

The Research on Investigation of Pest Occurrence and Control of Wild Forsythia in Shaanxi

【作者】 王珂

【导师】 花蕾; 李孟楼;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 连翘为木犀科多年生落叶灌木,是我国传统常用中药,以其干燥果实入药。本文以陕西省野生连翘为研究对象。初步统计,野生连翘田间害虫群落主要由缨翅目、鞘翅目、鳞翅目、半翅目4个目组成,其中缨翅目和鞘翅目所占比例较大,就个体来说,缨翅目由于在野生连翘花期发生量较大,因此所占比例最大。本试验主要研究了野生连翘主要害虫种类、发生规律、种群优势度、群落结构、主要害虫的空间分布型及针对主要害虫进行了无公害农药筛选。研究结果表明:陕西地区危害野生连翘的主要害虫种类有:中华简管蓟马、植食性瓢虫。黄刺蛾、麻皮蝽、油菜蚤跳甲发生量较少,造成的危害很小。3月到5月中旬,中华简管蓟马危害严重,尤其是在4月为发生高峰期,与连翘花期基本吻合。植食性瓢虫危害连翘叶片,其发生规律主要是一年发生一代,5月初第一代成虫危害叶片,到八月中下旬幼虫严重危害野生连翘叶片,以幼虫越冬。黄刺蛾一般从六月开始危害野生连翘,发生数量一直不大,但可持续危害到十月份。另外,麻皮蝽和油菜蚤跳甲发生量不大,但各月份发生数量较为均匀。铜川市金锁关野生连翘害虫的优势种是中华简管蓟马和植食性瓢虫。而其他样地的优势种在花期时主要也是中华简管蓟马,后随野生连翘花期结束,而转为其他害虫,但发生量很小。野生连翘上害虫群落结构简单,优势度较为明显,而群落的多样性和均匀度很差。植食性瓢虫和中华简管蓟马在连翘上分布图式为均分布型。植食性瓢虫在连翘上的垂直分布为中部最多,底部次之,上部最少。中华简管蓟马在连翘上的垂直分布为上部最多,中部次之,底部最少,但总体差异不显著。中华简管蓟马防治可农业防治结合化学防治。注意保持连翘地周围环境,破坏蓟马冬季的地下存活场所。保护天敌,尽量采用生物防治措施。化学防治时,应注意喷药时间,抓住花期及时喷施药剂,可选用5%高效氯氰菊酯等。植食性瓢虫防治可农业防治结合化学防治。利用成虫假死性进行人工捕捉,注意保持连翘地周围环境,破坏瓢虫幼虫冬季的地下存活场所,及时清理植株下的枯枝落叶。保护天敌,尽量采用生物防治措施。化学防治时,应注意喷药时间,抓住花期及时喷施药剂,可选用3.5%锐丹EC。

【Abstract】 Forsythia can be thought as Chinese traditional medicine especially its fruit. This thesis describes the research of forsythia in Shaanxi province.The preliminary statistic investigation of the insect pests of forsythia included 4 main insect orders, which are Thysanoptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Hemiptera. Because the insect which belonged to Thysanoptera always broke out in the flora time of wild forsythia, the insect of Thysanoptera played main role of the insect pests of forsythia. This thesis describes the main research on investigating the pests, occurrences, dominance of insect population, the structure of insect community, the spatial insect distribution patterns and selecting the proper insecticide to the pest.The conclusion of this research shows that the main pests of forsythia include Haplothrips chinensis Priesner, herb-feeding ladybugs. Cnidocampa flavescens, Erthesina fullo Thunberg, Psylliodes punctifrons Baly harmed the forsythia less than others. H. chinensis severely harmed forsythia from March to May, especially in April, and its occurrences accorded with the flora time of forsythia, the ladybug fed on the leaves of forsythia and it occurred on one generation a year on average, the adult of overwintering generation harmed the leaves in May, and the larva started to harm the leaves severely when August come. C. flavescens harmed wild forsythia not seriously from June to October, lasting for almost 5 months. In addition, bugs and P. punctifrons occurred unseriously but have a even occurrence during each month.The predominance species of wild forsythia in Jinsuoguan of Tongchuan city can be H. chinensis Priesner and herb-feeding ladybugs. The predominance of other trial plot in the flora time of forsythia can be H. chinensis Priesner, but other pest transfer to harm forsythia not severely after the flora time. The pests community structure of wild forsythia have relatively simple, and the dominance of pest is conspicuous, but the diversity of pest community and the equality of distribution are relatively weak.Herb-feeding ladybugs and H. chinensis distribute as even pattern on forsythia, the ladybugs distribute the most in the top, then in the middle, the less in the based of the stem in vertical direction, but they have no sharp difference in each parts of the stem. Culture and chemical control can be used in controlling H. chinensis and ladybugs, what need to be concerned is that not only destroy the underground site of H. chinensis but also protect the environment and natural enemy, trying to use the biological control to prevent it. Chemical control should be implemented in the flora time of forsythia, the proper insecticide can be Beta-cypermethrin 5%. For ladybugs, it can be catch by hand and combined the chemical and biological control, the proper inseciticide can be Mirador 3.5% EC.

【关键词】 连翘主要害虫种群防治技术
【Key words】 Forsythiamain pestspest populationcontrol techniques
  • 【分类号】S435.671
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