

The Lactation Rules of Tan Sheep Ewes Post Partum 1~30 Day and Nutrient Requirements for Lambs at 1~30D

【作者】 吕亚军

【导师】 王永军; 许斌;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究通过三个试验,对滩羊产后1~30天泌乳规律、中草药添加剂提高母羊泌乳性能和羔羊生产性能的效果及机理、1~30日龄羔羊营养需要量分别进行了初步研究。试验一:滩羊产后1~30天泌乳规律研究以2007年4月12日顺产的6只母性较强、年龄接近的健康母羊及其所产6只1日龄羔羊(公母各半)作为试验用羊,以每一只母羊和其所产羔羊为一个重复进行滩羊泌乳规律研究。试验结果表明:1.滩羊产后30天内具有较高的泌乳性能,30天总泌乳量为28.075±2.038kg,平均日泌乳量为935.84±67.92g。2.滩羊的泌乳曲线符合wood模型,对滩羊每日产奶量可以用方程Y = 560 .7756t0.5458e?0.0558t进行估计。3.滩羊泌乳曲线具有泌乳初期日泌乳量上升速度快、泌乳峰值出现早、泌乳高峰期持续时间短、泌乳高峰过后泌乳量下降速度快等特点。4.滩羊产后不同泌乳阶段泌乳量之间、不同泌乳阶段泌乳量与羔羊体增重间均呈强相关,可通过建立相应的回归方程,方便实现对产后特定泌乳阶段泌乳量的准确估计。试验二:中草药添加剂提高母羊泌乳性能和羔羊生产性能的效果及机理研究本试验采用单因子随机分组设计,将24只年龄接近、胎次相同的妊娠母羊随机分为4组,每组6只,每只为1个重复。A组:对照组,饲喂基础日粮;B组:试验1组,基础日粮+中草药添加剂Ⅰ;C组:基础日粮+中草药添加剂II;D组:基础日粮+中草药添加剂Ⅲ。试验从母羊产前10天开始,至产后30天结束,共40天,将整个试验期分为产前10天、产后1~15天和产后16~30天三个阶段,各阶段每只羊每天分别饲喂中草药饲料添加剂25g、50g和0g。试验结果表明:1.本研究选用的三个组方的中草药饲料添加剂,不但均可不同程度提高母羊产后1~15d(中草药饲料添加剂使用期)产奶量,而且具有明显的后续效应,其中B、C、D三个试验组母羊1~15d产奶量分别比对照组提高了6.93%、1.72%、5.21%;1~30d产奶量分别比对照组组提高了5.60%、2.04%、4.16%,B、D组与对照组差异显著(p<0.05)。2.中草药饲料添加剂具有提高滩羊乳蛋白、乳糖含量和降低乳脂肪含量的的趋势,但B、C、D三个试验组与对照组总体差异不显著(p>0.05)。3.中草药饲料添加剂具有提高1~15日龄和1~30日龄羔羊平均日增重的趋势,其中B、C、D三个试验组羔羊1~15日龄和1~30日龄平均日增重分别较对照组提高了9.88%、0.216%、5.96%和18.97%、5.81%、12.83%。中草药饲料添加剂对羔羊生产性能的影响是泌乳量提高和乳成分改善双重作用的结果。4.中草药饲料添加剂可极显著提高血浆GH水平(p<0.01),B、C、D三个试验组血浆GH水平分别较对照组提高了19.54%、26.63%和14.89%;B、C、D三个试验组血浆GH水平也存在显著差异,其中B组、C组血浆GH水平与D组差异极显著(p<0.01),C组与B组差异显著(p<0.05)。不同的中草药饲料添加剂对血浆PRL水平产生不同的影响,其中B组、C组血浆PRL水平明显高于A组和D组,差异均极显著(p<0.01);B组和C组间差异不显著(p>0.05);D组血浆PRL水平明显低于A组,差异均极显著(p<0.01)。中草药饲料添加剂提高母羊泌乳性能的机理可能是通过调节血浆PRL和GH水平实现的。试验三: 1~30日龄羔羊营养需要量研究本研究以所选的30只健康1日龄羔羊(公母各半)作为试验用羊,以每1只羔羊为1个重复,按照析因法进行1~30日龄滩羊营养需要研究。试验从羔羊出生后第1天开始,至羔羊30日龄结束,共30天。通过准确测定每只羔羊每天的初始体重、各营养素摄入量和日增重,建立30只羔羊在1~30天试验期的试验数据库,按照维持营养素需要量(NR)与代谢体重( W 0.75)和平均日增重( ADG )间存在的函数关系:NR = a1×W0.75+a2×ADG(kg),通过回归分析建立表示各营养素需要量与代谢体重和平均日增重数量关系的回归方程,按照所建立的回归公式准确估计1~30日龄滩羊不同生长阶段、不同生长速度条件下的各营养素的需要量。试验结果表明:1.与国内外相关研究结果比较发现,1~30日龄滩羊能量和蛋白质营养需要具有维持蛋白质需要量明显偏大、维持能量需要量偏大、生长蛋白质需要量相对最小的特点,这可能与滩羊独特的品种特征和生长的环境条件有关。2.分别建立了1~30日龄滩羊消化能、代谢能、粗蛋白质、可消化粗蛋白质、12种必需氨基酸(精氨酸、组氨酸、异亮氨酸、亮氨酸、赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、蛋氨酸+胱氨酸、苯丙氨酸、苯丙氨酸+酪氨酸、脯氨酸、苏氨酸、缬氨酸)和9种矿物质元素(钙、磷、钠、镁、铁、锌、铜、锰、硒)营养需要量的回归方程。3.根据本研究建立的营养素需要量回归方程,分别估计不同体重(4kg、6kg、8kg、10kg)、不同日增重(0g/d、100g/d、200g/d、300g/d)条件下滩羊营养需要量,建立了1~30日龄滩羊营养需要推荐标准。

【Abstract】 Three experiments were carried out in this study: (1) the rules of lactation of the Tan sheep ewe postpartum 1~30 day; (2) the effect and mechanism of the Chinese herbal additives on improving the lactation performance of the ewe and the growth performance of the lambs; (3) nutrient requirements for lambs at 1~30d.Experiment 1: the rules of lactation of the Tan sheep ewe postpartum 1~30 day.6 Tan sheep ewe with strong maternity and the same birthday were selected for this experiment, which were with normal labors on 2007, April 12th, and each ewe and her lamb was taken as a repeat. The results showed that:1. milk yield of the Tan sheep ewe for 30 days was 28.075±2.038kg, the average daily milk yield was 935.84±67.92g.2. The lactation curve was consistent with the wood model and milk yield can be estimated with this equation: Y = 560 .7756t0.5458e?0.0558t.3. The lactational curve was characterized as follows: the milk production increased quickly in the initial stage; the peak amplitude appeared early; the peak-time lasted short and the milk production decreased fast after the peak-time.4. The association was strong among the milk production in different stages and also between the milk production and the lambs’gain per day. A regression equation can be established, which is useful for the accurate estimate of the milk production in different stages postpartum.Experiment 2: the effect and mechanism of the Chinese herbal additives on improving the lactation performance of the ewe and the growth performance of the lambs.A design of mono-factor and randomization was taken in this experiment, 24 pregnant ewe with close birthdays and the same fecundate times were divided into 4 groups randomly. Every group has 6 ewes and each ewe was taken as 1 repeat. Group A: control group, feeding with normal feedingstuff; Group B: feeding with normal feedingstuff and Chinese herbal additiveⅠ; Group C: feeding with normal feedingstuff and Chinese herbal additiveⅡ; Group D: feeding with normal feedingstuff and Chinese herbal additiveⅢ.the experiment was taken out before the delivery 10 days and after the delivery 30 days and the whole experimental stage was divided into 3 parts: 10 days before the delivery; 115 days after the delivery and 1630 days after the delivery. Every stage each ewe was fed with Chinese herbal additives 25g、50 and 0g. The result showed:1. The 3 Chinese herbal additives not only can improve the milk yield in the 1~15d after the delivery but also have transparent post-effects. The milk yield of B, C, D was increased by 6.93%, 1.72%, 5.21% respectively compared to the control in the 1~15d and in the 1~30d increased by 5.60%、2.04%、4.16%. B and D both have significant variance to the control.2. The Chinese herbal additives can improve the content of milk protein and lactose of the Tan sheep and at the same time they can also degrade the milk fat, but there wasn’t any transparent variance between the B, C, D and the control(p>0.05).3. The Chinese herbal additives have a trend to imcrease the day weight gaining of the lambs and the B, C and D in the 1~15d increased by 9.88%、0.216%、5.96% respectively compared to the control as they increased by 18.97%、5.81%、12.83% in the 1~30d respectively. The effects of the Chinese herbal additives include the increasing of milk yield and the improving of milk content.4. The Chinese herbal additives can significantly raise the level of the blood plasma GH. The B, C and D raised by 19.54%、26.63% and 14.89% respectively compared to the control as significant variance among them at the same time. GH level of B and C varied more significantly(p<0.01) than that between B and C(p<0.05). Different Chinese herbal additives have different effects on PRL level. The PRL level of B and C is obviously higher than that of A and D(p<0.01)and there is no significant difference between B and C(p>0.05). The level of D is less than A obviously(p<0.01). The mechanism of improving the milk yield of the Chinese herbal additives may be by the regulating of the level of blood plasma GH and PRL.30 lambs at 1d were chosen for this experiment (female and male was 50% respectively) and each lamb was taken as a repeat. A factorial method was used in this study. The experiment was taken out from the delivery of the lamb to the lamb at 30d. With an accurate measure of the incipient body weight of each lamb, nutrient intake and body weight gaining per day, a database was established of the 30 lambs during the 30d. Then, with an equation NR = a1×W0.75+a2×ADG(kg), a regression equation was established to express a quantitative relation between the nutritional requirement and metabolic weight, daily gain. By the regression equation established, the nutritional requirement under different stage and different daily gain level can be estimated. The result showed:1. Compared to the studies on this region from abroad and internal, we found: the requirement of maintenance protein was obviously higher; the maintenance energy was high and the protein for daily gain was relatively low. Perhaps this has something to do with the special varietal characteristics of the Tan sheep and the natural environment.2. Regression equations were established respectively on the requirement of digestive energy, metabolic energy, crude protein, digestive protein, 12 kinds of essential amino acids( Arginine; histidine, Isoleucine, leucine; lysine; methionine; methionine + cystine Phenylalanine + Tyrosine; proline; threonine; valine ) and 9 kinds of mineral elements( calcium; phosphorus; sodium; magnesium; iron; zinc; copper; manganese; selenium ).3. According to the regression equation established on the nutritional requirement, under different body weight(4kg、6kg、8kg、10kg), different daily gain(0g/d、100g/d、200g/d、300g/d), the nutritional requirement was estimated and a recommended was proposal for the lambs at 1~30d.

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