

【作者】 潘正业

【导师】 刘成新;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文是在中小学新课程改革的背景下,笔者对儿童游戏化学习软件的一次探索。新的课程改革强调转变教学方式,倡导“自主、合作、探究”的课堂教学。那什么样才是“自主、合作、探究”的课堂教学,怎样才能实现“自主、合作、探究”的课堂教学,这就需要每位教师根据自己的情况,在实践中进行检验。近几十年来,网络电子游戏得到了空前的发展,游戏产业冲击绝不仅仅是商业,就连教育也受到了震荡,很多学者开始投入到教育游戏的研究中。但教育界讨论游戏的最终目的并不在游戏本身,而是在学习者最终的发展上,也就是如何把学生“痴迷”游戏的感觉转移到学习中去。鉴于此,在本文中,笔者探究了一下儿童flash游戏化学习软件的设计研究情况。本文的研究目的主要想通过儿童的游戏天性及其心理特征,利用flash软件技术,从基于学习结果理论的角度出发,对适合国内儿童应用领域的游戏化学习软件进行设计研究,以及探讨如何把“游戏”与课堂教学或课堂教学内容相结合,使儿童能寓学于乐。文章从儿童的身心发展情况出发,探讨了儿童心理发展情况和学习特点,并指出要解决目前课堂教学中出现的就学儿童上课不认真听讲,听课听不懂,下课不完成作业等各种情况,可以通过游戏化学习软件的形式来辅助教师课堂教学。接着笔者探讨了有关教育游戏的发展问题,包括其理论基础,轻游戏的发展情况等,并对网络上已有的flash网站的小游戏进行了分类和分析,最后,在问卷调查,走访座谈的基础上,笔者提出了设计什么样的儿童游戏化学习软件、如何设计儿童flash游戏化软件以及如何评价flash游戏化学习软件等问题,并在其基础上设计了三个类型的flash小游戏案例来进行实践研究。文章的研究方法主要有文献法、问卷调查法、实验法等。

【Abstract】 This is a new exploration on children’s entertainment learning software under the background of primary and secondary schools’ New Curriculum Reform. The New Curriculum Reform stresses on changing the teaching methods and advocating "self-determination, cooperation, and exploration" But what is the "self-determination, cooperation, and exploration" classroom teaching, how to achieve it, this requires every teacher tests it in practice according to their own circumstances. In recent decades, due to the development of the Internet, a growing number of scholars have started to study educational games. However the final goal of the discussion of the education sector is not the game itself, but is how to shift the feeling of indulgencing in game to study. Therefore, in this paper, the author does some design research on the children’s flash entertainment learning software.The main purpose of the study is to do some research on the children’s flash entertainment learning software for Chinese children, through the nature of the children and their psychological characteristics, using flash technology and basing on the study results theory.Firstly, the paper introduces various issues in classroom teaching, and points out that we can use children’s entertainment learning software to assist teachers. Then the author discusses the development of the educational games, and analysises the flash site on the Internet and then, based on investigation and interview, The author has solved such kinds of problems ,that is what kind of child’s entertainment learning software we should design, how to design it and how to evaluate it. At last, The author designs three types of flash game to practice.There are three main research methods in this paper: documents act method, the survey method, experimental method.

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1251