

Community Economy and Management Strategy of Guanyinshan Mountain Nature Reserve in Shaanxi Province

【作者】 谭玉峰

【导师】 党坤良;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 林业, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 陕西观音山自然保护区位于陕西省秦岭中段主脊南侧佛坪县北部,总面积13534hm2。受省林业厅和省森林资源管理局双重领导。管理局共有职工78人,设办公室、保护科、科教科、政工科、公安科和3个保护站、3个派出所、1个哨卡。实行局、站、点三级保护管理体系,管理局管理保护站、保护站管理监测点,逐级实施行政和业务管理。周边社区有佛坪县长角坝乡东河村,和陕西佛坪国家级自然保护区、陕西周至国家级自然保护区、龙草坪林业局、佛坪县长角坝乡小南坪村、龙草坪村。佛坪自然保护区和周至自然保护区对观音山保护区的外部管理客观上起到了积极的促进作用;保护区内及其周边社区的3个行政村,生产条件严酷,人力资源水平低下,除森林外,其他自然、经济资源贫乏,农业尤其种植业是经济收入的主导,多种经营十分落后,新的、有效的经济生长点尚未形成,基本不具备经济跨越式发展的可能,对观音山自然保护区管护和发展存在隐性威胁。保护区管理在面临盗伐、盗猎、偷采,区内、周边社区和外来人员的自然保护意识、遵规守纪意识不强,随意进入林区,村民林副业开发破坏,烧荒开地积肥、烧地边,在清明节、亡人忌日等焚香烧纸等外部威胁因素的同时,还面临退化生态环境和野生动物栖息地质量仍未有得到根本恢复,大面积华北落叶松等外来树种人工林和公益林,破坏原生植物的生存环境,引起大熊猫等野生动物栖息地退化、破碎化等内部威胁因素。保护区内部管理存在保护区动植物资源本底不够充分翔实,缺乏有关保护区基本情况的图像、文字、图表等资料;办公、管护、宣传等基础设施、设备相对落后;专业技术人员自然保护专业和政策法规知识相对不足,普通职工的文化素质普遍偏低;组织管理制度有待进一步完善,一些管护站点地选择不尽科学、合理等限制因素。

【Abstract】 Guanyinshan Mountain Nature Reserve is situated in the Fopin County of South of Qinling Mountain, covering 13534 hm~2 and being administered by Forestry Department of Shaanxi Province and Forest Resource Management Administration of Shaanxi Province. There are 78 staffs in the administration, setting up Administrative Office, Conservation Units, Science and Education Units, Political Units, Police Units (3 Conservation Stations, 3 Police Stations and 1 Sentry). The management system is divided into three levels (bureau-level, station-level, point-level).The surrounding community includes Donghe Village in Changjiaba County, Foping State Nature Reserve, Zhouzhi State Nature Reserve, Longcaoping Forestry Bureau, Xiaonanping Village, and Longcaoping Village. In fact, Foping Nature Reserve and Zhouzhi Nature Reserve are promoting the external management of Guanyinshan Mountain Nature Reserve. But there are some disadvantaged factors, including the poor productive condition, the lower human resource level, the sparse natural and economic resource (except forest resource), the leading income resource mainly from agriculture and planting industry, backward management method, undeveloped new and effective economic growth points. All the factors will make possible threaten to the management and development of Guanyinshan Mountain Nature Reserve.The nature reserve is facing the challenge as follows: unlawful felling, illegal hunting, and unlawful picking; the weak mind of protection; the human destruction; the unreasonable exploitation; the severe field burning and land abandonment; the external threaten for example the censing on sacrificial day; un-recovered degenerate ecological environment and wildlife habit; the invasion of exotic tree species to destroy the habit of panda. Meanwhile the basic information about local plant resource is insufficient, lack of related graphs, data, and tables; the infrastructure and equipment of working, protecting, propagandizing is lagging; the technical worker is short of the understanding of professional knowledge and policy, and the quality of general staff is not sound; the system of organization should be improved, and the choice of some protection sites should be more scientific and reasonable.

  • 【分类号】S759.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】137