

Effect of Propamidine on Plant Growth of Tomato

【作者】 罗杰

【导师】 张兴;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农药学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 丙烷脒(propamidine)是西北农林科技大学无公害农药研究服务中心研发的一种新型烷基脒类内吸性杀菌剂,化学名称为1,3-二(4-脒基苯氧基)丙烷,主要用于防治蔬菜、果树等经济作物上由灰霉病菌Botryotis cinerea引起的多种植物病害,具有保护和治疗双重功效。田间应用中发现,在推荐使用剂量(90~180 g/hm2)下,丙烷脒对番茄、黄瓜等作物的长势具明显的促进作用。为明确丙烷脒处理对番茄生长的调控作用是否因药剂本身对作物生长具有刺激作用还是因病害得到有效控制而明显优于药剂处理和空白对照,本研究采用嘧霉胺作为对照药剂较系统地研究了丙烷脒对番茄植株形态、生长生理、抗逆性生理和果实品质指标以及前期产量的具体影响,得出以下结果:丙烷脒在供试剂量(33.33、50.00和100.00 g/hm2)下,对番茄生长具有明显的刺激作用,且与施用剂量存在相关性。具体结果如下:(1)丙烷脒对番茄植株的形态构建具有明显的调控作用。在100.00g/hm2有效剂量下,与空白对照相比,丙烷脒处理使番茄植株株高相对生长率、花序着生节位间距、叶片单位面积质量和最大叶片长宽比分别减小34.69%、12.02%、13.95%和4.85%;茎粗净增长量、株叶片数、花数、叶片厚度、根长和根体积分别增大151.95%、17.65%、23.91%、21.88%、28.16%和28.08%。(2)丙烷脒能够增强番茄植株的抗病性和抗逆性。在100.00g/hm2有效剂量下,与空白对照相比,丙烷脒处理番茄叶片中的POD活性、游离脯氨酸、总酚、类黄酮、光合色素中叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素a+b和类胡萝卜素的含量分别增大85.03%、48.05%、15.79%、18.75%、22.02%、11.27%、15.17%和13.04%;胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、MDA含量和外渗电导率分别减小了9.58%、40.89%和30.59%。在33.33g/hm2有效剂量下,与空白对照相比,丙烷脒处理番茄叶片净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)、SOD、CAT活性和根系活力分别增大21.80%、53.72%、42.31%、11.46%、164.73%和50.00%;(3)丙烷脒具有明显的增产和优产的作用。在100.00g/hm2有效剂量下,与空白对照相比,丙烷脒处理番茄平均单果重和前期产量分别增大31.02%和25.70%;果实纵横比减小31.58%,使番茄果实呈扁圆形生长。(4)丙烷脒对番茄果实品质有一定影响,使果实风味降低。在100.00g/hm2有效剂量下,与空白对照相比,丙烷脒使番茄果实中抗坏血酸含量(Vc)和糖酸比分别减小了19.09%和29.95%;硝酸盐含量增大55.86%,但仍在国家蔬菜卫生安全要求范围内。上述结果表明,丙烷脒在推荐使用剂量下对番茄具有明显的刺激生长作用,值得进一步推广应用。

【Abstract】 Propamidine is a kind of novel alkyl amidine systemic fungicide developed by Research and Development Center of Biorational Pesticides, Northwest A & F University, and the chemical name is 1, 3-two (4- guanylphenoxy) propane. This product is mainly used to control many plant diseases caused by Botrytis cinerea in economic crops such as vegetables and fruit trees, which owns the dual efficacy of therapy and protection. The application in field found that propamidine can promote the growth of plants such as tomato and cucumber under the recommended dose of 90~180 g/hm2. In order to determine the regulatory effect of propamidine on the growth of tomato better than chemical treatment and the control whether is because the propamidine itself stimulates the crop growth or is because the diseases are controlled effectively, the thesis studied the propamidine on plant morphology, growth physiology, resistant physiology, fruit quality and yield of tomato systematically. The main results are as follows:Under tested dosage (33.33,50.00 & 100.000g/hm2), Propamidine could stimulate the growth of tomato plant. Concrete results are as follows:(1)Propamidine could control the morphogenesis of tomato plant. Under efficiency dosage(100.000g/hm2), compared with the control, Propamidine could lowered the relative growth rate, the space between the first and the second inflorescence, the weight per area leaves and the length-width rate by 4.69%,12.02%,13.95% and 4.85%,respectively.And increased the net increase of stem diameter, the average increment of total number of leaves, number of flowers, thickness of leaves , length of root and volume of roots by 151.95%,17.65%,23.91%,21.88%,28.16% and 28.08%, respectively.(2) Propamidine could enhance the disease-resistance and stress-resistance of tomato plant. Under efficiency dosage (100.00g/hm2),compared with the control, the increase rate of POD activity, the content of pollen free proline, total phenol, flavonoid, Chl a, Chl b,Chl a+b and Car was 85.03%,48.05%,15.79%,18.75%,22.02%,11.27%,15.17% and 13.04%. compared with the control, but the intercellular CO2 concentration(Ci), MDA content and electric conductivity was lowered by 9.58%,40.89 and 30.59%, respectively. However, under efficiency dosage (33.33g/hm2), compared with the control, the increase rate of the net photosynthetic(Pn), stomatal conductance(Gs) , transpiration(Tr) , roots vitality ,SOD and CAT activity were 21.80%,42.31%, 53.72%,11.46%、164.73% and 50.00%, respectively.(3) Propamidine could increase the yield and improve the quality of tomato fruit. Under efficiency dosage (100.00g/hm2), compared with the control, average weight per fruit and the prophase yield increased by 31.02% and 25.07%,with the ratio of horizontal length to vertical length lowered by 31.58%.The tomato fruit grow with oblate.(4) Propamidine could effect the quality and lowered the flavor of tomato fruit. The reduced rate of ascorbic acid content and sugar acid ratio were 19.09% and 29.95%,but the content of nitrate increased by 55.86% which also in the requirement range of hygiene and safety of vegetable, compared with the control under efficiency dosage (100.00g/hm2).The results shows that, under the recommended dose, Propamidine has obvious regulatory effect on the plant growth of tomato.It said that Propamidine has certain value of popularization and application.

【关键词】 丙烷脒番茄刺激生长作用作用机理
【Key words】 propamidinetomatostimulate growthaction mechanism
  • 【分类号】S641.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】114