

The Landscape and Design Research on the Environment of Villa under the New Resident Concept

【作者】 张媛

【导师】 段渊古;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 从“居者有其屋”到“居者优其屋”,伴随着人们居住观念和住房需求的变化,越来越多的人对现代居住文化产生了更多更高的追求。房子由一个简单的居住地,上升成为享受生活乐趣的个性空间,也成为人们衡量生活品质的重要标准。在房屋质量与居住面积、居住功能与结构、景观与生态环境、邻里和谐与人文环境、物业管理服务以及亲情与家庭气氛的追求上,人们的期望越来越高。本论文以理论联系实际的方法作为论文的主线,以园林美学与景观设计学原理、生态学原理、心理学与环境行为学原理、传统风水理论等为指导。通过查阅大量国内外相关资料与实地调研西安与长沙范围内已建成的若干别墅区,论文一方面对目前我国别墅环境设计的特点进行了分析总结,指出了目前我国别墅景观设计中存在的主要误区为:1、别墅区景观设计整体把握不够,风格定位混乱;2、盲目照搬固有模式,缺乏地域性特色;3、环境景观设计过多的强调其视觉功能,对人的生活需求关注不够,社区缺乏灵魂与精神内涵,景观设计细节把握不够。并由此归纳出目前我国别墅景观环境设计中亟待解决的问题,即设计价值取向问题、对待自然的态度问题与设计体制问题,指出景观的文化与精神价值是今后别墅景观设计应该努力的方向;另一方面,对目前我国别墅的主要消费人群进行探索性剖析,阐述了以这一部分人为代表的新时期居住理念的特点,归纳得出新居住理念也主要是表现在对景观的文化性与精神内涵的追求上,这为今后别墅景观环境设计的研究提供了一定的现实依据。通过上述大量的分析探讨,本文提出了建设适合当前社会发展、顺应新居住理念、体现高层次文化内涵的别墅环境景观设计的理论与方法,指出新居住理念下别墅环境景观设计应遵循的理念包括:整体性设计理念、“文态化”设计理念、人性化设计理念与创新性设计理念,并在这些理念指导下,对别墅环境景观中各景观要素的具体设计方法进行了较为详尽的阐述,包含植物种植景观、道路景观、场所景观、硬质景观、水景景观、照明景观等的设计研究,最后,论文以西安曲江公馆别墅区的环境景观设计作为实例进行分析,使理论研究与实际相结合,这将为今后一段时期内别墅环境景观的设计产生深刻的影响和重要的指导作用。

【Abstract】 People’s resident concept is changing, they don’t satisfide with having a house but to live comfortable, more and more people have been pursuiting nicer living conditions. House is not just a space to live anymore, it becomes a special private space to enjoy life, and it also becomes a kind of important standard for taste of life. People are expecting more in many aspects on the house they live in, such as the resident quality, area, function and structure, the landscape and ecology environment, the harmonious neighborhood and cultural atomosphere, the community service and family ambience.The thesis was based on the method of integration of theory with practice, it took the garden aesthetics and landscape design principles, the ecology principles, the psychology and environment behavior theory and traditional geomancy theory etc. as the instructions. By refering to the relevant domestic and foreign materials, it made field research to several constructed villa areas in Xi’an and Changsha, on one side, analyzed and summarized the characteristics of villa landscape plan and design, and pointed out the main existing deficiency in enviremental landscape design for villa areas in China, they are as follows: first, the whole grasp of the villa area landscape design is insufficient and the style localization is confused. Second, blindly copy the inherent mode and lack of regional characteristics. Third, Environmental landscape design excessively emphasis on its visual function, pay little attention to the demand for people’s life, lack of community spirit and soul of meaning, not grasp the details of landscape design. And then, summarized the problems should be dealed with quickly as the questions of design value orientation, the treatment on the nature and the design system, and pointed out that the culture and the energetic value will be our direction diligently. On the other side, carried on the exploring analysis to the present villa’s main buyer to expound the characteristic of such people’s resident concept in new times as well, The induction obtains the new housing idea also is mainly displays to the landscape cultural property and in the energetic connotation pursue. This has provided certain reality basis for the next villa landscape environment design’s research..Based on the above researches, the thesis reseached on the theories and methods, which siuts the current social development and complys with the new time resident concept and embodys the hign level culture conotation, for the villa environmental landscape design, and pointed out the conotation are as follows:whole design concept, cultural design concept, humanity design concept and innovation design concept, then, under succh conotations’instruction, elaborated the concrete design methods of various landscapes essential factors in the villa environment landscape, including the design of plant landscape, road landscape, place landscape, flinty landscape, water landscape and lighting landscape etc. And then carried on the analysis by the Xi’an Qujiang mansion project’s environment landscape design as the example, making the fundamental research and actual unifies. This will have the extremely profound influence and important instruction function to the villa environment landscape’s plan and the design in the near future.

【关键词】 别墅环境景观居住理念文化创新
【Key words】 villaenvironment landscaperesident conceptcultureinnovation
  • 【分类号】TU986.2
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1221