

【作者】 陈珊

【导师】 王翼亭;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 音乐学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 艺术歌曲是形成于19世纪初期欧洲浪漫主义音乐潮流中的一种崭新的歌曲体裁形式,是由舒伯特最终确立的,他是浪漫主义艺术歌曲的开拓者。艺术歌曲是由诗歌、声乐旋律和相对独立的伴奏构成的统一的有机整体,它体现了音乐与诗歌之间的精致结合,因此有“诗的音乐”之美称。艺术歌曲这一体裁形式一经产生,就以其独特的艺术魅力,在声乐艺术中占据着重要的地位。在西方音乐艺术思潮的影响下,20世纪20年代,中国也出现了艺术歌曲这一音乐体裁形式。从此,艺术歌曲在中国的声乐发展史上,在人们的文化生活中,发挥着独特的审美作用。20世纪20年代是中国艺术歌曲形成、发展的重要时期。赵元任是最先在艺术歌曲创作方面做出突出贡献的重要代表人物之一。赵元任(1892—1982),著名的语言学家、作曲家。他终身致力于语言学的研究和教学工作,并以“著名语言学家”的身份蜚声于世,被中国语言学界尊称为“中国语言学之父”。同时他还是一位优秀的作曲家,为我国专业音乐的发展作出了不可磨灭的贡献。赵元任是我国最早借鉴西方作曲技法进行创作的作曲家之一,同时又是最早开始对音乐的民族风格进行探索的作曲家,对中国20世纪以来音乐的发展做出了重要的贡献,是中国现代音乐的先驱。赵元任的音乐创作主要是在声乐领域,艺术歌曲是他全部创作中最具代表性的部分。他的艺术歌曲作品既借鉴了欧洲近代音乐的创作技法,又具有鲜明的民族特色,是中国艺术歌曲领域的典范之作,对后人的艺术歌曲创作产生了深远的影响。本文在系统地介绍了赵元任的生平、主要成就和艺术歌曲创作后,重点对其艺术歌曲的创作特色和演唱风格进行了分析研究。本文共分四个章节:第一章,赵元任生平及主要成就。本章主要是对赵元任的生平、赵元任所取得的主要成就的介绍。第二章:赵元任艺术歌曲创作及主要作品分析。本章系统的介绍了赵元任的艺术歌曲创作,并选取了几首具有代表性的作品进行综合分析。第三章:赵元任艺术歌曲的创作特色。赵元任既接受过正规西方音乐教育,也受到过中国传统文化的熏陶。他的艺术歌曲创作既借鉴了欧洲近代音乐的创作技法,又将中国民间音乐的素材融入其中,具有鲜明的艺术特色。本章着重从歌词的选择、探索音乐的民族风格、重视钢琴伴奏的作用等方面,对赵元任艺术歌曲的创作特色进行分析。第四章:赵元任艺术歌曲演唱风格研究。本章重点从二度创作的美学原则、演唱方法的把握、演唱风格表现手段的把握等方面来诠释赵元任艺术歌曲的演唱风格。

【Abstract】 Art song, a brand-new genre of European romanticism music, was initially appeared at the beginning of the 19th century, and was finally established by Schubert, the frontier of romanticism art song. Art song, which is an organic of poem, vocal melody and relatively independent obbligato, reflects the cohesion between music and poem, thus gaining the reputation of poetic music. Since its establishment, art song occupies an important position in vocal arts , mainly due to its unique artistic charm.Under the influence of western music art trends, in the 1920s, the genre of art song made its first appearance in China. From then on ,art song has been playing a special role of art appreciation both in the history of China’s vocal development and in the history of people’s life. In addition , the 1920s was also an important period in the forming and development of art songs in China. As an influential figure of this period , Zhao Yuanren made his great contributions in the area of art songs composition.Zhao Yuanren(1892-1982), famous liguistist and composer, committed his whole life to the study and teaching of liguistics, and made his fame as "famous liguistist" at that time , thus being regarded as "the father of China’s liguistics" by the then Chinese liguistists. At the same time , he was also a distinguished composer, and made great contributions to the development of China’s music. As one of first composers borrowing western composing techniques, Zhao Yuanren was the first composer to explore the national styles of music and he was treated as the forerunner of China’s modern music. His music creation focused on vocal area, of which art song was the most characteristic of his whole composition. His art song works , both bringing in European musical techniques and reflecting national styles, became classics of China’s art songs and rendered in-depth influence upon later day musical composition.After systematically introducing the life of zhao Yuanren and his main achievements and art song composition, this article mainly discussed his creating style and sinning style in the area of art song. This article consists of four chapters: Chapter one : The Life of Zhao Yuanren and His Main Achievements; Chapter two : Zhao Yuanren’s Art Song Composition and Analysis on His Main Works. In this chapter, the article comprehensively introduced Zhao’s art song creation and picked out some representative works for further analysis; Chapter three: Zhao Yuanren’s Art Song Composition. Zhao Yuanren received traditional western music education and was also greatly influenced by Chinese culture. Thus , his works reflects both of these two aspects and made these two elements intertwined. This chapter made analysis on his creating style from the aspects of choice of lyrics , the exploration on musical national styles and emphasis on the use of piano oblligato. Chapter four: A Study of Zhao Yuanren’s Art Song Singing Style. In this chapter, this artile pays its attention to aesthetics principle of second-stage creation, handling of singing methods and the expression of singing style for the purpose of defining his singing style of art songs.

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