

Changes of Flesh Structure in Harvested Apples and Effects of 1-MCP on Those Changes

【作者】 赵刚

【导师】 马书尚;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 植物学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以陕西省苹果主栽品种‘嘎拉’、‘红星’、‘秦冠’、‘富士’和‘粉红女士’为试验材料,研究了室温下自然贮藏过程中苹果果肉组织显微结构、超微结构的变化和果肉硬度的变化,以及1-MCP对这些变化的影响。探讨了不同品种苹果在贮藏期间果肉组织结构的变化与耐贮性的关系,以及1-MCP抑制果实软化的解剖学原因。研究取得以下结果:(1)不同品种苹果果实的组织结构对果实的耐贮性有一定的影响。果肉细胞椭圆形、多角形、长梭形、细胞搭接面积大、排列紧密者,耐挤压的机械性能好,果实硬度大,耐贮藏。这一特点在育种选配亲本时有一定的参考价值。(2)贮藏期间果肉组织中细胞间隙不断增大是导致果肉软化的重要原因,细胞间隙的迅速增大期与果肉硬度的快速下降期一致。(3)随着贮藏期的逐渐延长,苹果果肉细胞结构均发生如下变化:细胞皱缩,细胞壁膨胀、弯曲,中胶层逐渐消失,微纤丝结构紊乱,细胞质逐渐降解,质膜凹陷与细胞壁分离,线粒体、质体和液泡等细胞器逐渐降解。(4)细胞壁中胶层的降解是苹果贮藏过程中细胞壁结构最显著的变化,中胶层的完整与否对果实硬度的影响很大。随着中胶层的不断降解果肉硬度逐渐下降。(5) 1-MCP处理在一定程度上维持了果肉细胞结构的完整性,从而阻止了果实硬度的下降,延缓了果肉的软化进程,提高了苹果的贮藏质量。

【Abstract】 The major apple cultivars grown in Shaanxi province, Such as‘Gala’(Malus domestica Borkh. cv.‘Gala’),‘Red delicious’(Malus domestica Borkh c.v.‘Red delicious’),‘QinGuan’(Malus domestica c.v.‘QinGuan’),‘Fuji’(Malus domestica Borkh c.v.‘Fuji’) and‘PinkLady’(Malus domestica c.v.‘PinkLady’) apples, were chosen to observe the changes in flesh cell microstructure ,ultrastructure and firmness,as well as the effects of 1-MCP on those changes during storage at room temperature. The relationship between flesh cell structure and the apple storeability and the anatomic reason why 1-MCP delayed fruit softening were investigated. The main results were as show:(1) Different apple varieties had different flesh cell structure which had certain influences on its storage life. Apples with such flesh cell shapes as elliptical, polygon, shuttle,and with tight cell arrangement and highly cells over lapping had higher flesh firmness and longer storage life. These characteristics of flesh cell structure could be used as the index in apple breeding program.(2) The enlargement of flesh intercellular space was an important reason for flesh softening during storage. While intercellular spaces were getting bigger and bigger, flesh firmness dropped fast.(3) A series of change in flesh cell structure were observed during the storage, such as cell tensity losing, dilating and wrinkling of cell wall, vanishing of the middle lamella, disorganizing of the fiber, cytoplasm dissolving gradually, plasma membrane invaginating and separating from cell wall, as well as mitochondrion, plastid and vacuole dissolving gradually.(4) Dissolving of middle lamella was the most obvious change of cell wall during the storage, integrity of the middle lamella had considerable influence on flesh firmness. Flesh firmness decreased as the middle lamella was dissolved gradually.(5) 1-MCP treatments maintained the integrity of flesh cell structure to a certain extent. The flesh firmness of treated fruit dropped down slower than that of untreated fruit, therefore, the fruit softening was delayed and the storage quality was improved.

  • 【分类号】S661.109.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】370