

The Investigation and Collection of Germplasm Resources of Z.Bungeanum and the Research of Regeneration System of Zanthoxylum Tissue Culture

【作者】 王港

【导师】 李周岐;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 林木遗传育种学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 花椒属于芸香科花椒属植物,落叶灌木或小乔木,是我国重要的调料和药用树种,在我国有着悠久的栽培历史。改革开放以来,随着人们生活水平的不断提高,花椒用作调料品方面的需求越来越大,再加上花椒新的利用途径的开发,如花椒芽菜、花椒香水、花椒精油、利用花椒生产杀虫剂、提取生物材油等,使得价格不断上涨,2006年优质花椒的市场价格达到了56元/kg。近年来,花椒的栽培规模不断扩大,产量大幅度提高,其带来的经济效益让许多农民富裕起来,在有的地方,花椒产业甚至已经成为地方经济的支柱产业。花椒育种长期处于相对落后的水平,已经远远不能满足当前发展的要求。本文对现有的花椒种质资源进行了调查和收集,为今后育种工作的开展准备好材料;研究花椒组织培养再生体系,以改进花椒育种落后、单一的手段;研究微型扦插技术,为良种的繁育和推广做好技术准备。主要研究结果如下:1.种质资源的收集经过两年的调查和收集工作,对我国北方花椒的分布,各地栽培规模以及主要栽培品种、早期栽培品种和常见野生野生变异类型的情况有了详细的了解;对各主产区的主要栽培品种,早期栽培品种以及常见野生变异类型的生物学特性、经济价值和育种价值等方面做了细致研究,为今后花椒研究积累了有价值的材料。比较系统、全面的收集了我国北方花椒主要栽培区的花椒种质资源44个,包括主要栽培种质资源26个,早期栽培品种7个、常见野生变异类型11个、优树1株。采用完全随机区组5次重复试验设计,在西北农林科技大学林学院苗圃为建立花椒种质资源库进行了育苗,所搜集的种质资源都获得了一定数量的苗子。为进行花椒种质资源的分类、评价和新品种的培育提供了条件,同时对花椒资源遗传多样性的保护,花椒种质资源的保存、利用以及开发也具有重要的价值。2.组织培养再生体系的建立以凤椒的嫩茎、嫩叶和韧皮部为外植体,研究了不同种类和不同浓度浓度的细胞分裂素(TDZ、ZT和6—BA)和生长素(IBA和NAA)组合对花椒组织培养再生体系各个环节的影响,建立了完整的花椒组织培养再生体系。试验结果表明:嫩叶是诱导花椒愈伤组织较好的材料;MS+0.5mg/L2,4-D+0.5 mg/L BA能成功诱导嫩叶产生愈伤组织,诱导率达90%,且愈伤组织生长良好;MS+0.03 mg/L TDZ+0.1 mg/L BA能成功的诱导愈伤组织分化出正常的不定芽,诱导率达70%,不同光照强度、不同材料诱导的愈伤组织以及不同继代次数的愈伤组织分化能力有明显差异;最适的芽增殖培养基为MS+0.4 mg/L 6-BA+ 0.3mg/L IBA,增殖系数为6.2;1/4MS+0.4 mg/L IBA能成功诱导健壮的无根苗生根,生根率达90%以上。花椒试管苗瓶外扦插试验结果表明,珍珠岩:河沙=1:1是试管苗瓶外扦插的理想基质;100~500ppmIBA浓度变化对扦插效果影响不明显,以300ppm略优;基质消毒和扦插保湿对花椒微型扦插有着重要的影响。愈伤组织再生体系的建立,为今后花椒育种中现代生物技术的应用铺平了道路,具有重要的意义。3.扦插技术研究研究了不同基质、不同浓度IBA溶液及其不同处理时间对花椒一年生枝条微型扦插的影响。结果表明:不同基质对花椒扦插生根率和生根数量都有显著影响,以珍珠岩:河沙=1:1做花椒扦插的基质最好,其效果优于含水量更高的蛭石基质;不同浓度IBA处理对生根有着显著影响,以100ppm浓度处理效果最好,高于150ppm的IBA处理容易导致插穂产生愈伤组织;不同处理时间对生根率影响较大,以24小时处理为最佳时间,时间过长则因插条叶片失水导致生根率大大降低。在基质消毒充分前提下,采用珍珠岩:河沙=1:1做基质,插穗用100ppmIBA处理24小时,扦插后浇透水、用地膜覆盖,生根率可达100%,平均生根条数为6~8条。

【Abstract】 Zanthoxylum bungeanum is deciduous shrubs or small trees of Rutaceae Zanthoxylum L. It is an important seasoning and medicinal tree species and has a long history of cultivation in China. Since the reform and opening-up with people living standard of continual improve, the demand of zanthoxylum as mixtion article become more and more large and new utilization approach of zanthoxylum is developmented, for example, zanthoxylum bud vegetable , zanthoxylum perfume, zanthoxylum volatile-oil, Using zanthoxylum production insecticide and extraction biological wood oil, and so on. These cause prices continual increase, the market price of high quality zanthoxylum arrive at 56 yuan / kg. in 2006. In recent years, the area of cultivation of Zanthoxylum have been expanding and the output improve substantially, it made many farmers get rich. In some places, Zanthoxylum industry has even become a important industry of local economies. Zanthoxylum breeding is relatively long-term backward level, hasn’t been far from meeting the requirements of the current development trend. This paper conduct an investigation and collection for the Zanthoxylum germplasm resources, it is ready for future breeding and preparing materials; Tissue Culture Research of Zanthoxylum bungeanum regeneration system is for improving backward Zanthoxylum breeding and a poor means; Research of micro-cutting technology is ready for seeding breeding and promotion. The main results are as follows:1, Germplasm collectionAfter two-years investigation and collection, there is more clear understanding the distribution of Zanthoxylum in northern China, the scale of cultivation around the major varieties, primitive and cultivated species and wild relatives; there is a detailed research on biological characteristics, as well as the economic value, breeding value of the scale of cultivation around the major varieties, primitive and early cultivars and species of wild relatives,it has accumulated valuable materials for Zanthoxylum research in the future. 44 species or strains are collected from main cultivation in northern China, including 26 major cultivars or strains, 7 original cultivars, 11 wild relatives and a plus tree. In nursery of Forestry College of Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University of Science and Technology established germplasm resources for nursery work.Germplasm collected from the various resources have been a certain number of seedling as five repeat of complete randomized block design. It provided the conditions for categories of the Zanthoxylum, evaluation and the cultivation of new varieties, at the same time it provided an important value for the protection of the diversity of germplasm resources, the preservation of germplasm resources, utilization and development。2. The research of regeneration system of Zanthoxylum tissue cultureBy using the soft stem, tender leaves and phloem of Zanthoxvlum in Fengxian county for the explants, the test study different types and concentrations of cytokinin (TDZ, ZT and 6-BA) and growth hormone (IBA and NAA) portfolio on the impact of all aspects of regeneration system of Zanthoxylum tissue culture and establish the regeneration system of Zanthoxylum tissue culture. Test results show that tender leaves is the best material that induced callus of Zanthoxylum, the best medium for induction callus is MS+0.5mg/L 2,4-D+0.5 mg/L BA; induction rate is 90%, and callus grow well; With hormone combination and density 0.03 mg/L TDZ+0.1 mg/LBA, could induce the callus to differentiation the normal adventitious buds, induction rate is 70%.Different light intensity, the callus induced by different materials, as well as the number of different subculture callus differentiation ability are significant difference; the best medium for endosperm-derived is MS+0.4 mg/L 6-BA+ 0.3mg/L IBA; the coefficient of propagation is 20; the best medium for root induction was 1/4MS+0.4 mg/L IBA, the rooting rate was more than 90%.Zanthoxylum cutting of plantlets bottles reasults show that as the sand and perlite ratio is 1 and 1and is the ideal cutting vitro matrix. The effect of 100~500ppmIBA concentration on the cutting is little, 300 ppm is superior to other it has an important impact on cutting moisturizing and disinfecting matrix。The regenerated system is established. Zanthoxylum breeding in the future has opened up a new way and is very great significance.3. The research of cutting of micro-technology of ZanthoxylumThis test include the impact on different substrates, different treatment and different concentrations of IBA processing time on the one-year-old shoots Zanthoxylum rooting cuttings. The results show that the effect of different matrix on the rooting rate and the number of Zanthoxylum cuttings is clear, the best matrix is the sand and perlite ratio is 1 and 1, the effect is better than that of Vermiculite matrix in highest water content; the effect of different IBA on rooting is clear, the best effect is 100 ppm, higher than 150 ppm IBA deal easily lead to callus by cuttings; different processing time have a great influence on rooting rate, the best time is 24 hours, length of water loss due to leaf cuttings rooting rate is much lower. If disinfection in the matrix is full, the ratio of perlite and sand is 1and1, cuttings with 100 ppm IBA for 24 hours, the rooting rate will reach 100%,the average number of rooting is 6~8.

  • 【分类号】S573.9
  • 【被引频次】7
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