

Research on Characteristics of Ecological Environment of Giant Panda Habitat in the Qinling Mountains

【作者】 张锋锋

【导师】 樊金拴;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 林产化学加工工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 大熊猫为我国特有的野生珍稀动物,被称为我国的国宝、活化石,是世界上最古老的物种,同时也是最濒危的物种之一,大熊猫的生存状况为国内外所瞩目。秦岭山系是我国大熊猫分布的最北界,被誉为大熊猫的天然庇护所。近年来由于人类活动对自然资源的过度利用,极大地破坏了大熊猫的生境,导致大熊猫栖息地的大量丧失和破碎化,使大熊猫的的种群数量急剧减少,栖息地面积越来越小。为了制定切实可行的栖息地保护管理计划,对大熊猫栖息地进行生境分析及植被特征研究势在必行。本文是以秦岭山系的太白、老县城、观音山、佛坪以及周至等5个大熊猫保护区为重点研究区域,运用野外典型样地法和生态学分析与统计方法,研究了秦岭大熊猫栖息地各个环境因子特征,讨论分析了栖息地植被类型的划分和主要群落特征,并对不同栖息地结构(核心区、缓冲区和潜在区)的生境差异进行了对比。研究的主要结果如下:1.秦岭山系拥有大熊猫适宜而且独特的生境类型。栖息地地处秦岭中西部,位于105o29′29″~108o47′57″E, 32o50′18″~34o00′18″N,垂直分布于海拔1100~3000m的范围之间,地形地貌类型复杂,主要由中山和亚高山组成;气候上属于暖温带向亚热带过渡的湿润半湿润气候,受大陆性气候与季风性气候的双重影响,不同区域的各种气象要素在不同季节表现出一定的差异;在大熊猫分布区域内发育着多种类型的微酸性土壤,土壤肥力状况良好,为栖息地植被及竹林的生长发育提供了良好的条件;栖息地的河流水质良好,受矿物质及有毒重金属污染较轻,或者不构成污染。2.根据野外样地调查的各个物种的重要值,将秦岭大熊猫栖息地植被群落划分为4个植被型组、8个植被型、9个植被亚型、13个群系组、30个群系、35个群丛;依重要值排序乔木层优势种为红桦、华山松、巴山冷杉、锐齿栎、栓皮栎,其次为柳、槭、榛、杨和油松等;灌木层优势种为秦岭箭竹、榛子和秦岭木姜子,其次为四川忍冬、悬钩子、巴山木竹和卫矛等;草本层优势种为薹草、莎草和蛇莓等。栖息地植被以针叶林和阔叶林植被占优势,群落边界模糊,地带性明显。和大熊猫分布比较密切的植被主要有太白红杉林、巴山冷杉林、华山松林、油松林、松栎林、松桦林、锐齿栎林、栓皮栎林、山杨林、红桦林等10个植被类型以及秦岭箭竹林和巴山木竹林两个竹林。各个植被群落在优势种群、群落结构特征等方面存在显著差异,但在植被群落交叉地带,群落之间有明显的过渡性质。3.栖息地的植物群落组成复杂,科属分布较为分散,森林植物成分具有明显的暖温带向亚热带过渡的区系特征。在不同植被群落类型中,草本层分别以薹草、莎草、蛇莓、蕨类等其中一种或几种占优势,灌木层物种分别以秦岭箭竹、榛子、秦岭木姜子、巴山木竹、秦岭蔷薇、荚蒾、卫矛、绣线菊等其中一种或几种占优势。栖息地不同植被群落类型各层的多样性指数均表现出灌木层>草本层>乔木层的特点;而群落总体多样性趋势为阔叶林>针阔混交林>针叶林,其中山杨林的物种丰富度指数和多样性指数最高,红桦林的群落均匀度最高,太白红杉林群落的各个多样性指数最低。4.栖息地主要植被群落的生物量大小顺序为:巴山冷杉林、华山松林>红桦林、山杨林和油松林>锐齿栎林、松桦林、松栎林和栓皮栎林>太白红杉林,生物量总体呈现出针叶树群落高于阔叶树群落的特点;在空间分布上,栖息地的群落生物量总体趋势基本是随着海拔升高而增加的,在海拔2700m左右(巴山冷杉分布段)达到最大,然后再逐渐减小,在高山森林线以上地区急剧下降。5.栖息地核心区、缓冲区和潜在区在各个生境因子上均表现出很大的差异性,其中植被类型、乔木层建群种及郁闭度、灌草层优势种及盖度、竹种及盖度、海拔等生境因子差异性最大,是决定栖息地不同结构区生境差异最主要的因子;各个不同生境类型下的植物群落特征和相应的生境地理因子呈现出一定的相关关系;栖息地的三个结构区的生境因子在空间上呈现一定的过渡性质。在自然干扰情况下,核心区、缓冲区和潜在区受干扰强度类似,几乎接近在一个水平上;而在人为干扰情况下,明显表现出潜在区>缓冲区>核心区的特点,同时在这些干扰因子中,采伐、放牧、割竹挖笋以及采药是目前栖息地干扰强度最大的因子。

【Abstract】 Giant panda, which has been called the national treasure and living fossil, is a specific and wild rare animal in our country. It is the oldest species in the world, and it also is one of the most endangered species at the same time.The existence state of the giant panda attracts attention both at home and abroad. The Qinling Mountains is the most north boundary that giant panda is distributed in our country, praised as the natural sanctuary of the giant panda. In recent years, because of the excessive use of the natural resources, the human activity has destroyed the habitat of the giant panda greatly, causing a large amount of lose and fragmentation in the habitat of giant panda. The population quantity of the giant panda is reduced rapidly, and the area of habitat become smaller and smaller. In order to make the feasible protection and management plan of giant panda habitat, It is imperative to study giant panda habitat analysis and vegetation characteristic.This text focuses on Taibai, Laoxiancheng, Guanyinshan, Foping and Zhouzhi, etc. protected area for key research region in the Qinling Mountains. Using methods such as typical field polt, ecological analysis and statistics, we have researched characteristics of each environmental factor giant of giant panda habitat, discussed and analyzed the division of the habitat vegetation type and main characteristics of communities, and we also contrast the difference of characteristics of habitat structure( core region, buffer region and potential region). The main result studied is as follows:1. There are suitable and unique habitat types for giant panda in the Qinling Mountains. The habitat is located in Mid-west and 105o29′29″~108o47′57″E, 32o50′18″~34o00′18″N, distributed between the ranges of 1100-3000m at altitude. The topography and geomorphology is complicated, and mainly made up of middle and subalpine mountains. The climate belongs to the moist and semi-moist climate of carrying out the transition from the temperate zone to the subtropical zone, receiving the double influence of the continental climate and the monsoon climate, various meteorological elements of different areas demonstrate certain difference in different seasons. Many types of little acid soil is developmented in distribution area of giant panda. The soil fertility state is good, and it offers the good condition for growth of habitat vegetation and bamboo forest. The water quality of habitat river is good, and it is polluted relatively light due to minerals and poisonous heavy metal, or is not polluted.2. According to the important value of each species investigated in the sample plots, the vegetation community of giant panda habitat of the Qinling Mountains is divided into 4 vegetation type groups, 8 vegetation types, 9 vegetation subtypes, 13 formation groups, 30 formations, 35 associations. There are Betula albo-sinensis, Pinus armandii, Abies fargesii, Quercus aliena var. acuteserrota, Quercus variabilis as dominant species of arbor layers in accordance with important value, secondly for Salix spp., Acer spp., Corylus spp., Populus spp. and Pinus tabulaefomis. etc. There are Fargesia qinlingensis, Corylus helerophylla, Litsea tsinlingensis as dominant species of shrub layer, secondly for Lonicera szechuanica, Rubus spp., Bashania fargesii and Euonymus alatus etc. There are Carex lanceolata, Cyperus spp. and Duchesnea indica etc. as dominant species of herb layers. The habitat vegetation predominate with coniferous forest and broad-leaved forest. It has fuzzy community boundary and obviously zonation. There are many vegetations closed to distribution of giant panda, include 10 vegetation types such as Form. Larix chinensis, Form. Abies fargesii, Form. Pinus armandii, Form. Pinus tabulaeformis, Form. Pinus spp. and Quercus spp., Form. Pinus spp. and Betula spp., Form. Quercus aliena var. acuteserrota, Form. Quercus variabilis, Form. Populus davidiana, Form. Betula albo-sinensis etc. and 2 Bamboo forest such as Form. Bashania fargesii, Form. Fargesia qinlingensis. It has obviously difference with characteristics of dominant species and community structure among each vegetation community. And it has obviously transitional properties in the cross-zone of vegetation communities.3. The composition of plant community is complicated in habitat, the distribute of family and genus are dispersion and the floristic characteristics of forest plant is significantly show a transition from warm temperate zone to subtropical zone. In different vegetation communities, the herb layer is predominated by one or some plants, such as Carex lanceolata, Cyperus spp., Duchesnea indica, Pteridophyta spp., etc., and the shrub layer is dominated by one or some, such as Fargesia qinlingensis, Corylus helerophylla, Litsea tsinlingensis, Bashania fargesii, Rosa tsinlingensis, Viburnum dilatatum, Euonymus alatus, Spiraea spp., etc.. The diversity index of all layers in different vegetation communities in habitat is show that shrub layer >herb layer >arbor layer. At the same time, the general diversity of communities have a trend that is broadleaf forest >mixed forest >coniferous forest, where Form. Populus davidiana has the highest of the species richness index and diversity index, Form.Betula albo-sinensis has the highest community evenness, and Form.Larix chinensis is lowest one in all the diversity index. 4. The biomass order of main vegetation communities in habitat is: Form. Abies fargesii, Form. Pinus armandii >Form. Betula albo-sinensis, Form. Populus davidiana, Form. Pinus tabulaeformis >Form. Quercus aliena var. acuteserrota, Form. Pinus spp. and Betula spp., Form. Pinus spp. and Quercus spp., Form. Quercus variabilis >Form. Larix chinensis. The general biomass of communities have show the feature that coniferous forest is higher than broad-leaved forest. In the spatial distribution, the community biomass has a general trend that is increasing with altitude increased. It reaches the largest at altitude of about 2700m(the distributional stage of Abies fargesii), then gradually decrease and dropped sharply.in the mountains above the alpine forest line.5. It exhibited a very great difference among the core region, the buffer region and potential region on the habitat factors, where have a great difference in the vegetation type, constructive species and canopy density in the arbor layer, the dominant species and coverage in shrub and herb layers, bamboo species and coverage and altitude, which are the main factors determine the vegetation type in different structural region of habitat. The characteristics of vegetation type and geographical factors in different habitats show some correlations. The habitat factor of three structural region show a transition property in spatial. In natural disturbance, the core region, the buffer region and potential region have the similar disturbance intensity, however, it show that potential area> the buffer zone>the core zone when have human disturbance.At same time, cutting, grazingin , cutting bamboo and digging shoot, picking medicine herb are the most seriously factors in disturbance intensity of the habitat.

【关键词】 大熊猫栖息地植被类型多样性生物量
【Key words】 giant pandahabitatvegetation typediversitybiomass
  • 【分类号】S863
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