

【作者】 孙达德

【导师】 郑曙村;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 当前我国正处于社会转型时期,各类突发事件的频繁出现,暴露出我国公共应急法制存在的许多问题和不足。在实施依法治国方略、全面推进依法行政的新形势下,如何建立完善的公共应急法制,实现紧急状态下的公共应急法治,是当前我国公共应急法制建设的重要问题。在系统研究当前我国公共应急法制现状的基础上,分析出其存在的问题和不足,并探索改善我国公共应急法制的有效路径,为此,坚持理论探索与实证研究相结合、现状分析与发展研究相结合的研究方法,积极进行探索创新,力图做到立论有据、资料翔实、语言通俗,达到勾画我国公共应急法制的发展轮廓、探索完善我国公共应急法制的路径对策的目的,这也是论文的重点。文章包括四个部分。第一部分简要介绍了公共应急法制的概念和特点,并着重分析了公共应急法制三个重要核心要素:公共应急法治、突发事件、紧急状态的含义,界定它们的含义有助于确定公共应急法制的内涵和外延;第二部论述了公共应急法制建设的必要性,指出在现代法治原则的支配下,把突发事件的应对纳入法治化轨道,是依法治国构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容,也是有效化解危机和保障公民基本权利的重要基础;第三部分着重分析了当前我国公共应急法制的现状及存在的问题,与经济社会快速发展的客观要求相比,我国公共应急法制建设还存在不小差距:一是法律体系相对分散,没有统一的紧急状态立法,现有的的应急法律法规冲突较多,有待清理规范;二是应急立法滞后,立法模式有待改进;三是现有的突发事件应急法律制度还不够完善,一些急需建立的应急制度尚未通过法律、行政法规建立起来。在已经建立的突发事件应急制度中,有的是由部门规章或者规范性文件确立的,其规范性不够强,效力不够高,并缺少有效的执行监督;四是现有的应急法律、法规中,缺少紧急权运行程序的设计,对政府行使行政紧急权的规制和公民权利的保障和救济还有待完善;第四部分是对问题进行分析的基础上提出了我国公共应急法制建设的目标、重点、原则以及具体的完善对策,指出要加强改善现有立法,建立科学的立法模式,制定统一的紧急状态法,完善相应的应急法律规范是当前我国公共应急法制建设的重要任务。只有通过不断地加强和完善应急法律规范和应急制度建设,把应急系统纳入法治化轨道,确保公民权利获得更有效的法律保护,公共权力能更有效地依法实施,我国的公共应急法制才能更好地适应经济和社会的需要,更好更快地发展。

【Abstract】 In an age of social transformation, the frequent occurrence of various public emergencies indicates the deficiency of China’s emergency law system. Under the circumstances of ruling the country by law and administrating by law, the establishment of a perfect mechanism for law and order in an emergency has become a key issue in the construction of our country’s public emergency law system.Based on a systematic study of the current public emergency law system in China, the dissertation analyses its problems and deficiencies, and further explores ways to improve it. It sticks to an approach that combines theoretical exploration and empirical research, and lays emphasis on sketching out the development of our country’s public emergency law system and exploring ways to perfect it based on sufficient evidences and data.Four parts are included in the dissertation. Part One briefly introduces the concept of public emergency law system and its characteristics, and discusses its three core factors: public emergency nomocracy, emergent occurrences, emergency, the explanation of which helps to define the denotation and connotation of the concept. Part Two addresses the necessity of constructing public emergency law system, and points out that the introduction of legality into the tackling of emergencies is an important part of ruling by law in order to construct a harmonious society, as well as a basis for relieving crisis and ensure civil rights. Part Three discusses the current status of our country’s public emergency law system as well as its deficiencies. Firstly, there is a lack of uniform legislation for emergency, and there are contradictions between current laws and regulations which need to be solved. Secondly, the mode of legislation needs improving. Thirdly, the current public emergency law system is still imperfect. Some laws need to be established urgently, and some that have been set up needs supervision in their implementation. Fourthly, there is a lack of regulations on administrative emergency powers, and civil rights need to be further guaranteed. Part Four proposes the aim, emphases, and principles of the construction of our law system and the specific strategies to improve it as well. It is an important task to establish a perfect mode of legislation and a uniform emergency law.In conclusion, our country’s public emergency law system will better suit the society and economy and develop faster only if we constantly promote its construction, bring it onto the track of the legal system, ensure that civil rights are guaranteed by law, and effectively put public power into practice according to the law.

【关键词】 突发事件应急法制对策
【Key words】 emergenciesemergency law systemstrategies
  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】473