone on rooting of almond, it reveals that these two varieties have the selectivity to the growth hormone type; IAA takes the non-promoter action to these two varieties in their rooting, IBA takes the promoter action to these two varieties in their rooting. The best concernment of IBA for Nong Mei is 1.0mg/L; the best concernment of IBA for Chao Mei is 0.6mg/L.3. The effect of high IBA concernment on rooting of almond shoots, the results showed that the suitable IBA concernment for Nong Mei is 100mg/L and the suitable IBA concernment for Chao Mei is 120mg/L.4. The effect of different temperature on rooting of almond shoots, it reveals that the suitable temperature for these two varieties is 28℃.5. The effect of different media on rooting of almond shoots, it reveals that the suitable media for these two varieties is 1/2MS.6. Dark treatment is the necessary condition; the suitable days of dark treatment for these two varieties is 9d. Dark treatment could be replaced by in vitro basal shoot darking which the rooting percentage was slightly lower, but the rooted shoots were healthier and stronger.7. Low concentration of AC has no influence on rooting of almond, but it obviously enhances the number of root. Highly concentrated AC has suppressed almond’s taking root.8. The effect of different concentration of sucrose on rooting of almond shoots, it reveals that the suitable concentration of sucrose for these two varieties is in 20g/L-25g/L.9. Planting, the most crucial step of planting is to transplant the little plant live from sterile medium to matrix, to water nourishing oral liquid, to keep matrix moisture.

【关键词】 扁桃生根外植体
【Key words】 AlmondRootingMicro propagation
  • 【分类号】S662.9
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】116