

The Mutilocation Trial and the Bulb Propagation of New Tulip Varieties Introduced from Abroad

【作者】 邓涛

【导师】 张延龙;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 郁金香是世界著名的球根花卉之一,其观赏效果好,应用价值高,一直深受人们的青睐。近年来,我国郁金香花卉生产规模逐年扩大,但由于国产种球质量较差、产量较低,难以满足郁金香花卉生产的需要,制约了我国郁金香花卉产业发展。通过选择适生区和优良品种,并采用适合的种球繁育方法是解决我国郁金香种球生产的根本出路所在。本研究将郁金香品种分别在陕西汉中、太白及杨凌等地进行试栽,对不同品种的生长特性进行了综合评价;同时对种球生长发育规律和种球的栽培优化措施作了研究,旨在探求郁金香种球繁育的适生区、适生品种、种球生长发育规律及适宜的栽培技术,为我国郁金香种球的优质生产提供一定的理论依据。研究取得了如下主要结果:1.从荷兰引种的40个郁金香新品种在杨凌地区可以正常地生长发育,表现出了较好的观赏性状,适应本地的气候条件。采用模糊概率方法,对其生长特性进行综合评价,得出多多哥、法国酒、名望、时髦女郎、金.阿波罗、大笑、炫耀、法兰西、林.马克、朱迪斯、魔力、圣诞奇迹、蒙顿、拉考迪尼、蒙特卡罗、红黄鹦鹉、牛津、梦乡、约翰逊夫人、金炫、帝王血、汉斯梅耶、丰田、黄牛津、奥里莱斯、凯内丝、佳人等27个品种的综合性状优于阿波罗(对照),这27个品种将成为试验地区有望进一步推广的优良品种。2.在品种比较试验基础上,选择11个优良品种在不同地区开展了郁金香种球繁育区试研究。以种球增长指标为主,并结合植株生长、种球抗病性、种球贮藏物等指标作为种球繁育适生地和适生品种的选择依据,试验认为太白地区为最佳种球繁育适生地,而汉中和杨凌两地区不宜进行郁金香种球繁育。从太白地区的品种比较试验结果中,初步筛选出大笑、朱迪斯、金.阿波罗、林.马克、炫耀、名望、多多哥、法兰西等8个品种可作为太白地区适生品种。3.对郁金香种球生长发育调查结果表明,茎叶主要于始花期后为子球的生长提供同化物;子球于展叶盛期后开始膨大发育,其生长的关系为更新球大于内子球,而各层内子球从外到内依次增大;外子球于结实始期后独立生长。不同去蕾方式对种球生长的影响表明,植株只去蕾的处理其种球周径倍数、重量倍数、总重量倍数、繁殖系数、种球周径>10cm的比率分别达到1.072、1.516、3.229、6.1、30.1%,此处理明显优于从第一出生叶上部去蕾、从第二出生叶上部去蕾、从第三出生叶上部去蕾和未去蕾等4个处理,并且其种球发病率比其余处理的低,仅为2.3%。

【Abstract】 Tulip is one of the most famous bulb flowers in the world, which is favored by people because of its excellent ornamental beauty. In recent years, the production scale of tulip has grown more and more. But the existing varieties in china can’t satisfy the production need because of their poor quality and low yield and have been an extreme limit factor for the industry of tulip in our country. So the fundamental way out for tulip bulbs production of our country lies in the choosing of suitable distribution area and fine varieties, and the adopting of the propagation methods of the bulb with local conditions. In this study, the tulip varieties were introduced and cultivated in Hanzhong、Taibai and Yangling, Shanxi, the growth characteristics of different varieties were comprehensively evaluated, the growth-development law and the optimal cultivation technique of the bulbs were studied. It was aimed at to seek the fine varieties of tulip bulbs and their suitable distribution areas, meanwhile to explore their growth-development laws and optimal cultivation technique, in order to provide a certain theoretical basis for the high quality production of domestic tulip bulbs. The main results were as follows:1. 40 new tulip varieties introduced from Holland grew normally in Yangling, displayed a good ornamental character and adaptability to the local climatic conditions. After the evaluation of the varieties’morphology index through fuzzy comprehensive method, we found that‘Dordogne’,‘Burgundy Lace’,‘Renown’,‘Belle du Monde’,‘G.Apeldoorn’,‘Big Smile’,‘Parade’,‘Ile de France’,‘Leen var Mark’,‘Judith Leyster’,‘Maureen’,‘Christmas Marvel’,‘Menton’,‘La Courtine’,‘Monte Carlo’,‘Flaming Parrot’,‘Oxford’,‘Dreamland’,‘Mrs.John’,‘Golden Parade’,‘Kings Blood’,‘Hans Mayer’,‘Toyota’,‘Golden Oxford’,‘Ollioules’,‘Kees Nelis’,‘Beauty Apel’showed better comprehensive characters than‘Apeldoorn’(CK), the former 27 varieties could be fine varieties for further extension in Yangling.2. We selected 11 fine varieties of tulip bulb to develop a propagation research based on the variety test. Make the bulb growth index as the main selection basis for suitable distribution area and fine varieties combining with the index of plant growth, disease resistance, inclusion content of bulb and so on. The result showed that Taibai was suitable distribution area for bulbs propagation, but Hanzhong and Yangling were not. According to the result of variety tests in Taibai,‘Big Smile’,‘Judith Leyster’,‘Apeldoorn’,‘Leen var Mark’,‘Parade, Renown’,‘Dordogne’,‘Ile de France’were preliminarily chosen as the suitable varieties in Taibai.3.The investigation results of bulbs growth and development indicated that, photosynthate was mainly supplied for daughter bulbs by stems and leaves after initial time of flowering; Daughter bulbs started to enlarge after the vigorous leaf-expansion period, while the regenerated daughter bulbs grew larger than all inner daughter bulbs which grow larger in the order of outside to inside;Growth of exterior daughter bulbs were independent after initial fruit period. The growth of different disbudding treatment on bulbs showed that, multiple of perimeter、multiple of bulb weight、multiple of total bulbs weight and propagation coefficient of bulb attributed to plant disbudded bulbs separately reached to 1.072、1.516、3.229、6.1 compare with that of budded bulbs, the ratio of disbudded bulb perimeter which was bigger than 10㎝ was 30.1%, the treatment of plant disbudded was significantly better than the treatments such as, disbudded the first leaf , disbudded the second leaf, disbudded the third leaf, no disbudding and so on, and its bulb incidence rate was lower, only being 2.3%.

【关键词】 郁金香引种区域实验种球繁育
【Key words】 tulipintroductionmutilocation trialbulbpropagation
  • 【分类号】S682.263
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】546